Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Oh, the irony… that ~ person ~ that vandalized the other thread by hijacking it with an agenda full of lies, harassing everyone out, and now is trying the very same here.

It could be even slower, tbh.
It should.

Lmao. These forum hot takes are too much.


That’s a dog water take lmao

Also the trolls also want you to feed them so they can continue their trolling nonsense. I believe there is a sign that says don’t feed the trolls. By not responding to them they can get bored and leave. It’s a waste of time engaging with them.

They even go as far as pulling the victim card and pretend they are getting attacked if you challenge their trolling. Just a new trolling strategy. So its a waste of time.


It’s a rather lame decision to keep pathfinder for static flying, especially with sky riding available right away.

We have had an entire expansion to play with dragonriding so it’s not like we are benefitting off of not having the other option from the start. People already made their minds up on what they prefer.

It sort of comes off as a “can’t let go” thing where they think one new thing is better so they make the old thing take longer to receive.

At the very least it’s going to come faster than previously (thank the first ones) but still… stubbornness is obvious here. I can’t see it as much more than trying to get some metric up a little more to make it seem more successful somehow. :joy:

“This is successful because everybody was doing it!” Well yes sir, there was nothing else to do! lol


True, but at the same time we are here to remind them that we are not going anywhere.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


In all my years, I’ve never had to ignore anyone in-game or on the forums… and the amount of people you ignore daily…

Did you ever stop to think that your are the problem? “Like wow so many people are just specifically targeting me!”. “Hmmm what am I doing to bring this about?”


Exactly…which is why everyone in this thread should just ignore them the second they are repeating the same trash arguments the second time.
IF they were here for legit reasons, they wouldnt need to feel to do this juvenile crap…


Exactly what ive been saying.
the worst thing you can do to an attentiontroll is turn off the attention theyre clearly craving so bad.
They are miserable and they want to project their misery out onto this forum in any direction they can. This topic is just the flavor of the week.

Exactly again…they do this same juvenile garbage in every thread they misery themselves into

in here bashing and mocking lesser abled players…
… and then busting out the victim card when theyre called out on it lmao


Very well said.
Absolutely agree.
PF is shorter this time around. thats fantastic.
But in making it shorter Ion has literally confirmed its pointlessness.

its not for bots…its not for WPvP…its not for exploration.
Its literally for NOTHING but irritating lesser abled players who have trouble with DRing.


Nether is pathfinder.

For me, stable flight is an accessibility issue. So locking an accessibility feature behind some achievement is game breaking.


Its not… ground mounts exist… and its sucks you can’t use dynamic, but at least you can get tbc unlocked in a few days vs previous xpacs.


I thought you said earlier that only takes a few hours at most?


I said roughly 8. You can quote me on it from early too.

And I mean you can get it done in one day if you really wanted lol. But most will spread it over a few days.

lol…one of them said 10 minutes up there somewhere.
Just one more way you KNOW theyre just here to troll.
Saying ANYTHING to get attention.

Im more than happy to discuss it with the ones in here who ARENT just here to troll for attention.
As you say…its a select few. A long list of them are just saying edgy crap to goad others into responding to them…not offering a single legitimate point…just repeating the same garbage lines about Bots for the most part…which is total nonsense. Bots dont NEED flight to bot.


Pathfinder isnt necessary…period.

  • its NOT about botting. Bots dont need flight…period. Nearly every bot Ive seen since i started playing this game has been on the ground…and NOT on nodes, but farming instances. Bots will bot…Bots will farm gold, flight or no flight. Period.

  • its NOT about worldPvP…gankers themselves have made long lists of whiining threads about how empty warmode is. old flight has nothing to do with that failure…people not wanting to be camp ganked for an hour is the cause of that.

  • its NOT about exploration. lmao…that dead horse was pounded into glue the second Ion removed pathfinder for Dragonriding and let us have it day one.

Literally ANY point of debate is mutilated in those three.
NO VALID reason remains to have pathfinder in game for steady flight. Period.

So NO…they ARENT here to discuss this topic literally at all given ALL three possible points of argument are made null and void already.

PF remains for ONE reason…Ion WANTS it to remain.


its hilarious seeing them whining about being harassed in here given they ARE the harassment in this thread.

notice not one of them called that gent out when he did exactly what Ive been saying they do in here, lol


It’s the victim card strategy form of trolling. They pretend they are getting victimized when their trolling is challenged.


Bots need flight to farm efficiently. Thats why you normally see a mass of druids on follow mass harvesting nodes.

Zm in sl had a crazy amount of these. I used to farm them in warmode before that became unplayable in certain zones.
Dismount the leader with your net and you’d have 10 druids follow him to the ground and just sit there and die.

Bots do indeed ALSO farm nodes. Thats why any time pathfinder comes out, you’ll see herbs and such tank in price and the quantity skyrock it exponentially.

Ive watched it xpac after xpac. Its why I either harvest my own herbs and ores or wait for pathfinder to release so I can buy them up for nothing.

Yea wpvp is a bad take. Tbc flight is a risk to use since you can’t get away fast. Any pvper worth their rating will prime their net anyway when they see the mounting cast.

You can ignore pvp entirely for pathfinder/ tbc vs dynamic argument.

Eh that one can be arguable based on the person, but that is entirely personal preference.
Blizzard on the other hand would rather you explore without flight period lol.

You can’t be so rigid in topics like this. You have to be willing to try and see both perspectives.
Thats why I can agree with you on both pvp and exploring aspects being negligible.

Yeah, we see that childish nonsense all over the web any more these days.
Trolls come in stir crap up and when called out they break out their victim card and pretend they arent the ones instigating.
Not one of them needs to be in this thread.

Steady flight has NO bearing ontheir game…PERIOD.
Yet here they are…“discussing” it with people who dont want to discuss anything with them on the matter.
At a point its not discussing…its harassment and trolling.

and then we have this…lol
almost like they finally couldnt contain themselves anymore and just let it all out of the bag.

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