Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

And ones like me to blame for Pathfinder, back when the flight debacle happened in WoD, myself, along with others, were arguing for a way to earn flight. What we though of was simple:

  1. hit current max level
  2. complete main story lines
  3. explore the areas
  4. repeat for patch content (yes, this means under our plan, we could have had flight in areas like Argus)

Since them, some of us have argued for options, like a god cost per character and PF for a 1 stop shop deal,

idk i just zoom to the point on the map and dive straight down when im over the marker. it’s just like noclip but faster for me. the few mobs i might have to kill take less time than the time i saved flying there faster.

nothing really active about it to me.

really the only difference for me is no afking in the air, i can live with that.


TBC, flight 1st comes to WoW, awesome everyone yells for ice cream the honeymoon begins.

Wrath, flight gets bonus speed and with book your alts get it sooner. Honeymoon continues and everyone still happy.

Cata, flight is open everywhere for the most part, nothing new is added to flight in progress. Players master all the ways to use it completely to their advantage to gather and even use it in classes to cheese gathering the quickest. Speed quest, avoid mobs, Camp rares, camp other players in PVP and dozens of other lame work arounds in the game that makes game play more lame in the long run. Holes are starting to show and the Honeymoon is about to end for TBC flight for many players.

MoP: TBC flight becomes stagnate, and loses much of its charm for a number of players, it just is there as just another tool to get the job done, no romance to it left and the Honeymoon feeling is really over with.

WoD: OMG where is my wings :poop: my pants danger Will Robinson, Blizzard un announced tries to remove flight for a flightless xpac. (Shame on them) ends up forced to change it back, but with Pathfinder being born) Bring forth the torches and pitch forks.

Legion - Shadowlands, Same thing Pathfinder with TBC flight stagnate, yet provided half way threw an xpac with the pathfinder achievement.

Dragonflight - New style of flying for WoW, Dragonriding given at the start after short questing. TBC unlocked by pathfinder half way threw xpac. Torches and Pitchforks still from all the I hate pathfinder people.

TWW announced with Pathfinder still active but achievable from the start with the least amount of requirements ever. Dragonriding renamed to Skyriding and TBC fight renamed to Steady Fight. Skyriding is active from the start. Torches and Pitchforks again from those who hate pathfinder or anything to do with change to flying.

Thus is the history of flight in WoW.

You are accurate on everything but these last two.

(I would add)
Dragonflight- The people who can’t use the new flying feel especially slighted because it feels like people without handicaps or motion sickness were given something that those who couldn’t use Skyriding were not for no clear reason.

TWW- it’s a step in the right direction, but that step highlights even more that there is no reason to not just give flying to mitigate the gap between those who can use Skyriding and those who simply can’t.

There. Now it looks accurate.

People just want to have the same opportunities to do things at the same difficulty level if it is possible within reason. Some things get really messed up if you do that, some don’t. I see almost no downside here so it should be changed.

You put up a pretty lengthy post there…what was your point?


Not quite:

More like:
TWW-it is a step in the right direction, but those that want PF removed take hardliner stances that could screw the game by making others feel like they don’t matter instead of coming up with ideas, like the ability to buy steady flight, that gets them what they want but runs little risk of turning others off.

Tbh this entire thing is primarily because ion made the mistake of saying accessibility on stage, so it gave this weird ammo.
I can’t say I ever saw accessibility being used an argument period until he said that in blizzcon.

If he never said “accessibility”, would we even be seeing this posts twisting his words and applying that to tbc flight?

So I’m sure we’d still see these posts about not being able to use dynamic and such, BUT would the arguments be the same?

Tin-foil hat time: Maybe he said such so players would argue of such while he makes plans to remove steady flight again

If he really wants to remove steady flight, he might try to distract people by saying such so the players get so involved in arguing that they don’t pay attention to what he is doing.

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To be immersive, sky riding should cause damage when you smash into the ground


or trees/mountains/etc. But there is immersive and then there is too realistic. But, eh, it might give some a reason to actually intend to use aerial halt.

Tbh that’s the best tinfoil hat theory Ive seen in the thread.

Pit player vs player while they work on stuff behind the scenes lol.

I am impressed as well.

In that case liberate TBC normal flying from the clutches of patchfinder shenanigans!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Or at the very least, your mounts to be stunned for several minutes and unable to move at all.


I am against flying in general, however I think dynamic flight and standard flying should be available on Day 1.

Dynamic flying is not fun in my opinion. I don’t think we should yuck someone else’s yum though.

It doesn’t impact my experience if someone wants to play a Druid and bypass mobs for quest items and nodes/herbs.


And you have to have a license when you cross the border of each zone.

And pay the toll ala New York bridges.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


To be immersive maybe when you die, it should be permanent death. That is right they tried that over on classic hardcore. It grew old real quick on people when they died a few times and lost everything.

Yes immersion should be balanced. For some the best immersion balance is Steady flight


Not just me, many other had been asking to for something more to flying than what we had been messing with at that point.

Just because people come late to the party or ignore the post they seem to deem not worth their time. Doesn’t mean over time Blizzard doesn’t take into account into creating something in the future from reading into it.

Did anyone in any of the post describe Dragonriding, nope. Most discussed how the skies needed to be filled with some sort of danger that would dismount a person, specially AFKers. Or in some way the mount would become fatigued if parked for extended time frames in the sky without being moved, thus falling to the ground.

Things as talked about other types of PvP mounted combat styles on flying mounts. Or actual player used engagement with flying mounts that the player used, and it would actually take some sort of small amount of skill or at least attempt of skill to do.

The list went on and on over the years with idea from random players each time anything was brought up. So no, it was not just myself, however every time I could say something, I sure as heck did, anytime I was offered a chance to put something in feed back, I sure did.

Nope steady flight is boring and old, out of date. I rather slam my appendage in the door than be stuck using it. I play a game not to be bored to death in something mindless, I expect to at least rub two of my brain cells together to accomplish something.

Steady Flight is about as brain dead as it comes to game play mechanic.

Wake me up when they remove flying from the game.

They wouldn’t dare remove their cool new dynamic flying, they would only remove TBC flying and tell anyone who doesn’t like that change to leave, and hope it doesn’t damage the bottom line enough that the higher ups get upset and tell them to reverse course.