Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

And that is your opinion. And, some may share it. And theres nothing wrong with that.

Others, like the idea of going at their own pace, being able to easily start and stop, explore areas, not worrying about momentum, or vigor.

There’s nothing wrong with feeling personally one way feels more immersive to you, then the other. But saying ‘This ones clearly more immersive’ is just an opinion.

Some people love when playing a Hunter to mog their gear to match the color of the environment, it feels immersive to them. I don’t agree, it seems annoying to constantly swap for something that has no effect at all in the game, but for them, its immersive. I can’t tell them ‘It makes no difference, you start and stop all the time, and wasting gold, that way of playing breaks immersion…’

See what I mean here? Much more things about the game are subjective then actually fact or hard code. Sometimes, it may seem so obvious, or clear to us, that its easy to think everyone else feels the same, cause to us it seems like a no brainer, but its really easy to have personal feelings and bias bleed into a discussion. Thats all I am saying.

I am not saying you’re a bad person, or stupid for liking something, or even feeling something is better. I am just saying, bias and preference is really easy to color things.

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The level in which something can be immersive isn’t subjective.
Everything can be immersive in it’s own way, yes. But somethings are MORE immersive than others.

Dynamic interacts with the environment in a way more immersive way than static.

Well fun is definitely subjective. All I was saying is one is obviously more immersive than the other. That can’t really be argued.
One can enjoy one more than the other, but that doesn’t change how different they interact with the environment and world. One is vastly more seamless with it’s interactions.

One can be more user friendly and they enjoy it more, but that doesn’t make the thing more immersive in general. Maybe more immersive to THEM specifically. But not overall more immersive by definition. Which I think is where your confusion and disagreement is coming from.

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But the whole language used… Kinda feels superior. Like people who don’t agree don’t really understand. the ‘One is (Obviously) more immersive then the other’ Like if I don’t agree with you then I didn’t read your point or take all things in consideration. It feels just a bit… Superior to me.

Maybe I am reading more into it then whats there, but it feels like if someone doesn’t agree with you, they are misinformed or are not understanding the topic. I know this thread has gotten toxic, alot of name calling, insults, accusations, constant trolling, I know it gets people heated, or just tired of listening to people.

All I know is some like taking it slow and simple and say the world feels more real to them, and I can see that.

And some love the control, feedback, and adjustment of flying, like real flying, and that draws them into the game. And thats great, I can see that too.


I base my thoughts on the definition basis, not personal preference.
So if I look at 2 things side by side and compare them. That’s where the thought comes from.
That’s why I finished by saying "maybe more immersive to THEM specifically. But not overall more immersive by definition. "
Which I hoped to clear it up with that statement.

Also notice I agreed with you in a way that it can be subjective.

Everyone likes different thing. If only people could discuss it as amicably :sweat_smile:


I noticed that just now. And thank you for being civil with me, I know its not easy, alot of jerks on here. And it wasn’t an attack on your character. : )


Another reason I like to keep it by definition. It stops the emotional involvement :sweat_smile:

Agreed. To me it feels like…punishment, or…


Really? I just got done playing and steady flying, my favored flight form, has me very immered in the game world. I’m using my mouse to go up and down, for turning and landing. When I try to do similar moves skyriding I’m all over the place and I am not enjoying myself.

All through this debate people seem to forget, the way they view their favorite way to fly, steady or skyriding, is simply different, it’s not better.


I liked Skyriding for about 24 hours. Now, it’s just tiresome.


I already clarified this point.

I’m not sure Flying is an “important game FEATURE” rather than a convenience many players cry about when they’re not allowed to use it.

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968 posts about having to quest through TWW one (1) time before being able to hover in the air is silly. This isn’t like previous Pathfinder achievements that came out a year into the expansion with the earlier ones requiring a lot of rep grinding, this is literally just “hey go through the quests once”.


It doesn’t matter how easy it is…its only fair that everyone have to do it then …if not they need to remove it since its only stuck too Steady Flight…old saying now…What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander…


The reasoning is probably that Skyriding is a little bit more skill oriented, whereas Stable Flight can easily allow anyone to skip over any mob they want while questing (which is the thing Blizz was trying to eliminate when they first introduced the Pathfinder system in WoD).

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Checkmate, Epic Win, Fatality, you get where I am going with this.


A single class is a really bad argument for gatekeeping flying. And it is all just flying. Yeah one is less precise, but the so called "challenge " doesn’t add anything nor does it serve as actual roadblock to timegate or hold back content. Both allow you to achieve the same thing, one is just slightly more annoying.

Unlock both at the same time. Its a preference not a mechanic.


My mistake.

Some people with disabilities have a very hard time utilizing Skyriding at any speed. I myself get motion sickness. It is not the preferred method of flight for many us.

Just because you can “USE” an aspect of the game, you can’t assume other can or want to.


Are there points while questing in TWW that skyriding has to be used? A lot of these points in DF included alternative methods to get around using it. If that’s carried forward into TWW, I don’t see much of a problem. Skyriding is primarily used for traveling anyway; its mechanics aren’t very well-suited to questing unless the quest is specifically designed for flight.

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You don’t have to “make it onto a team” to play wow. You can play Wow at your own pace. For many of us, Steady Flight is the best pace.