Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

I’m not familiar with that mount. How exactly does it change?

Is this a case of an animation to switch its look when flying vs grounded?

Like a horse that suddenly grows wings when you lift off into the air?

Because that kind of thing is cosmetic, and not actually a second ground mode, or a second flight mode.

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It was. I bet they feel smug about it, thinking “we give them something to do for something they want”.

I disagree. I would have tried out Dragonflying even without that incentive. In fact the fact that I had to unlock Steady Flying made me despise Dragonflying a little bit more, if I am honest. And that while I still use it, despite not enjoying it. Unless you can keep boosting forward it is hardly faster then normal flight.

The whole setup of Dragon Flying/Dynamic Flying feels like another spite from Ion & co to me. Dynamic Flying just has to many corners for me to be considered a good round smooth thing. But again, probably a “me” issue.
If I designed Steady Flight, I would reduce the amount of pitch down needed to gain Vigor and I would change the steady slow Vigor gain while gliding close over the ground to while flying, but only if you are not boosting or flying at high speeds.

The issue is Steady Flying is like Riding or Walking really. Either you stop moving or you move at max speed. They could have added allot of the speed related things to Steady Flight too. Like add 5 Vigor, add a “boost” button that increases speed by X% for X seconds, make Vigor recover at a certain rate. But that would be to easy, to… fun.

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If you’re referring to ‘modes’ only when the game offers a functionally different feature, that’s probably your hangup. ‘Mode’ is interchangeable with ‘speed’ in the case of mounts. Swimming mode would be the 135% movement speed typical to aquatic mounts. Land mode would be one of two speeds: regular speed mode, fast speed mode.

Technically, there are 6 different modes of travel without skyriding. They have all been jumbled together and aquatic mode doesn’t have a training specific to it. If you would like to understand it easier:

Travel form used to be 3 separate abilities for druids:

  1. Aquatic form - Water.

  2. Travel Form - land.

  3. Flight Form - Air.

Now, druid travel form includes all 3, and switches automatically for you, based on where you are and what you are doing.

In the water? Travel form shifts you to aquatic form without a button press, and you move at 135% speed. Jump out the water, you shift to travel form if you are inside a no fly zone or in combat, move at 200% speed. If you are out of combat and in a flight zone, travel form swaps you to flight form automatically, now goes up to like 400% or something.

The game has taken over intuitively handling which
‘mode’ druids use, based on context. Same as the Gallywix ATV. It will fly at max flight speed in flight zones, move at max ground speed in non flight zones, move at aquatic mount speed in the water.

Dragons, do that too. Skyriding does not allow for that and expects you to swap between skyriding and steady flight using an extra cast timer button.

Prior, dragonflight would have allowed you to skip that 5 second step by having a second mount on your action bar, that works in a different flight mode, which you can no longer benefit from.

So like, we can keep circling the wagons on how this is bad game design, how this is functionally worse post patch, we can discuss the merits of better options for the feature, and we can discuss the negative impact this is continuing to have on people.

I don’t want to talk to anyone who doesn’t want to participate in good-faith.


The problem is there are the few steady purists that would lose their mind on here if any adjustments were made to steady flight.

There are already a lot of buzzwords thrown around just because pathfinder exists.
I can’t imagine if they incorporated some of the mechanics into tbc flight to make it more engaging/immersive…

Yeah I’m not the one with the hang up.

There is only 1 ground mode. There is only 1 swimming mode.

There are now two flight modes, and that’s why they gave us a toggle because they are both usable on the same flying mounts in the same area.

We never needed a toggle before, because there was only ever 1 mode a given mount could use, in a given area.

With the exception of the water speed, this is how every flying mount currently works. When you land you move at grounded speed.

This is nothing new.

If that mount can fly and can function as a fast water mount, that is unique, but there is still no need for a toggle because it’s 1 mode in each area (water, ground, air).

They ALWAYS say that xD.

So, using this reductionist logic, even if we ignore all the different modes of travel and simplify for sake of argument, Adding a button to press and wait 5 seconds (casting a spell) was not required to add additional travel modes to any mount before, nor to Druid’s travel form.

Yep, we can agree there are two flight modes now (even if we have to ignore differences between slow/fast and other stuff). What you seem to be unable to agree on: these two flight modes existed together in DF. They were useable in the same areas, and players could go between them without spending 5 extra seconds of spell cast time, each time.

Did you have the option to toggle between the two flight modes? Nope. Again, wasn’t necessary. Adding that button, did not improve anything, rather took away from the feature overall, and also made other aspects of Dragonriding, very broken.

Except for the period of time prior to TWW prepatch, where players were using Both modes of flight in the same areas. Somehow, swapping between two different mounts wasn’t as bad as what we have now.

If the game can be designed in such a way for some mounts to act differently and intuitively swap modes, they can do that for Skyriding too. That’s my point this whole time. None of the current skyriding feature needed to be done this way, and it’s worse than it was before, factually.

We don’t need a 5 sec delay to swap flight modes. More work can be done to lessen the gap between steady flight and skyriding, and some mounts should have steady while others have skyriding.

There is design room for both features, should a competent designer take on the task.


It’s not reductionist. We have two flight modes: SkyRiding and Steady Flight.

We have 1 ground mode.
We have 1 swimming mode.

This is objective fact.

Im going home. This has been a time for sure.

Have a good one

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Don’t forget your ball.

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You might be right. I am not a “Steady Flight purist”, so I don’t care to much. That said, I still find Dynamic Flight not the best, feels like a “spite the players” design. Sorry for my rumbling.

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Even if those did not exist, there might be some issues with coding, something might seem easy, and BE easy, if building the code from scratch but trying to change the code after all these years? that might take more work then either blizzard was willing to do or players were willing to give them time to do.

What are you talking about?

I think it would feel much better if vigor just regenerated much faster on the ground. I think most of the complaining would end entirely if the vigor bar recharged to full after 3 seconds on the ground, or even if it were just 3 seconds per vigor rather than 15, for a total of 18 seconds standing around before getting back into the air rather than a minute 30. I don’t understand what the benefit of making us wait like that even is. Yeah, the vigor system works just fine for longer range travel, but for short hops when grinding out ore/herbs or for questing, these arbitrary wait times are killer.

I think the entire debate would simply end immediately if, perhaps when you get pathfinder to “preserve the travel gameplay” or something if Blizzard feels really strongly about this or something, they just sped up vigor regeneration on the ground significantly such that you pretty much just reset after landing, mining/herbing something, and then mounting back up. I think if they did that, the vast majority of people would no longer have any problems whatsoever and would never even think about this debate anymore.


For me it wouldn’t because I am not interested in playing a lesser version of Rogue waiting for energy to regenerate.

I play Rogue to play Rogue with energy and combo points and not the cheap knock off. DKs, Monks, Rets, Shadow Priests, Destro locks, etc are not exactly thrilled with the combo point and energy/mana systems that were imported from Rogues.

Making a vehicle into something you have to maintain with energy and combo points misses the point of Rogue energy and combo points.

That is the energy is used when needed along with combo points. The idea of pooling energy with DR is laughable at best. Worse, it shows the devs do not understand that the point of a MMORPG game play is there has to be a harmony.

In other words a push and pull…a go go go and then a downtime. Combat when engaging players or NPCs is the high intensity go go go period and then players need a break from that in the forms of portals, flight paths, TBC normal flying or logging off.

Constant engagement even during a down time aka traveling from point A to point B causes massive strain on players engagement and makes them less engaged.

It is like when you sit down and eat some pork belly and veggies buffet. Wihout the veggies the pork belly after a certain time becomes too overwhelming with all that fat on your palette. And on the flipside if you eat only veggies there is no fats to create flavor from the fiber you are consuming. You need both for balance.

This is why TBC normal flying allows players to engage world content far more frequently and longer periods of time than DR. DR is about go go go and then players are burned out by the time they are ready to engage on the ground NPCs, objectives or players.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


That is not what Illaandra said now …your twisting words again like rest of the trolls that want the Disabled players to have to ground hoof it before they can get Steady Flight back…Illaandra said “I’m just tired of the trolls coming in to make people feel bad about wanting Static Flight accessible at the exact same time as Dragonriding is.” They said same time meaning being able to use either one now …your just typical of trolls on this subject that just want to try to upset folks…


Considering you try to use the idea that someone has a disability as a cudgel to insult people, you’re in no position to call anyone a troll.

I have no clue what these people gain by demeaning disabled players.

TBC normal flying is a fun and great tool which allows everyone to enjoy the game. No one is left behind.

Remove TBC normal flying Patchfinder shenanigans and we will have a more positive WoW experience and community to show for it. An easy win for BlizZard.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


The only people who I’ve seen demeaning disabled players are the ones arguing for no pathfinder, mate.

No pathfinder means disabled players are free to play as they wish I am glad we agree.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


That other player lied out right …you don’t think that is wrong now…your just like them …trolling to just troll…twisting what one person said to mean another thing is being a troll.


No, it doesn’t. They and everyone else remains constrained by what is available in the game. Acting like not having steady flying the moment the expansion releases is some big deal is disingenuous, and trying to use disabled folks as a tool to get what you want is pretty vile.

I am referring to when you call people ableist for disagreeing with you and try to use disabled folks as a tool to get what you want, which is the actual vile behavior that you pretend to be speaking out against.