Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

bro, I was craking a joke with them about the people they were talking to…and they came at me like I did something wrong to them. people on the forums trend towards unstable on the best of days. Imma go I think. Too many people without the ability to read keep responding to me and misinterpreting what I say, either intentionally or not.

Enough of you saw what I said and agreed because you can think about other people besides yourself lol. Hopefully they do the smart thing and just make both forms of flight be just a gold sink so everybody can go back to their usual business of complaining about pvp or m+.

people keept trying to call accessability features “entitlement” and its wild and telling.

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Oh, I read it well enough, what you are ignoring is the idea that, until you posted, such was not really mentioned by anyone. You I agree with and support.

I thought you were trying to make a joke/be facetious, but jokes and such on the forums are not always evident.

Too far, maybe I did go overboard (I should have said do the leveling process, does not matter if it is cia the campaign, dungeon running, or PvP/BGs without flight). But to accuse me of being the fun police after calling someone else out for making a joke is beyond the pale. I don’t know if you were making anoth joke or not, if you were, not funny, if not then realize you did the same thing to me that Quiver did to you.

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first, I made a joke and got attacked, I never admonished anybody for a joke. I literally got suspended once for a joke about pretending to be the magic conch from spongebob. That’s how easy these people on here will get triggered.
I was even quoting the person who got at me about my joke that they flat out did not get lol. Not you. So just a misunderstanding on both of us lolol

No problem, it happens, Quiver and I have just been going through the same thing from others, not you, in the post, so we might be a bit on edge ourselves. More or less you come in here being reasonable, but after the fight has been going on for a bit so you wind up in the crossfire, some of us try and hold our punches so we don’t hit you but it still happens.

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That all these white knights of blizzard have been screaming at those of us that use Steady flight cause trying to Dragon Flight is hard on some players physically in pain and make many sick to their stomachs still even with anti sickness button…


Easiest thing in the world to just remove the unlock from pathfinder, yet we have too many people posting suggestions that would take way more work and time.

Oh and the people in here who tried to camouflage their “lmao get over it, entitlement” eventually just dropping the charade.

The best are the nonsensical replies. It’s an inequity that doesn’t effect them so they don’t care.

Let me explain something to you now…I have to wear wrist braces if I try use Dragon Flying too long…as for the rest of the game I take breaks all the dang time …I stop playing and just chill out to ease up my hand use or haven’t heard of taking a break…I don’t raid …I don’t do Dungeons …I don’t do PVP battle grounds cause of stress that put me into a Stroke not just once but twice…I am 67 yrs old with a damaged body…yes I use to raid …I use to do dungeon but that’s been years ago now…I try to do LFR but again it gets too be too much for me now I stopped…and your free to check my profiles and see what is marked off and not marked off…

Steady flying allows me too get up into air and fly and let me rest my right hand off the mouse for a brief time period where as dragon flying doesn’t…


A little yes, but definitely not as bad as the other. And that was only after being antagonized.
And by saying “both have been toxic” is essentially making excuses to be toxic.

No idea why we can’t just call it out as we see it. Liking their comments after they are toxic just encourages it.

Because its not that important. Its a first world problem.
They already gave their stance on it. Lessened pathfinder. If you can’t fly via dynamic, there is ground mounts.

Thems the facts. Agree/disagree. Make a post about changes in midnight because its not happening now and mostly wont ever because of how much they lessened pathfinder.

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IMO, you are wrong.

Then why are you swapping to DF all the time and complaining that the 5 sec toggle is egregious? You’d think that something that causes you so much pain would only be used rarely.

“…So I can show up and tell you all the same things and continue to be toxic while telling people to do the thing they are already doing.” this is you.

“there isn’t a big enough outcry”
several threads and large post counts with people who are dissatisfied
“It’s all the same person on alts, not a real issue.”
-also you

Have you ever had a good faith post in this entire thread?

The toggle for a lot of people is glitched and needs to be reset fairly often.

As one that was attacked and told Im lying about my disabilities as well got told I lack empathy. Im a sociopath. And much more. All because I didn’t parrot their company line of people with disabilities getting singled out and what not…

You are entitled to your wrong opinion.
3k posts. You are more than welcome to scroll through. Lio specifically was the most toxic and did the most name calling and harassing here.

Totally… not encouraging people to start a thread about voicing their thoughts and changes they want to see in midnight and beyond.
Totally not trying to encourage productive and positive feedback vs this pointless back and forth arguing and finger pointing.

You mean the same 5 people spamming the few topics that crop up?
And those same topics die when those few stop spamming the threads?

What an awful attempt to try and call me out as well as contributing to the problem :+1:

All my posts are there. You can read through them. There is also a handy search function where you can search users by thread.
Probably helps to do that before making wild assumptions at someone.

(Ps Ive said numerous times that I think pathfinder in its current form is pointless and agree it needs changing. However what you and others can’t seem to grasp is I refuse to get on the ‘but mah disability’ train)

Sure. It can happen when relogging or entering/leaving instances but that’s not what they’re talking about.

No more PF, ever.


Then instantly dismissing those threads as “The same people on alts.”

I believe you believe you are doing this, by continually shutting anyone down who supports unlocked steady flying.

You should be good at identifying those behaviours, considering you’ve been doing it all thread.

Thank you for proving my point. Again.
Keep ignoring the people posting threads proving you wrong. Can use that handy tool as well.

yet you remain here being toxic. Your comment about the legitimate complaints of disabled gamers pretty much prove you aren’t here in good faith. Your consistent pushback on people who you claim to agree with coupled with your cheap shots over the complaints of disabled gamers to not grant you much legitimacy in your posts. Just shows you’re here to be a bother and not add anything of value to the conversation.

“I refuse to interact with the main topic in the thread, instead I will be unnecessarily argumentative for no reason.”

If you agree that pathfinder is dated, why are you still here? Oh, right, to tell everyone with legitimate complaints to “deal with it, complain later”.

EDIT: oh look, the post above mine! I’m sure you can verifiably say they are all the same person. Couldn’t be a subset of gamers voicing concerns about a mode of travel they can’t interact with fully/at all. Should they just wait till you say it’s okay to voice their concerns?

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Proof of either claim?

Again, proof?
Ive merely said the way to unlock it is immensely diminished.
I haven’t said get good or anything. And if I agree pathfinder needs changing and its current state is pointless doesn’t that instantly refute your claim? Lol

Unlike you, I provide video proof to back up what I say.
You come in insinuating these things with nothing to back it up.
If I’m such a terrible person, there should be plenty of proof to quote me on.

What are you in about? Lol
If it was such a hot topic, there would be more than 1 or 2 threads with more than the same few people keeping it going.

Stating that just proves me right and your crazy nonsense about me wrong.
It would be different TONS of people were replying and there were a bunch of treads. But neither are happening. Stating that doesn’t make me a bad person.

You however saying that about me just makes you disingenuous.

So… you were saying?
Me getting bullied by these same people you are white knighting for is okay huh? Lol.
And I’m just so toxic for not sitting there any taking it?
Okay :joy:

Why don’t we look at the post count and the top posters shall we…

Did you even bother clicking on it?
Its the same people in this thread lol.
Why don’t you search pathfinder threads in general too. You’ll notice the same pattern.

And of course you’ll have new people sprinkled into the mix. Its ridiculous you think that is some kind of gotcha if you are trying to insinuate ALL posters are the same people… like troll harder.

I mean this is one of the easiest wins in BlizZard history right in front of them.

Why not go for the easy win and make player happy???


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Because its not an issue especially PF requirement have been nerf significantly. Instead of waiting for mid patch for steady flight, you get it on day one, you just had do bit of work to get it and its very reasonable. What happen is that some folks who are anti DF hate the fact that TBC flying is gated and DF isn’t and showing their anger at blizzard hoping that will they change their mind. Reality here is Blizzard has see this post and I am sure that they are rolling eyes because they see as a pointless thread. For nine years, pathfinder has been around and not going away. Blizzard had did a huge favor for TBC flyers by doing really few simple tasks. Complete each of campaign in each zone and explore all of 4 maps just to fly normally vs. doing all of that, do 50 WQ, do new content campaign, and get revered with all the faction. Some folks here had admitted they don’t like doing work that and thus here we are.

If it is trivial then there is no point for PF to exist.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


You can’t be serious.

You turned the whole discussion into an agenda being pushed.
Proof in of itself

You’re trolling. You said your piece and continued being nothing but argumentative and aggressive towards anyone who expressed dissatisfaction in steady flight being locked.

Head in the sand is a choice you can make, how many thread is enough for you? What’s the number?

You ignoring the threads that do pop up, and or posting nothing but “deal with it, it is what it is”. They are there, they have been there, they continue to pop up. God forbid the more active thread be the prominent one.

You wanna be the pot or the kettle here?

The door that you are referring to here swings both ways. You shut people down, people wont be too happy about it, as you demonstrate.
Nobody should be using their disability as a shield or a get out of jail free card, people should also not be reducing legitimate complaints down to

So using it as a shield, got it.

You mean the same people who are having issues with DF are posting about it wherever they think they can gain traction? you know, raising awareness to the issue as you have told people to do? Hopefully bringing it to the attention of the devs so that things can be potentially changed in later expansions? which is what you’re telling people to do?

It’s not a gotcha, its demonstrable proof that you have zero horse in this race and just want to shut people down.

You are, I am not.

Taking notes from you on this one apparently.

Enjoy your bad faith posting and deflecting the concerns of others. Clearly you don’t need me to do that though, this thread has been your last few days apparently.