Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Okay, I do not think the ADA is going to be covered over an aspect of a video game. A video game is a form of entertainment and I don’t think the government is going to step in and penalize a gaming company for not making mechanics that cater to every form of mobility issue. You can only change a game so much for the sake of disabilities.

And I say this as someone who is in fact disabled, and that disability does affect my ability to play video games for long periods, mainly nerve damage in my hands as well as arthritis. So I don’t see the US government Penalizing Blizzard/Microsoft under the ADA.

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And, at most, they just might go “are there ways the game can be completed by…”

You would think a company would want to do more than just the legal minimum requirement if it wants happy customers. Not to mention there is a very minimal cost (if any at all) for including steady flying from the start.

It’s not like people are asking them to rewrite major parts of the game. It’s really easy to do.


I’ve already researched this topic - the DOJ does care, and they’ve taken on ADA cases that involve accessibility options for persons with physical needs who play online & video games. Mr. Gates has also been a champion for people who play his games, and who may need accessibility options. Check the internet.


Companies tend to take more a “what is required, and what will our customers put up with” stance, they, don’t always care about happy customers, unless they have serious competition else where. Blizzard knows it has the warcraft IP, and they are the only ones with that. Squareenix may provide competition in teh MMO market, but they dtill don’t have Warcraft.

Keep in mind, some of that may boil down to:

  1. are there options for disabled people
  2. are those options locked behind anything the people in question can’t get using methods provided

They might not take cases where there are options available for disabled people but he options are not what the people are after.

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I wonder what it takes to get a claim going. It would be great if a group of players got together and started one.


I can just see how that might go:
Blizzard: we provided Accessibility options to everyone, and more then one so everyone can play the game.
Players: you locked an option behind something
Blizzard: we provided a way for you to get it without needing the mechanic that gives you issues

That is the thing about things like the ADA, they just care about those with issues being able to play, not sure they would really rule in favor if the argument presented was “we can play, but not in the way we prefer”.

best thing to hope for would be the negative publicity, even if the court rules in favor of Blizzard, is enough to get Blizzard, or Microsoft (Gates) to change how things are done.

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Yes but something like this doesn’t really come across as something that the DOJ would see as legitimate. While yes it isn’t the option you want you do have options for playing the game without using Skyriding. They aren’t the options you want. But those options are there and Steady flying is able to be unlocked without the use of Skyriding. So while yes, you could file a claim against Blizzard the likelihood of you getting traction for the claim is minimal even with a sympathetic judge.


And IF we’re going down that path, Ion himself said steady flight was there 'for accessbility"…so we have a clear admission from higher ups inthe company to that effect


It would probably never get to that point. I imagine a viable threat of another government investigation would make Blizzard give in. They’ve had too many of those already.

I disagree. In Skyriding, you constantly build momentum, you need to use buttons to slow, or angle your pitch, its a constant to try to keep speed stable if you aren’t going for full throttle. you’re distracted trying to manage things and can’t stop and smell the roses so to speak.


The ADA does cover video games since 2019. However, they do not cover game mechanics at this time.

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Blizzard has added accessibility features that go beyond ADA requierments. As for steady flight being locked behind PF at the launch of TWW, is nonsensical imo and serves none of the player base.


Interesting…On one hand I can see the benefits of that. But at the same time that can be a slippery slope. But thank you for pointing this out to me.

Yes but what you find immersive and what someone else does is indeed subjective. You feel like involved, more complex flying is immersive, and thats a fair take. Someone else, feels like a more relaxed, stable flying, at their pace, being able to start and stop whenever they like, is immersive. And that too, is a fair take.

Saying something is fun, is like saying something is immersive. it is, to you. :o Alot of opinions around here are being flung about as inarguable logic. And thats just not the case.


The thing that bothers me about replies on this post and others like it is the complete ignorance. If you are not disabled or have never taken care of persons with disabilities such as a family member or as part of a caretaker job then you have absolutely zero right to talk about or say anything about or to people with disabilities. So keep being ignorant. You just make yourself look like a terrible person.


But many are just finding out now as the new patch was put in what is going to happen…many don’t come to forums or even read patch notes or write ups of what is coming …they just jump with both feet and get slammed cause they have to do a dang Pathfinder again all while rest of the player base just zoom zooms on by them.


And people still flocked to the game because you could play how you want. Which means you can out level everything and create your own difficulty settings. No matter how you look at it there areany developers out there putting in the effort that we want Blizzard to put in
And they do it with a smile. Not willing to compromise on what makes them them (i.e. from soft games being notoriously hard) but offering ways to alleviate the problem for those having it. There isn’t even an attempt on Blizzard’s part to alleviate. At least not in comparable ways.

If you angle down. if you level out, you’ll drop in speed dramatically.
Just doing a single skyward ascend will still be flying very slow.

If you use it enough. It’s muscle memory. Like playing your spec. You should know what buttons you are pressing without looking at them.
Dynamic is even simpler. 1 to go forward. 1 to go up. Look down to speed up. level out or look up to slow down.

Very minimal to manage.

Except there is nothing immersive about static flying. :dracthyr_shrug: