Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

I mean, put to rest because people dont like losing things, not put to rest because its inaccurate.


Why would anyone here act like they care about questing/story content? That stuff is permanently in the back seat so they can continue to push the m+ queue simulator game that WoW is today. Zones, story, lore, flight. None of that matters. Go sit in Dornogal in a months time and queue m+. That is the only content this game offers that ‘matters’.

Still, though regular flight is an accessibility thing now, it turned into that when they decided to force the unfun resource mini game on everybody. It’s always a forced change that people don’t ask for.


Nah, people hated no flying. Period.


Well, yes, duh?

My point was that it being bad for the game and people not being willing to part with it are different things.


Are you really parading around telling people they should suck it up and part with regular flight when some of us have been using that for 19 years+? That’s like asking all the raiders, pvpers, and M+ drones to stop playing WoW without addons(especially combat addons) when they’ve done that for 20 years. They would never part with those so why should I be forced to not use regular flight?


Not saying they should’ve gone through with it. Genie was well out of the bottle at that point. Just saying the logic of it isn’t invalidated because people don’t like losing conveniences.


Well of course, who would enjoy losing something convenient but now its accessibility. Not everyone can handle ‘skyriding’ and they shouldn’t be expected to either.


I have been summoned to this thread.

Greeting I am ready to open a second front for the flying holy wars.

I have rested well from DF expansion and now I have a lot of energy.

TBC normal flying will be liberated from the evil clutches of patchfinder.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Believe it or not, the story and questing stuff is usually my favorite part. It’s why I hated Shadowlands so much.

The point, Sendryn, is not that its difficult to obtain, or that it hasn’t always been 'locked behind something - it’s that one form of flight is available virtually immediately while the other isn’t.

And the question remains, why? Why make one immediate and the other not? Why doesn’t skyriding require the same activities, which are apparently ok for standard flight? Particularly when I think you understand why standard flight is preferable to many people.

You do repeatedly quote immersion, and I don’t feel that skyriding is immersive. I mean immersive to what, itself? How?

How does standard flight ‘cheese the content’? How does it do that anymore than skyriding does? How is skyriding more ‘engaging with the environment’? I really don’t get that, perhaps you can clarify that.

It may be that Blizzard views it that way, but if so, their view sucks, imo.


TBC normal flying is balanced with its speed. DR had it speed reduced already as it was unbalanced.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I know. And I gave that explanation as to why.

Maybe if you read my posts, you’d understand that it’s Blizzard’s viewpoint that dynamic flying is more engaging in the content, while static is not and they want you doing the campaign their way.

I literally explained all of that in detail.

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Then why would it matter if I use flight to do the minimal story content we get anyways? It’s in the backseat, heck it’s at the bottom of the ocean at this point, they literally don’t care. So why should I have to use skyriding to get to my objective even if that’s faster? I just wanna relax, it’s hard enough to relax in this game.


Yes, but you didnt explain how skyriding is more engaging. You say that it’s Blizzard’s viewpoint (I’m presuming you are right but I dont recall that being said) or why standard flying is less engaging. What is the criteria of ‘engaging’?

Is it more engaging because you are pressing more keys to use it?


Go watch the Blizzard interviews when they first revealed dynamic flying and explained how it all works.

There’s your explanation.

Na, not going to do that. I guess I will stick with my opinion that, if that is their intent, I don’t agree with it and I don’t like it. Which is a perfectly viable opinion to hold on anything, especially a game which is a type of entertainment.

I’ll continue to hold the view that whatever the basis of their choice was, making one immediate and the other not is unreasonable. I should probably just not interact with these posts anymore because I’m just saying the same thing and I am unlikely to change my view.


Exactly the zen like nature of TBC normal flying can not be replicated.

The go go go mentality infesting WoW is toxic. Look at how they are tuning the game around esports and go go go mentality in M+.

Very anti MMORPG and toxic.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Then continue on your agenda. I won’t engage with people who refuse to be informed.


The only agenda you have is spamming wowhead links.

Nothing to see here folks we have an honest actor here.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I asked you for info which you had quoted and you told me go somewhere else to get my answer. But whatever, I’m a bit disappointed in you. I’ll mute this thread and go relieve my stress with a coffee.