Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

This is so unnecessary and rude.
People can have different experiences than you without being told ‘they can’t be helped’.


And you seem to delight in looking down on people.

Lets face it, not everyone has twitch reflexes and dynamic flight is harder for them. Locking real flying behind a gate is like telling someone that in order to get disabled parking, they have to win a marathon.


No, it’s like telling someone in order to unlock tbc style flying in WoW they need to level up to max, which has traditionally been the requirement. However, they no longer need to pay a large sum of gold after having done so.

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Personally I don’t mind either way. I’m not saying I’m against regular flying I’m just trying to sum up the situation as it has unfolded.

They’ve decided they can’t be bothered to learn how to maintain vigor while flying.

And they’ve held onto that decision for over a year and a half.

And then they come here and complain that DR sucks? Sorry if that makes me snippy :dracthyr_shrug:

I don’t run out of vigor often. Between proper vigor management and Second Wind, I rarely have to stop and wait for vigor.


Good for you.
Not all of us find this easy.


They did: less emphasis on story and more on gameplay.

It is an entirely fair way to describe it.
Is it factual? No, but it is fair. Because that’s ultimately how folks use it, as a more limited form of noclip.

This isn’t a debate. The reason why Blizzard limits steady, TBC, noclip - call it whatever the heck you want - is because it is demonstrably bad for the game’s overall health.

Why Skyriding/Dragonflying works better is quite literally because of one thing: it forces you to land. You cannot go around the game and have a mobile afk-platform.

This simple change that means that you don’t have folks just afking and not engaging with the game is the reason why “tapping a rare” (including how it extends to open world events as well) used to be common place but it wasn’t in Dragonflight, nowhere near to the degree it used to be prior to DF either way.

People disliked not having access to a world breaking and community destroying ability in flying whenever Blizzard removed or otherwise limited it … so the compromise is a system wherein you have to at least land.

What you said here also proves exactly the point. In DF (and on the TWW beta) you can fly without any issues whatsoever forever. But to do anything you have to land on the ground whether to afk, to participate in an event, quest, or because you messed up.

Your “critique” here is evidence of why this change is necessary. You are upset that you have to be on the ground … where you play the game. Learn to use Skyriding/Dragonriding and you don’t encounter this problem. You choose to not engage with the game world and never improve, you end up in this situation.

This mentality was bred and reinforced by the fact that if we needed to do anything, we’d just sit afk in the sky and not interact with the world at all. Heck, this thread and any of them that complain about “afking in the sky being locked away” literally proves this point.

The ability to afk in the sky is locked behind playing through the game’s storyline ONCE. How that is ‘too high of a bar’ for anyone PLAYING a game is beyond me.

This is a non-issue and will remain as such. There’s no argument against changing this except for the outright and complete removal of flying from the game.


funny irony, isnt it?
I always consider the source.
Do we REALLY respect anyone who feels the overwhelming need to trash lesser abled human beings?
Persona non grata.


The source: Someone who thinks any instance of being told no is a form of systemic discrimination.


You do not need static flight as a requirement to dragon ride. It is very possible to start from a low point on the ground and then take off with dragon riding.

:sob: :sob: :sob:
:nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If this were really true they wouldn’t be providing skyriding at the beginning either. Because skyriding even though it’s engaging still means you get to fly over dangers and everything that happens on the ground.
Remembering all those who have said flying ruins the game. Are they all now happy skyriders? They’re bypassing all kinds of interaction with the game.
I really don’t see how this is comparable. Either type of riding in the air basically does the same thing, only skyriding is a little more engaging.
The difference is minimal.
Both types of riding should have the same lock, not one have more, imo.


This is the key point though. They want people to have to engage with the world throughout their first leveling experience. Skyriding achieves that, and grounding folks achieve that, so they offer those two options.


Could you try to be less toxic please? We can disagree with each other without making personal insults.


personally, I think its like politics since 2010 or so.
Not so much that people changed since then, but more than theyve been emboldened to be who they are out loud for all to see.

I dont think anyone BECAME a racist or a bigot or a hater of lesser abled human beings in that time.
I think they were that way the ENTIRE time and as time passed they became more and more willing to go public with it…hence the behavior here that might not have been quite as blatant 15 years ago.


Aren’t you one of the ones who immediately mute and ignore people who don’t outright and immediately agree with you?

Willful and intentional ignorance and a refusal to learn is not “lesser abled human beings”. Disabled people (yes, stop referring to people’s disabilities in the insane dehumanizing fashion as you are) is respected.
Intentional and purposeful ignorance and stupidity is not.

None of what you just said here is relevant. It isn’t the flying itself that is the problem, it is how people use it.

First of all this is a strawman and a poorly constructed one at that.
Secondly … flying isn’t the problem.

Previously the shorthand was “flying ruins the game” because it was through flying that people were bypassing the entire game and actively distanced themselves from it. AFK:ing was the main proponent to this and at the time it was called “flying” because guess what, until DF: flying meant the ability to afk in the sky, or otherwise traverse it via swimming mechanics.

Since the flying-swimming mechanics isn’t the problem per say, but specifically that you can sit afk that is, that is why flying ruined the game until a flying system was implemented that didn’t have these negative downsides.

Mostly because you are focusing on the wrong thing as above stated, and as I pointed out in my first comment, but hey… willful ignorance.

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LOL no you don’t.


I mean it does help. I don’t generally afk in flight on my way to VotI or Halls from Valdrakken. Everywhere else it’s pretty easy to grab a drink while hitting my target just from the elevated start.

Aberrus is the aberration its name would imply in this equation. So I just afk while my wife flies me there instead, or she does while I fly.

I guess if you just want to fall off a cliff and start gliding but Ive never had an issue getting as high as I want no matter what elevation I start at.

Double space bar, rotate camera up, Skyward, Whirling Surge.