Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

I really had no major issues while leveling a number of toons in Beta, I only found a few quest actually bugged. The other crashing bugs I am sure they will fix before live happens. They pretty much always have done so.

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Weird that you were all over the thread complaining about the 5 sec toggle.

So you’ll be forced to stay grounded until you do Pathfinder yet the 5 sec toggle is game breaking because you want to swap styles all the time.

Seems odd but that jives with most of your other disengenuos posts.


“they shouldn’t keep steady flight because people AFK on it mid air”

This is a HYPER weak argument.


Can it RAT, you are in here complaining about having to paly the game a certain way when you come down on others for not playing the game the way you want.

Your very attitude is based on screwing others as long as you get yours. In this topic you can appear as wanting to do the right thing but as far as events go, who is to say that the ones being “lazy” are not other disabled people, there are many reasons one can be AFK/AFC in events. Also, the method of AFK/AFCing in most events, hovering, can only be done with steady flight, so do you even care about one or the other?

Also, if your disability really keeps you from using dynamic, why does the switch time matter? Logically speaking, would you not switch ones and never again, only having to switch again if due to a bug or set up it got switched to the style you did not want/have issues using?

To those that really want changes made for disabled people, keep posting and providing feedback, but if you are more like Moused here, don’t bother.


dragonriding was designed to slow us down. One mistake and you are grounded for a solid minute.
None of the flying should be locked behind anything. It’s just another means of transportation, and your arguement is weak.

and yet there are not ten billion druids running around. Almost like virtually nobody is making a druid for its flight form lol. At least not for THAT reason.

So flying at 900% speed is real engaging…with the flying. Not so much on teh zone or on anything other than not smacking into trees and losing all momentum. At that speed, assets aren’t loading in on time, aka its actually eating away at your immersion.
Standard flying forces you to slow down and allows you to pause and admire the zones and areas within the zone. you can see the wildlife and plants.

yeah, active FLYING. not seeing the zone.

You can’t say it’s more engaging with dragon riding just because you have to pay more attention to where you are flying. That’s just because it’s faster. If it moved as slow as regular flying, you might have a point. However, its at like 900% normal movement speed.
And with regular flying you can activate your “rp walk” and fly slow as heck and really get immersed in the zone.

Just because YOU fly around at mach 20 doesn’t mean the rest of us do. I like being able to just hover every now and again and go get a drink of water, or look at the animals and watch them do stuff.
Dragonriding is the least immersive form of riding I can imagine besides being able to teleport from location to location without any thought

You say you want more engagement, but all I see is you want more dragon riding races because you like to go fast.
Standard flight has done nothing but be a boon for everybody. Your issues feel like you had to really work hard at coming up with a reason to be upset.

exactly my point.

My solution for all of this? Make both be a gold sink. 20k or something stupid to unlock either flight style for the new expansion. Just like BC and WoTLK and Cataclysm and Pandaria.
Problem solved. People can just fly with whatever version they want, no need to worry about pointless grinds like in Dragonflight…there was zero reason for any grind to get standard flight.
Don’t get me wrong, I like dragon riding. I just also don’t live in an illusion where I think one form of flight is going to run the game, but that the other one won’t. Neither is doing harm to te game, its just the mentality of the players. They want to get to the end game content because that’s really all there is to the game. Most people are like me and have already been into and seen every zone. Hell, my hunter got loremaster all the way through to the end of Legion and picked back up in SHadowlands…though no shadowlands loremaster.
My point though, is that the majority of people don’t want to be forced to grind out a bunch of pointless nonsense and rep just to slow us down. It was always a timegating measure and the sooner people realise that the better.

That’s why I advocate for making it like in BC /Wrath/Cata/Pandaria. Gotta be max level, have X amount of gold, and that’s it. IF people don’t want to see all the quests, that’s fine. They paid to play this game, they are free to play however they want.
It’s not for anybody, not even the devs, to hide something basic like flying behind an attention wall. They want you to see them so they force you into it like a child needing to put their fingerpainting on the fridge. Except instead of your own kid on your own fridge, its a bunch of grown adults who are demanding that you see their work.

I want to see it, and its really hard to see it with Dragonriding. I think dragonriding is actually pretty stupid despite enjoying it enough to do some of the races. But do I advocate to have it taken away? Nope. I actually want it to be easier to unlock than before lol.
So why are all these people advocating to take away my fun? I don’t push to remove their fun…it’s wild how many people in here are just Fun Police that refuse to even try and see things another way. I was there in WoD. I was forced to see it another way and it was garbage. Nobody liked not flying. IT was a stupid decision then, and this is a stupid decision now.

Make both kinds of flight just be a gold sink…

yup. That’s part of my point too. All these people advocating to lock regular flying behind an achievement, no matter how easy it will be or not, are not even trying to consider the other players in the game. It’s an inherently selfish standpoint and I can’t get behind it.


Im in full agreement with you.


I would report that as a bug IMO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


lol yeah. I would also like to point out that BLIZZARD is also ignoring a good chunk of their playerbase who were very verbal the last time they did it back in like…oh, yeah…just recently in dragonflight lol. The people getting sick spoke up immediately and were barely listened to.
Now blizzard is just straight up giving them the metaphorical middle finger.


I see nothing metaphorical about it, they are, especially Ion who is using both hands.

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What are you talking about? Blizz implemented the Accessibility options for Dragon Riding after feedback.

And if players are still having issues with motion sickness with all of them turned on then Blizz needs to know what are the remaining problems so they can implement more fixes.

Motion sickness is not the only problem some people face with dragonriding; Many people have gone in and out of this and other threads talking about limitations.


the only real fix they did was to make regular flying a thing again and easily obtainable. Sure, some diminished effects…however the core problem for most was the dragon riding at all. period. flat out they can’t do that kind of flying, and it’s not a small population I would wager. Motion sickness is actually super common for people.

That’s spurious. How does someone function as a player in other aspects of the game if they’re incapable using their mouse and a couple of buttons?

Like how does someone who can’t use Sky Riding actually fight mobs in dungeons, raids and the open world since both require using your mouse and keyboard.

And the options fix the issues for most players but if not they need to report what the continuing problems are so Blizz can make changes.

dragon riding caused motion sickness.
Regular movement doesn’t. its basic math. Stop trolling.

counter point, I already covered this

next time, put the whole quote because I already countered your point with what you said earlier. REpeating it doesn’t make it more correct.


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And if there are still issues even with all the options turned on and players aren’t reporting them that’s on them.

If a problem is the speed then Blizz should add a throttle option. If the problem if the motion then that can be addressed as well, etc.

What did you counter bro? You said they didn’t listen but they did and they’ll keep listening but they need feedback and not this crap.

And as I said those complaints are spurious at best. If someone is physically incapable of Sky Riding then how do they do anything in game requiring movement and ability useage with a KB and Mouse?


TBC normal flying is the elegant solution to an easy problem.

Just flip the switch.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


way to assume that people chose to just be sick or unsubscribe instead of asking for a change.
Are you married to Blizzard or something? At this point you are defending them to the point where you are maliciously assuming things about strangers and its weird.

not what all the people complaining about it say…

you don’t get to speak on other peoples behalf like that my dude. Other people have problems and have clearly spoken up. That’s what threads like this are kind of abuot…

can you sky ride in dungeons?
Can you sky ride in raids?
while in combat?

its not the same motion, how dense are you?
Not all motion is the same and not all visual representations of it are the same. Some people are different and need different things.
Until you get it, nobody can help you. You just keep assuming everybody else is malicious instead of realising you are defending a corporation that doesn’t care about you like that.
Be serious or just stop. I know I will be, because there is only so many times I can smack my head against a brick wall before I have to admit I can’t break through.

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In the Dawnbreaker dungeon you do but you’re missing the point.

The KB and mouse skills needed to Skyride are the same as those used for basic combat throughout the game. If someone is so disabled that they can’t use Sky Riding controls then how the hell do they actually engage in combat.

I’m not talking about motion sickness genius. I’m talking about these “other” issues you reference.

Sure I do bro. If someone is posting spurious crap and using disabilities as a way to get what they want I have every right to question their legitimacy.

There’s a poster Moused who talks about being stuck on the ground until Pathfinder because they’re disabled then in anther thread complains about the 5 second toggle because they swap all the time.

LOL like what?

Neither do you, nor does anyone else in this thread. We keep getting people that come across as speaking for possibly huge swaths of players. One of the more common ones is disabled people. We have had disabled people come into this thread and say it does not matter to them.

Not debating this beyond it can sound like “Blizzard is ignoring feedback because they don’t do things the exact way players want”.

Blizzard has taken feedback and acted on it, they provide options/things to reduce the effects of whatever it is they have issues with, in this case skyriding. One thing many here seem to forget is it is Blizzards game, they will do what they can to provide for all kinds of players while keeping true to their vision of what they want the game to be. Fact is without Blizzard the game would not exist, same an be said if the game had no players. This is why COMPROMISE is key…

Well, it is possible, with the right mouse/keyboard to get to a point one can play most, if not all, the content they do one handed, might not be high end content or anything, but it is possible.

Not to mention, she tries to speak for all who are disabled like her. Ones like here are just as likely to be out for themselves in the long run.

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Agreed. But that same solution works for dragon riding which is why these claims are spurious IMO.