Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

The point

Yo head

Everyone does, the same unlock, the same requirements. You just don’t like it, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t the exact same thing across the board.

I get motion sickness as well. Its not instantaneous. You can mount up and do a quick and slow glide and be fine. You dont have to mach 10 to each point.

Also because the choice is there, being “forced” doesn’t apply.
Now we were actually forced to ground mount in pretty much every xpac previously. Because there wasn’t an option otherwise.

I don’t intent to make a commercial for Final Fantasy 14 here but
 in there you unlock flying by finding points of interest(Aether Currents) using a compass that tells you in what direction and distance that Aether Current is
 and some Aether Currents are rewards for certain Main Story quests.
Which means you basically unlock it while questing and exploring the area, without 1 year wait time. Which is a better system then what ever Pathfinder was supposed to be.

Which is why I only remember HIM keeping to defend the original no-flying and later all the Pathfinder arguments.


And who is to say that Blizzard could not make the pathfinder achievement that, just for all zones? Different companies tend to put their own twists on things. But I think everyone can agree that the year wait was ridiculous no matter what.

At this point, I think the toggle should be instacast & pathfinder should just be removed.


What’s funnier is they are still locking steady flying in BfA and SL but removing the Pathfinder requirements for their precious dynamic flying. It’s obvious they hate steady flying and are going to do everything they can to make it as undesirable as possible and hope people finally accept their cool new form of flying, and those that don’t leave.


In customer service for 25+ years and I can safely say that you always have to find a solution to resolve an issue even if you disagree with the customer or it is not official policy. Official policy goes out the window when you have a phone call from higher up to resolve it.

That is probably what happened in WoD with the no flying forever reversal in one week. Blizzard official policy was no flying forever but someone higher in the chain said “hey fix this issue” even if it contradicts your official stance or policy.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


This flying debacle started in WoD with Ion wanting to remove it for good. After the exodus, he gave us a passive aggressive “solution” which was the implementation of Pathfinder. He tried to make it more and more difficult but we kept completing it to get flying. Now he’s trying to sell you dragonflying, which is basically a glorified glider so that we stop using TBC flying. But a lot of the player base is older people, some have disabilities (like me), others have motion sickness, etc
 and will always prefer flying.

Point here is, we had a perfectly fine system a few days ago and people could use the mount that had their favorite traveling system. We had otter for water, ground mounts, flying mounts and dragonflying mounts. Now if you toggle to dragonflying and get on your 600 mounts achievement otter, it’s GROUNDED.

There was ZERO reason for this to happen other than Ion’s hate of classic flying. Don’t tell me dragonflying is more immersive. His entire argument to remove flying was to stick us to the ground to experience what they created and slow us down. Dragonflying is zooming through everything before the pixels even come in. With TBC, you can explore little hidden areas and find interesting things. It’s not always about just going AFK.


Yeah I doubt it, given you think the customer is always right even if they want to pee in your lobby.

If I walk into your lobby, as a paying customer, and you tell me the bathroom is for employees only, you bet I’m peeing in your lobby. What kind of disrespectful juvenile nonsense is it to police people’s bladder?

If I walk in looking homeless with tinfoil hanging out my pocket, maybe don’t let me use the bathroom. But the modus operandi here, in a game about progression, meanginful, lasting, ‘I spent my time doing this activity, don’t make my time wasted’ sort of progression, needs to give the customer the benefit of the doubt, always.

Banking on CHANGES to your game being the turning point of success is sort of like putting all your eggs in one basket


Have fun explaining that to the cops that get called to escort you off the property.

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Batman couldn’t have gotten me to admit that.

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Just another case of “open mouth, insert foot” that seems to dominate certain people on the forums.

If I am elderly, have medical issues, or am disabled, the police are going to tell you to clean it up, remind you not to abuse emergency services, and advise you to change your bathroom policy to avoid further incidents.


I show empathy and I call the paramedics when that happens.

You never know what someone is going through mentally and spiritually. I have seen it countless times. And you claim to be a manager

Truthfully empathy is integral to customer services which is why BlizZard didn’t understand why players were upset when they did no flying forever.

They didn’t understand why some people aka most people don’t like PF.

Or why recently people don’t like the 5 second toggle switch.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I’ve seen elderly people demand to use the restroom and had the police called on them instead. Actually multiple times.

Seattle PD ain’t got much better to do.

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Truthfully only bad managers do that.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

No you dont. If you dont like skyriding, then use stable flight.

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I too have seen police respond to calls, inappropriately. In my many decades on this planet, between the number of times I’ve had to call 911 while at work, and also while at home: if you were at your McJob and called the police for anything less than a shooting/assault/robbery in progress, you would be lucky to get an in-person response. Even in seattle.