Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

People need to be allowed to make a choice on how to play. Like covenants this will be a grave mistake.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


And maybe some what that choice to be earned, not given outright.


A very easy thing to do because it involves very little dev time. A win/win for players and BlizZard.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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There are choices, you just personally don’t like the options available.

and the option they do like might jsut be the one that Blizzard is like “you want this? earn it”

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Umm… sorry to burst your bubble but Blizzard doesn’t care about anything being good. The only thing that matters is the bottom line and the maximum amount of money that can rake in for their shareholders.

It rewards you for effort and punishes you for being lazy.

Ive used dynamic 99.99% of the time since it released and gold in all the challenge races. Its literally muscle memory so I don’t feel spite or punished whatsoever.

It just takes practice to figure out the nuances.

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I’ve done the same, my problem is almost exclusively with herbing/mining and some questing. It’s usually fine, but when it’s not, it’s really annoying.

I don’t really think Dragonriding is like rogue energy and combo points in almost any respect, and I think your entire characterization of it is unfair and also not the complete story. Dragonriding makes the travel itself engaging, and it makes them land, and when they land they’re usually in an area where other people are likely to be (there is a reason they are going there, after all), and when they are there with the other people they will be likely to engage in whatever is happening at the moment, whether because that’s what they were there for to begin with or they just may as well because they’re on the ground anyway. There are broader gameplay implications with this travel system than merely making players engage with travel, which it seems like most players like in the first place, at least to me, since I almost never see anybody actually use the old flying when I’m out and about in the world doing anything.

I don’t want to remove the ability to fly the old way if people want to do so, I merely wish to make the new system of flying work as well as the old one for certain gameplay loops that are currently in the game and have been since 2007. Just making vigor recharge much faster while on the ground would completely solve all problems I have with the system and I would never even think about using old flying again, except in very specific scenarios that I’m sure will still exist but don’t come to mind off the top of my head.

And before you mention disabled gamers, I’m happy they enjoy the game, but I’m not disabled, and I don’t want my experience made worse because we have to cater to less than a percent of a percent of a percent of the customers. I’m happy for you to keep your steady flight if you want, if that’s better for you, but you being disabled in some way has precious little to do with me, because I’m not, and I have no difficulties engaging with these systems whatsoever.

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Don’t be sorry for chiming in, your opinion matters no matter what others may or may not tell you.

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Removing PF increases choices.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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The important term here is arbitrary.

While Steady Flying gives you the freedom to just mount up and move to wherever you want which at its base is exactly like Riding minus the annoyance of getting dismounted by a 10 levels lower mob that happens to hit you in the neck, Dynamic Flight turns the whole “getting around” into a mini-game that speeds up your travel but only if you like that mini game and if the distance is long enough.

I think the whole debate would end immediately, if you took out everything that makes Dynamic Flight annoying. Foremost here the Vigor system.

I did fly behind someone that uses Skyriding and was just gliding on my Steady Mount and I was as fast as that person. Steady Flight’s speed is, according to my addon 325% while Dynamic Flight if you glide is also around 325% unless you aim down where it is between 325% and 380%, you only really reach 420% if you use that dash and then only for a couple moments.
So really Vigor is what holds Dynamic Flight back, which is like so many things in WoW that could be cool but then there is that one hook that they seemingly have to build in because otherwise we players could have… :cold_face: fun.

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So, you want to be able to spam whirling surge and always be at top speed without putting in effort? Then why not just make steady flight be 820%, the point of skyriding is that it is interactive and that enables you to go faster if you put in the effort.

I just tested the minimum level for steady flight and it’s lvl 20, not 30. I got a lvl 18 alt to 20 and was able to enable steady flight. The fact that it’s enabled later than skyriding is still a problem (imo both forms of flight should be enabled at the same time), but it’s still better than waiting til lvl 30. Note: This was in SW, not in any zones where steady flight is tied to a Pathfinder achievement.

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The game summons ground mounts when you are locked into steady flying, it is annoying.


Whether you are a casual player or care about min/max the existence of locking TBC normal flying behind PF defies all logic and emotion of WoW game experience.

That is why many players of different background are speaking up against PF shenanigans once more.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


What? The game summons the mount you summon unless you use the random button

Not in the slightest.

It’s the same amount of players that have complained every xpac since Draenor.

Most players don’t care.

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If that was true then why are new players posting in all the flying topics?

Keep in mind I never started any threads in beta!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

In other words, gut the system and ruin SR for those that like the ability to CONTROL their mount in more possible ways

Congratulations, you just proved that those that hate SF and hold Blizzard accountable for spit are, themselves, nothing but spiteful whiney brats that want things their way or no way.

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Because most of them… aren’t new. They are bumping every flight thread purposely.

3/4 are alts.
Truly new players to the game are too busy being ‘new’ than cry about the 10 year old flying system that they weren’t here for when it started.