Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

If this were true, this post and the 400 like it wouldn’t exist. If this were true, they would have stuck to the plan to remove flying altogether in WoD.

It would seem this way if you didn’t play regularly before Legion, which looking at your achievements, you didn’t. So your basis for comparison is limited to say the least.


Bro did you even read what I wrote? I’m advocating for additional mount systems, not ending the story at dynamic flight. In an ideal world, yeah, there would be forms of movement that are friendly towards those with motion sickness and other such disabilities. In this ideal world, we also wouldn’t have static flight, because it is purely bad game design. Kinnetic movement is just better gameplay, and that doesn’t mean that the final stop for mount movement is dynamic flight.

You took one single sentince out of the entire post I made, stripped it of ALL of its context, and strawmanned me as ableist when I’m advocting for you to have more options. Honestly, control your hair trigger, and knock it off with the context stripping. Not everyone is out to get you, and not everyone is casually malevolent.


Most of the decisions Blizzard makes fall into the category of ‘Arbitrary.’

Adjective - based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

The game changes are not based on reason or a system. It’s literally randomly chosen choices aligning with personal developer whim, rather than any reasoned modifications or systems changes, based on logic or existing game systems.

  1. Dragon glyphs give empty achieves now, the functionality behind collecting them has been disabled. I realize you ‘don’t need to’ collect the glyphs. I hope you realize why removing that game play is just bad for the game. Especially when they leave the system in play.

  2. The reasons they could give for these changes will never amount to anything more than personal design philosophies being attributed to a ‘design team.’ X intern decided to tackle adding a 5 second cast timer button to an existing feature on their first day at Blizz. Now we have broken systems competing for the same design space.

As if that’s how that went…

…Abrams was hesitant to direct any Star Wars movie in the first place, and only returned after Johnson’s vision proved divisive…

Basically, he wasn’t going to do any of them. Did the first one, backed out of the second one, then decided to come back and do the 3rd one to please fans who liked the first one.

Arbitrary choices in who creates, leading to inconsistencies and back lash, in a fan-favored IP, is what that was. And the A & B teams for Blizzard aren’t really choosing to do things this way.

If they value jobs, want to contribute to Wow, this is the pill they have to stomach. It’s literal disposable content being pushed out. You have to be okey making temporary-at-best content for Wow, as a passionate, seasoned game designer who may have all the answers and be able to turn wow into a great game again. The corporate beat is going to turn you into a complicit content robot or you’re gonna resign.

This has been reported before, from Blizzard employees who have left. They have discussed the internal turmoil and how it’s a miracle anything happens at Blizzard.

I’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt, I’d like to think anything they are doing in the future will be worthwhile.

Not going to hold my breath tho, 20 years of track record says otherwise.

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I know putting it this way helps you in trying to frame Static Flight as cheating, but it’s not.

Dragonriding even moreso.

Don’t see how that’s a problem. That’s been one of Druid’s gimmicks for a long time.

That’s cool and all, but there’s no reason to force people into one and make them “re-earn” the other.


Then why is skyriding available at the start and not locked behind PF…there is no good reason. Oh, I know because it’s so different…what a bunch of illogical nonesense. If Blizzard wants the most engagement out of players, skyriding isn’t as engaging as ground travel or steady flight. To suggest steady flight encourages less engagement is to be fundamentally dishonest. I primarily use steady flight, and I don’t know where anyone came up with the crap about it being less engaging. I’m playing the game same as anyone else on foot, on the ground, or skyriding. I steer, I rise and fall. Just because your skyriding is less precise, does not make it more engaging.

Why should players be pushed to master skyriding when we are more comfortable with steady fight…oh hear it comes, “get good…” I am good and very happy with my own version of flight, the one like the other that should not be locked behind PF.


I know that this is either hard for you to wrap your head around, or you are actively ignoring it because you want to have something to complain about, but there is a significant difference. Skyriding requires you to interact with the game to move about and stay airborne. It is interactive to use it. Steady flight does not have any of those properties.

That’s cool, so let’s go ahead and lock Dragonriding behind Pathfinder as well. Gotta be fair and honest about it, right? Gotta “earn it back”, right?


One system requiring pathfinder and another, different system not requiring pathfinder is not unfair. They are different systems and treated differently. This very simple concept shouldn’t be confusing to you.

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They’re both environment traversal systems. One is more accessible (whether or not you like to admit that that is the case being irrelevant), and is being put in the “must re-earn” box. The less accessible one is being opened at the front door of the expansion with basically no requirements whatsoever.

Oh, don’t worry, it’s not. I understand that the decision is either being made arbitrarily (Blizzard going “We have done this before, so we shall continue doing it despite having no real reason to”) or without any regard to the situation. How does somebody else having the ability to use Static Flight impact you negatively?

The taste of boot must be appealing to you.


So, other than insults and sticking your fingers in your ears, you’ve nothing to contribute to the conversation beside falsely stating they are the same? I’m not going to try to explain a very simple concept to you again, you clearly have no interest in listening, so, do continue to complain and be upset, if that is what you want.

So, the difference between the movement throughout the world, isn’t this intentional, deliberate choice anyone made at Blizzard HQ. They literally added a new flying system, alongside another one, did almost zero work to address the design overlap or the conflicting systems they come from, and proceeded to work on TWW without so much as a single thought to how they SHOULD approach this, come launch.

Because here’s the extent of the changes:

  • dragonriding UI name edited to skyriding.
  • dragon glyphs broken, no longer awarding skills
  • skills being baked into the character leveling process, instead of being it’s own thing.
  • Dragonriding available at level 10 now, no longer having prerequisite quests.
  • Dragon riding applied to all mounts that fly.
  • 5 second toggle spell added to go between skyriding/steady flight.
  • Flight training merged, renamed to steady flight, still locked behind pathfinder.

Anyone can come along and see there is minimal effort here. This is the extent of what they were willing to do to adapt a feature to the base game and carry it forward as… evergreen.

This is not confidence inspiring, I feel more comfortable skipping this expansion trilogy than I did skipping Legion and BFA. Two of the biggest stains on wow’s history in terms of game design waste.

Can we call it ewaste? Can I consider Wow game design… E Waste?



Sure, if justifying this stupidity makes the boot taste better, I guess.

You mean you’re not going to throw wild stabs in the dark as to why this is being done? Good, I’m glad you’re going to be done with that nonsense.

I’m tired of listening to the drivel from you and other bootlickers on the forums. It got old.

I’m glad you’re happy with Dragonriding. I am too. Doesn’t mean everybody is, and there is no good reason that has been put forth by Blizzard as to why this is being done.


OMG, you have to steer and stuff!. You’ve missed one of the main topics up for debate in this thread: Why is steady flight locked behind PF. Some want to know why skyriding is not locked behind it. You can try and make some huge distinction between the two forms, and still they remain flight modes.

Now please stop being so mean to me, it really, really hurts my little feelings.


I don’t want to be mean to you. I would like you to acknowledge the arbitrary nature of the choices they actually made in regard to these features.

Somehow, in a 20 year old game, run by a billion dollar studio with 600+ people working on THIS GAME, someone arrived at this set of results. How? Because if there were even a 10 minute conversation, prior to patch day last Tues, I would have made sure to HAMMER HOME the fact that any changes need to be sound, bug free, and consistent with overarching design philosophies present in other games/the games industry.


I don’t know why you think that there needs to be a lengthy conversion process, dragonflying on its own was fully functional. Removing the glyphs and giving it a non-dragon name was more than enough, the only thing that seems the least bit contentious is that it takes a longer time to switch flight styles than it did in Dragonflight.

You can consider it whatever you like, but if the game is considered Ewaste to you because you don’t get to use steady flying without the absolute least effort ever required of “do the leveling quests” I question why you are still here.

If explaining simple concepts while you actively refuse to listen or read it is considered mean, I don’t know what more you would like.

Well, other than Blizzard to not make you put in a minuscule amount of effort to get something that required you to do something to unlock it in every iteration it has ever had in this game, and which you can acquire without using the system you are saying you dislike.

No real reason for them to lock Static Flight at all. People have spent the entirety of Dragonflight screeching about how superior Dragonriding is, so why do you give a damn if somebody else would prefer to use Static Flight?

Big “have fun my way or stay on the ground” energy from you here. Except you’re not even involved in the decision-making process behind this, so it’s just you defending a stupid decision that you didn’t even make. :dracthyr_shrug:

Oh yeah- can you use Static Flight in Dawnbreaker once you get Pathfinder, btw? If not, still an absolutely insane issue there.


No idea, it’d be a pretty big miss if they allowed you to utilize it in a fight however. Given you cannot utilize it in Tindral, it is likely that they don’t allow players to utilize it in the dungeon fight either.

As you said, both types of flying were working 100% find prior to patch. If a company’s game is one way on a Monday, a different way the following Tuesday, and a thread like this happens, Clearly the designers didn’t consider enough in their process. Clearly some marks weren’t even in the realm of discussion, so they were missed entirely.

So I think every aspect of game design should be run through a PLAYER council, and approved prior to be made in game. I don’t care who is on that council, but any number of players would have a better understanding of how to make this change without these problems.

That change would hit PTR and be bug free ready for live in less time than it takes to code a 5 second delay spell into mounts (which wasn’t necessary, could go between dragonriding and steady flight, prior to patch day).

The CHANGE and the DIFFERENCE is where the expectations are coming from. Blizzard needs to stop trying to fix clocks that aren’t broken.

I don’t take issue with either flight form. I take issue with the extremely lazy game design that is Blizzard Entertainment. The very sort of design that leads to these threads. As previously mentioned, had they just not changed ANYTHING, no one would be here right now talking about the poor implementation.


I’m on the same page as you already. In particular, I agree it was an abitrary decision to make a switch that changes all your flying mounts to the other form of flight. And with a 5 second timer.

I agree completely with your demands of Blizzard.


Oh, so you’re actually onboard with that stupidity?

You actually are onboard with this. You believe it’s right and should be done.

How sad.