Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Well how nice of you to throw all the disabled folks to the ground and make only use ground mounts cause they have huge issues with Dynamic flight…your a real humanitarian now, NOT.


So ridiculously dramatic…

If you would be interested in not trying to conflate the idea of someone not agreeing with you into some sort of dramatic ableism case where they are a bad person and beating up anyone with a disability and spitting on them you might get more people willing to engage in an actual discussion.


Have you seen the many many many threads on this subject?


Yeah the spam is out of control, generally with the same exact person in the comments calling everyone who disagrees horrible ableists.


Exactly the point you can make 1000 topics of the same thing with the same 10 or so people saying the same thing over and over again to 1000 some post in them, and a few screaming if you disagree with them that you are some type of un human or un sympatric creep. Which boils down to no discussion just basically name calling. And really a bunch of spam to make something look like its far more important and impactful on the game than what it really is.

Frankly the whole thing has become so stupid and childish at this point its beyond words to describe.

I don’t think the decisions around flight were just made arbitrarily. I think dynamic flight was actually developed as a means of anti-botting. They ran into a snag when people with disabilities and health issues when it comes to dynamic flight.

I think tying it to pathfinder is a deliberate choice as most players will unlock it naturally and be done, whereas bot accounts have to go through the leveling process over and over again. Is it right for innocent people to be caught in this dragnet? That’s a calculated decision on Blizzard’s part and as of right now we can see where the cards lie.

The five second cast time again is probably intended to deter people from just swapping. Five seconds could probably be reduced down some, but I don’t think it’s going to happen so long as druid’s have access to instant flight form. Whenever we’ve seen PF unlock in the past few expansions what do you see? Flocks of druids zooming to every herb/mining node. If they had the ability to just swap flight style midflight, they would have the best of both worlds and would be far more OP when it comes to gathering than they are now.


I disagree, here is why:

It actually is an accessibility issue for enough people. Even I can see that, and I actually love dynamic flight.

If you need a topic about pathfinder removal / static flight which fits your reasoning better:

Personally I could add that handicapped people didn’t have too much of an issue with normal flight, but they have problems with dragonflight (steadyflight, whatever) & on top of it, they have to get help in some cases to unlock the ability to fly like they used to for over 15 years.


That’s just not true. You can unlock steady flight while only using ground mounts or walking in TWW, and every expansion has required you to unlock steady flight, often on a per-character basis. Needing to unlock it is not different this time in any way for players who choose to, for any reason, not use skyriding, they can unlock it on day one after doing the questing campaign. The only thing that has changed is that the unlock requirement has never been lower than it is now, with the requirement so merely complete the campaign and explore the zones the campaign takes you through.

As I will likely be doing, partly cause I don’t trust Blizzard not to have put in obstacles or things, like the Djaradin that shoot down flyers if they get a lock on you, in the air for certain areas.

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I look at this differently. Imagine you are in Team A and you make the game good. Then Team B does basically what Rian Johnson did to all the setup J.J. Abrams had in Star Wars Episode 7 going… I assume it is more then frustrating trying to build up something when the next team is possibly actively working against it.

But as long as that Mission Table was around in 4 expansions everything is all right.

These exact words have been posted SO many times. It’s not equitable because dynamic flight is available at launch with no PF. All of the players who prefer dynamic flight are very unlikely to use ground mounts. Players that can’t use dynamic flight have to use ground mounts. These are the facts. The audacity of players that use dynamic flight telling those who can’t to be happy they can use ground mounts.

Far too many short-sighted people on this thread, that can’t understand why the players with PF are upset/dismayed/slighted…


Steady flight and Skyriding are two separate things. I know that isn’t the answer you want to hear, but they are different things, and are treated as such. No matter how much you post time and again that it is unfair, or not right, these are two different methods of travel that are treated differently, just as ground mounts were treated differently from flying mounts, and druid travel form treated differently from each.

Hmm… they are both the flying way of travel. Feels to me like Ion & co see that some people don’t like Skyriding, so they come in and have to do their usual, trying to heavy-hand things.

I do not understand, why Steady Flight has to be locked behind a ancient relict like Pathfinder. Pathfinder was nonsense when it was introduced, and it still is nonsense. All it is, and ever was… is a way to be the defiant baby and spite the players because oh those players didn’t accept that Blizzard knows best what is fun and what not.

If you want to make a truly good game, you do not build in mechanics that are only there to annoy. So basically you do the opposite to, what many free to play games build in, so they can charge for the solution of that annoyance.


They are two different forms of flying travel, also different than flightmasters. Different things are different.

I’ve never seen this much whining over having to do this little to unlock steady flight. Must everyone pretend it is some dramatic thing, when it is asking you to do the leveling questline?

It is not such a dramatic thing. But I still dislike Steady Flight locked behind a requirement. I am allowed to voice my dislike?


Sure, but if you use hyperbole to try to make it sound as though it is locked behind something similar to the WoD or BfA pathfinders, you are likely to get people pointing out that extreme exaggeration.


No matter how you try to seperate them they are both forms of flight. One group of players can fly at TWW launch, the other can’t. I know your story only works is they are not the same type of travel, so spin along as you see fit.


Yes, it is already quite a big step forward, that they not lock flying in the first year of an expansion. The question is, why does it have to be locked? They could easily create another reward for finishing the main story, like a Tmog set.


Doing this forces players to engage with the world, either airborne or grounded, the first time through. This has been in line with their requirements since Cataclysm, the only time you could fly without needing to level through all or most of the expansion.