Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

BlizZard chased away most of the RP community by not enforcing rules.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

quite possible.
My money is on his ego being at issue here, personally.
He clearly hates old flightā€¦tolerates it.
DRing is his shiny new toy and he doesnt want it overshadowed by old flight.
Which is literally preposterous given that if both are out day one the vast, VAST majority will be on Skyriding mounts anywayā€¦so it literally wont affect his precious at all, lol


I think they are trying to boost participation of DR but I think it will have the opposite effect. Same reason to have a five second toggle to switch between DR and TBC normal flying.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

The only cope is you coming back for more :joy:

Liolamb. :sheep:

What baffles me is the illogic of it all.

Skyriding from day one, but not static flight.
Any mount that cant skyride will be set to default ground only mode.

Are we in Bizzaro world?

I would think it would flow much smoother to have static flight day one, all flying/skyriding mounts set to static flight by default.
Do some Pathfinding achievements to unlock the fancy new advanced skyriding abilities that you can now toggle on your skyriding enabled mounts.

that makes more sense to me.


I disagree because you and I are in agreement that there is vertical scale in TWW maps so having TBC normal flying, goblin glider or DR is advantageous. So why lock TBC normal flying then?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Those are called hills. Any kind of upward or downward slope would beā€¦ ding ding ding. Verticality.

The entire map is ground mount friendly. Thanks for playing!

lolā€¦telling lesser abled players they have to work to get their cane while fully abled players get their Ferrari day oneā€¦seems like a bit of a contradiction of logic and reason, for certain.

Weā€™re in Ion world, for sureā€¦

I call them mountains, fjords, steep cliffs, gorges, etc. That is why you need goblin gliders, DR or TBC normal flying to overcome them.

You see we have reached a point of agreement. Thank you.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

itā€™s an anti botting mechanism to save the start of the expansion, itā€™s much more complicated to make dragonflying stuff work on bots so fast

And there are things called roads and bridges to go around or over.

No idea why we are arguing over this.

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Completely agree with OP. Ion has to STOP fighting his customers over Pathfinder. Ion stop


Bots dont NEED to fly to bot.
It has nothing to do with bots.
and PF is VERY short this timeā€¦HARDLY gonna have ANY effect EVEN IF it was about bots

Pathfinder is beautiful. Iā€™m glad we have it in the game.
I love unlocking the flying tbc with pathfinder. I hope it continues this way :heart:

lmaoā€¦he saidā€¦knowing he doesnt have to do PFā€¦and thus just seeking attention saying edgy trolling crap to irritate lmao

IF it served some VALID purposeā€¦but it doesnt.
Ion doesnt even have his old joke line of PF being about exploration.
We ALL knew that was lies. lol.

IF it had ever been about exploration it would STILL be about Exploration and NO ONE would be using EITHER flight until they did some long PF still today.

This literally comes down to his obstinate flight hatred.
Sadly, THIS particular version of PF, like in DF, specifically targets lesser abled players.

I appreciate that Ion has made it very fast this timeā€¦but he HAS to comprehend that doing so literally confirms that PF has no VALID purposeā€¦and if there is no VALID purposeā€¦that really just leaves his personal agenda against old flight users.


Yes this game should be about collaboration and not about PF shenanigans.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Blizzard hates flying but itā€™s available in the first 10 min of the new x-pac?


Definitely not 10 minutes at all.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

It takes 10 min to do the beach quests which unlocks flying.