Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Casting a 5 second spell 12x in 1 day = 1 min.

Minutes add up to hours… once you realize that, you realize how much time is being wasted with something that should be insta-cast.


Yes, because your old flying mounts could not Dragon Ride. They could only use 1 mode.

Now they can use two modes. Hence the spell/switch.

The game didn’t “intuitively” select the travel mode for you in any of these examples.


The fact that OP’s post has so many likes, well, that’s significant. Those likes represent thousands who feel the same. Wish Blizz would listen.


Personally I can’t be (leaves out sailor word here), with switching between flight modes all the time anyways. So the whole 5 second cool down really doesn’t phase me that much when I do for some out of the blue moment when I do use it for something to switch, then switch back. If they changed the timer to a less time or left it as it, I probably wouldn’t even notice it. That is just how far off my road map and worry list it is.

and players/customers wanted the ability to use ANY flying mount with skyriding. Maybe players should be a bit more specific, as companies will usually take the path of least resistance to meet such desires. For Blizzard in this case, that meant adding a cast time to the switch. This might be a case of the customer was right, but left too much to the business to figure out without much input during the “planning” stage


My old flying mounts didn’t need to dragonride. Unless they were dragon-shaped. That’s kinda the point. I am not currently using any of my dragonriding mounts, nor any of my flying mounts.

I am only flying around as a birb in birb form using skyriding, cuz that is pretty much optimal everything xD. If I am being presented with opportunities to use the new 5 second spell, I’m spending 20 seconds logging out instead, because it’s just worse as a feature in practice, on every level.


Except for the levels where you can use hundreds of mounts for skyriding now, when they were not available earlier.

That’s definitely a nice-to-have, if it ever made it into the game. The mounts that SHOULD have sky riding should definitely get them. Not all flying mounts should have it.

2 hours spent playing this new feature would confirm that for you.

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I’ve never seen someone more upset that they have more cosmetic options available to use that they previously unlocked.

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I’ve never played a game for cosmetic anything.

  1. Blizzard has advertised TWW as the expansion for me, respecting players, valuing evergreen content, time to come home.

  2. I’m here talking about how that’s probably not the case, while advocating for better design direction, particularly considering the patch we’ve just had.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I just remembered something. I recently participated in a Diablo Immortal event, where you can earn the Lich King’s weapons… In diablo. That’s right. I was able to spend 15 minutes completing an activity that directly rewarded me with Frostmourne (not the ghetto Shadowmourne wow peasants got) for my Diablo Immortal characters.

Any item I get can be mogged into Frostmourne. There’s armor too, and other things I can earn, but I didn’t really care about any of it, just logged in to see what was up with event and got a humorous surprise.

How can Frostmourne exist in another game before Wow? I’d understand it being in an earlier Warcraft IP… but this is even funnier than seeing Thunderfury drop in D3. At least that game didn’t take itself too seriously, Horadric Hamburger and all.

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Then you get to explain to those that want to us SR on a mount that “should not have it” why they are wrong and should accept that their favorite mount should not be able to use SR

You keep complaining about bad game design choices, but did it ever occur to you that some of those bad choices were caused by Blizzard trying to appease customers, and not always succeeding as players just gave them general ideas and not specifics like “let me use SR on x” instead of “make x compatible in all needed ways so I can use SR with it”


Listening to you complain that you have the option to use more mounts with skyriding and complaining that skyriding had its name changed from dragonriding because you have not a single good point to make.


Ok, none of this changes anything we just spoke about.

Trying to stay on topic, the game didn’t “intuitively” pick mount modes for you. It always selected the mode that was available within contextual limitations.

In no fly areas, your mounts would… be on the ground using ground mount mode.

In older zones that were flying capable (inclusive of pathfinder) your mounts would steady fly.

In the Dragon Isles, your Dragon riding mounts would dragon ride.

In the Dragon Isles, your legacy flying mounts would steady fly, contingent on completing pathfinder.

Now, having nearly all flying mounts be converted to use both flight styles, the game needs a way for you to tell it what you want to do.

Again, no intuition involved.


yeah, the intuitive part was converted into a button. How does the game know the difference between a dragon mount with dragonriding and a non dragon mount with normal flight? Do you think maybe there’s a data base entry about it? Maybe the devs could pick the mounts that thematically fit the design of dragonriding? Since dragonriding was desgined to be used on… dragons?

Asking for skyriding on all mounts isn’t really an issue, but it also really shouldn’t be a problem to modify steady flight to have the benefits of skyriding (faster, closer in utility value to skyriding) without the animation or the control style.

Both of those were created and designed specifically to imitate air travel on a… dragon. If I log in and my Love Rocket suddenly bounces around like a dragon and requires all this extra input for me to travel with, that probably doesn’t feel very good, regardless of the feature name or TWW expansion dropping soon.

Pain point number #1 is the incongruent nature of that design choice, to blanket apply this feature to all flying mounts (even though they stated some flying mounts would in fact not get it).

Pain point #2 is realizing you haven’t completed an achievement to cast a spell so you can avoid the jarring nature of your Love Rocket’s New Personality.

Pain point #3 is having some sort of accessibility issue that requires you to figure out another way to approach playing the game. While I can’t put 100% of the accessibility stuff on Blizzard, if they make something functionally worse, it’s going to impact that community, regardless of design intent or alternate benefit.

Pain point #4 is coming here to express concerns and being told by numerous people that you need to accept the change and trust Blizzard to know what’s best… when a player who played from 2004 to now probably has a better understanding of what to do than any of the current devs.


I think you’re confusing what you felt was intuitive for you with the game intuitively picking a mode for you.

The game could only ever provide you with a single mode, depending on which mount, and what location you were in.

This is now different. There are two flight modes available on the same mount in the same area. This is new. This is where the toggle comes in.

Again, the game has never intuitively selected anything for you.

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Are you implying that people who use normal flight can fly through walls and the ground? Because that is what “NoClip” means. You should educate yourself before you regurgitate such nonsense sayings here on the forums.


You’ve spent more time arguing about this in this thread than it will take for you to permanently unlock TWW Pathfinder for your account. When an unlock just takes “do the mandatory story quests and explore the zones” it just seems insane to spend this much energy complaining about it to me, but you do you.

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No. I am clearly drawing a distinction between features the game already had, vs what they have after most recent patch. Prior to the game, mounts (for awhile now) have had multiple ‘modes.’ You’ve had slow mounts, water mounts, fast mounts, flying mounts, faster flying mounts, and fastest flying mounts.

Flight speed has ranged from 150% to 310%, prior to DF. Some mounts, capable of multiple modes of travel, have existed long before DF came out. You want to go fast in water? You pick the water mount… and the game treats it like water mount in water.

If it has additional modes? Land mode? Game intuitively switches it to land mode. Flying mounts have this too. They operate as a ground mount in areas that don’t allow flying. This is again, intuitively handled by the game. You enter the area that disallows flying, the game dismounts you automatically, will kill you if possible, just to be intuitive about the mount you are riding.

With Dragon riding, all the same things exist. You can use it ANYWHERE (including water) and it will behave in the mode the game intuitively switches it to. If I enter a BG. My mount will behave in ground mode regardless of the kind of mount I have. Same goes for many dungeons and raids.

Now that we’ve established the way the game handles swapping between riding modes, automatically, intuitively: Skyriding requires you to cast a spell, regardless of which mount your are on, if you wish you swap between dragon riding and steady flight.

Prior to this change, players were able to swap mounts and go between different riding modes, PARTICULARLY between steady flight and skyriding… because the game handled that switch for the player… now it does not. It never does. All swapping must be done through a spell cast.


Previously, in each case there was 1 mode available to you. It depended on which mount you selected, and where you were.

In TWW this is changing, in that x flying mount will now have two flying modes to choose from, in the same area.

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This mount changes based on your riding skill and location. Or ‘mode’ of use, as it were. There are others. Do you understand now? It’s okay if you just didn’t know…

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