Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Right, it is a strawman when someone doesn’t agree with you, and its mean if someone disagrees with you. That’s about the extent of any of this.

Just do it? Lol

Like I said, sounds like a you problem. :slight_smile:

I understand where you were aiming with that. Having multiple teams is great for accomplishing a breadth of work in a given time. Having a designer who is in direct conflict with another designer, is bad for any design process. Bands break up over this. Movies get cancelled. Games get shelved indefinitely.

I can’t get behind a studio who tells me now is the time to come home, players time is going to be respected, and evergreen features are the new focus - who then in the same breath, informs me of 3 new expansions complete with all the same disposable design elements that have prevented any version of the game from climbing beyond initial interest.

I have no desire to support a studio who will let an issue like this go live on servers. Any amount of prior conversation would have yielded several reasons to reconsider what actually ended up live.

And you didn’t really miss anything. DF wasn’t the place they advertised it to be. Many systems were added/reworked, some of it was completely mindless. Profs sucked in DF. Other people will cite being able to craft things and fill orders from a queue as being ‘revolutionary.’

Nevermind the execution of it all was just more grind. If a dev suggests adding grind to the game, they should be transferred to the janitorial dept.


“skill expression…?” It might be argued skyriding takes more skill than steady flight. But it’s a failed argument that the latter takes no skill.

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No, it isn’t. Steady flight just goes, at top speed, in the direction you point. That’s not skill expression.


I’ll consider this a non-answer, and will consider your point invalid. Try again when you have an actual argument to make, please.

We can agree that you are mean and build strawman arguments.

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No, though I’ll meet you halfway and agree that you are upset and think it is mean if someone disagrees with you.

Her kind have no argument excpet “I’m right and you’re wong, even if the reverse is true, I’m still right and you are an idiot for disagreeing with me” in otherwords, she’s a donkey that anyone with brains avoids arguing with

Still agree Normal flying should be day 1, Skyriding should be the achievement version


Wait What? You don’t need height to start. I think I’m realizing a lot of people STILL don’t know how to dragonride.

Even if we accept steady flight lacks expression of skill, you’re still no where with putting so much distance between skyriding and steady flight that they cease to both be forms of flight, therein making a logical argument that only steady flight should be behind PF. You can bring up your historical argument but it’s bogus.


Some might call me crazy, a troll, or whatever, but has anyone thought that maybe Blizzard wants DR to be the default as that is the mode they have the most knobs to fiddle with to get it to what they want per expansion and SF only has a switch (if it is on or off) and 1 knob (speed)?


They are both forms of flight, but they are both different forms of flight, same as a flightmaster. All are different things.

Skill expression? Can I add something? I see no issue with either forms of flight. Use one, use the other, they both get you from a to b.

Personally, as a druid, during DF, I was used to using dragonriding to cover long distances, then swapping to flight form midflight to ‘slow down’ and give the game time to load assets for the area.

This becomes important when looking for objectives and rares and stuff, and the game hasn’t had a chance to load them yet, because you are zooming by at 800% movement.

As is, I cannot swap to my swift flight form anymore, from skyriding. Meaning if I am cruising a zone looking for a rarespawn, I might not even see it pop up on my map or on the ground, cuz going too fast.

And if I want to stop and check? Well, now it’s a 5 second swap to swift flight form steady mode, to look around for something. Now, I realize that’s kind of a special situation for druids, but it’s kind of the point you keep missing. We aren’t really talking about the features themselves. This isn’t a player defecit issue, or a player choice issue.

The implementation of dragonriding is wholly different than steady flight. They both exist within the same design space. However, they compete. That in and of itself is bad game design. Good game design would be to roll one feature into the other and call it a day.

A preservationist would want the old feature to stick around unchanged (for the longevity of the game). This would put a competent developer into a strange position. They want baseline skyriding, level 10. Players want the game to remain the way it was when they enjoyed it.

Because that’s how they identify the game as a home to come back to. Sort of like peeing on your stuff. Current implementation for skyriding/steady flight represents atrocious game design. These aren’t bugs we are talking about, or player defecits.

We are talking about something 100% in the realm of Blizzard design control, and this is the design they’ve chosed. Truncated from the OG content it debuted in, white washed with a different name (yet same UI and graphics) and broken from it’s OG functionality.

Good game design would have been: leave dragonriding as it is, 100%. Add it to the rest of the game. Direct players to DF content to get dragonriding and skillups, let them collect glyphs (that was actually really fun and engaging, for the short time I did it on my characters) to level those skills.

Stop trying to decide what’s better for the future of the game, that’s how we end up here. Decide what’s good to add to the game now, start small, and make it count.

Some time later, do it again. And again. That’s how you add meaningful content to any game. Baby steps. Adherence to design philosophy. Adherence, I said.


I am far from upset. But you have a real problem with not realizing sarcasm when you see it. I don’t feel everyone who disagrees with me is mean. Maybe mean is the wrong word…antagonistic, instigator, agitaitor. Just because I can see what you are doing in your arguments does not mean it’s effective.

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If you choose to disregard true statements related to the fact they are different systems and behave differently, that doesn’t change the fact they are true statements. If you choose to ignore those facts and continue to make a false equivalence, it is up to you.

I beat Shadowlands main story and it is incoherent, confusing and borderline nonsensical. Allot of the quests are even… I like to use the term anti-player… there are so many quests that are breadcrumb quests sending you to some NPC that then has its ? greyed out until you get close enough to him/her and then the NPC starts to RP for 30 seconds and you as player doing that quest the second time am forced to just stand there and wait. Because the game doesn’t let you turn in the quest and skip the RP in any way. Or the other quests that send you to spot B to do something, and when you get back to spot A to turn it in you get a follow up quest that continues at spot B. Nice.

As for Dragonflight professions… you actually wrote what I think about it. I play a good 5 months now, and none of the toons I played to max, geared up with World Quests has their Profession maxed. That was before always the very first thing I did. But in Dragonflight the gathering is already confusing, I don’t like those talents.
And thanks to Dragonriding… and the fact that all the gathering spots are rather far apart I never liked to farm. In fact I stopped to gather anything, which is interesting.

Grind can be good. But I think for it to be good it has to be optional and the player has to make the choice to do the grind. What we see now more and more is every system is turned into a grind.
What I liked more, was when you could run Dungeons and get reputation passively while you played the game, instead like now you have to grind Daily Quests or World Quests to grind reputations.

They aren’t different enough to be treated differently with one behind PF.


Considering that they are extremely different, and that one requires you to unlock it through pathfinder and one does not, that seems to be incorrect.

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