Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Small victories!

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That’s hilarious. The bulk of the people who play the games are not the people who own them, design them, or code them. To say nothing about the fact that transitioning something to live servers is something that revealed brand new bugs this week, with the warband bank bug, so presuming a “player design council” and ptr would stop any bugs is simply not based in reality.

I think that you shouldn’t be able to use steady flight for a fight that utilizes dynamic flying, yeah. If it is part of the fight you don’t get to skip it.

You are part of the problem.

The entire dungeon, including one boss fight, requires flight. To my understanding from time spent on Beta and talking to people playing it, Static Flight is completely disabled in the dungeon.

You are part of the problem.


No less hilarious than an 1100 post thread discussing arbitrary game changes executed very poorly in a 20 year old game. If you think player supervision prior to bad design choices like these is funny… if you think game design is best left to THESE game designers… have you played SoD?

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My understanding is that it is only disabled during the fights, which it should be. If it is disabled going between areas, that would be an oversight.


Have you been on the Beta?

It being disabled in the fight OR in the dungeon is a problem, not an oversight.

Yes, anti-Static advocate, you are. Go troll somewhere else.


Yes, though I didn’t try to use steady flight in the dungeon. That said, I didn’t see any threads claiming you couldn’t use it in the dungeon and required it, and in Nokhud you can use steady flight, so it’d be an oversight to not be able to use steady flight between areas.

It being disabled in the dungeon itself is a problem which is probably an oversight/mistake, the difference doesn’t matter at that point. It being disabled when the flight mechanic uses skyriding is neither a problem nor oversight, it is a mechanic. You don’t get to turn off mechanics because you don’t enjoy them or it would be easier.

It isn’t trolling to disagree with you and your complaint that you can’t bypass a mechanic in a boss fight.

Nah, dragonriding/skyriding is limited by vigor and it’s not as effective for traversing very short distances. Which makes collecting quest items less efficient in skyriding, but much more efficient for steady flight.

So you have no idea what you’re talking about, then. Thanks for your uninformed opinion.

You can’t have it both ways. Either Dragonriding is notably harder and therefore Static Flight should be enabled from the get-go, or Dragonriding isn’t notably harder and there’s no good reason to hate Static Flight behind Pathfinder.

I never said you disagreeing was trolling.


Skyriding has skill expression and steady flight doesn’t have skill expression. In the dungeon, you use skyriding in one of the fights. That shouldn’t be able to be bypassed, it is a part of the fight. You not liking that part of the fight is not reason it should be turned off.

Nah, that’s just a lie. Been using the system since I got onto DF Beta. If you have that degree of issue with it you simply don’t know how to use it, sorry.

For the sake of your rather pointless argument, let’s say this is true. Why do you care? You’d have the option to use either flight system if the perceived advantage is so great.

As it stands, any person incapable of using Dragonriding (or simply not good at using it) is placed into a state of disadvantage and being arbitrarily forced to wait to fly while others can fly. That’s the core of the problem here.


I like how you keep acting as if I’m arguing this from the perspective of having an issue actually utilizing Dragonriding. I have no issues utilizing Dragonriding and I do not enable Static Flight even where available, simply out of preference.

There’s no good reason to gate Static Flight, period. No garbage you spew is going to convince me otherwise. Blizzard has not elaborated on why this is being done, and you’re throwing darts blindly hoping to come up with a convincing argument to fill that void.


It’s definitely more involved to use skyriding to go from item to item than it is to use steady flight.

If you’re actually trying to argue against that, then maybe you’re using steady flight wrong lol

If you think it’s “spewing garbage” to say that skyriding being enabled and used as part of a boss fight is a mechanic of the fight, then you are just looking to complain and aren’t worth trying to talk to anyway. Go read the dungeon journal, it explicitly lists the mechanic as enabling skyriding and has a mechanic that gives you vigor and a longer duration to skyride.

So don’t. Nobody asked you to come into this thread dropping fried takes.

I’ll do you a favor, though. I’ll block you so I don’t have to listen to more of your mindless drivel. That way you won’t feel compelled to talk to me. (Like you ever were??)

If it’s that bad, you don’t know how to Dragonride. :dracthyr_shrug:

Mindless drivel = knowing how a boss fight works. Good riddance.

You are really getting off on being a meaner…oh no!

Way to cut up my sentence just to be a tough silly witch. You are really working hard for attention.

Anyway, it isn’t up to you to decide what I consider a barrier to my enjoyment of the game. Maybe I will decide it was easy after all, who knows.

What I really wish I could wrap my head around, is why you feel the need to be so antagonistic…well, rude, rude is what you are. This entire game is change after change, removing systems and adding them. It means nothing PF has always blocked tbc flight. We are not in the same game by a long shot. The most you can say is skyriding is a new form of flight. To try and go on and on about its differences are why it and not steady flight should be locked behind PF is disingenuous to say the least. I know this because there has been no one who needs/prefers steady flight say, "oh you know, steady flight should be locked behind PF because it is so different than skyriding.

You want to be in a position to attack and trivialize people who prefer steady flight and do not think it should be behind PF. You have no dog in this fight, you just want a fight.

Better players than you have tried to build this strawman.


I didn’t go in depth with that. I seen Abrahms three Star Trek movies, and they where in my eyes a hack job. Yes they where fun to watch once, but basically he took stories from a couple of the original Movies and remade them.

Then with Star Wars I don’t know all that was going on behind the scenes, what I do know is Abrahms directed the first movie, which I watched in Cinemas… and it felt like the three Star Trek movies from him. From what I seen on YouTube, other people agree with what I thought about the movies.

But you sound like you know more of those then I do, I only wanted to use the Star Wars movies as a metaphor, in the sense that there is not the one vision but rather two teams that each decide what they like from the last Expansion and what they throw out. Which feels like 5 cooks trying to cook a something and consequently the spicing is all over.

Yeah I heard if they want to make a change they have to write a ticket, which then gets checked by higher ups and possibly discussed in a meeting. Which can take up to two weeks or more. Meaning seeing a bug and wanting to quickly fix it is out of the question especially if the fix would need the change of other systems.

I agree on that. I stopped to play at the last content patch in BfA, skipped Shadowlands and just came back to take a look in Dragonflight end of season 3… and not really allot has changed.

Explain to me how skyriding is easier to use than steady flight when moving from short-range quest item to short-range quest item one at a time, 10 times in a row, to complete a quest?

Because Skyriding involves jumping into the air and crashing back down every time you wanna move, whereas steady flight is literally just…fly in a straight line with zero thought or limitation.