Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

I truly believe Ion doesn’t like Steady Flight, but admits some people use it for accessibility. I hope that makes it difficult for him to remove it.


11.0.2 patch pathfinder update

No changes

Explore the four leveling zones

Do the four main leveling campaigns

You are unless you are comparing hummingbirds to dragons, gryphons, etc.
Which the comparable bird would have been a hawk, eagle, etc.

Thus you gasping at straws for an odd argument and to prove me wrong lol.

And extremes? We have vastly different definitions of extreme, especially if you consider not flapping your wings 24/7 is extreme :joy:

I doubt they ever will. Tbh I don’t know why this is a topic when its never even been hinted at.
I’d agree with you if they made some changes that made it harder to steady.
But so far, they’ve lessened them.

Unless you mean the toggle. And I think that just exists because the combination of dynamic and tbc flight is still a beta thing and its not its final form. Aka the toggle either being heavily diminished or just flat going away to a favorite your steady/favorite your dynamic type of system.

Yup which is why they should just not go down this path as a company.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Honestly I think pathfinder existing to lock flight is pretty pointless.

However posters like you also make me want them to continue it just because you are annoying. I’m VERY pro not caving to annoying people that inflate minimal issues.

So Id definitely be more in your corner if you just gave it a rest lol.

Annoying is how Rogues had unpruning happen!

This is how a super small community as Rogues we survive! The squeaky wheel is the one that receives grease!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Honestly I find you completely annoying. Only two people have posted in this thread more than you.


Diasgreements are accepting the reality of the situation, not attempt to alter it by using aforementioned theatrics. This isn’t feedback or anything along those lines. It’s the usual whines that happen on forums. And as it has been pointed out, it’s the reason you are constantly bumping days old threads with random nonsense when these non “hot topic” flying threads fall into the abyss.

There is no need to check anywhere else, we have enough here to go by to decipher motive. You did the same thing years ago. This is nothing new for the same posters that do this each and every new expansion since WoD.

The holy flying wars exist in your head as you are doing PF for flight like the rest of us. Blizzard has decided that. It doesn’t matter if you agree with it or not… but you will do it for flight. Period The players have zero say in this.

I was prepared then when we sparred years ago and I am prepared now.
Let’s Go.

What you SHOULD do is make a topic about if pathfinder should exist in midnight and beyond.

And if it does, what state should it exist in.
Like cosmetical rewards and stuff.

Not spam this thread trying to get it removed from tww. Thats not happening.
Right now, most of your posts are just being thrown to the wind and aren’t really productive.


That only thing they can do, just create a post talking about the same topic over and over again hoping that it cause enough pressure for Blizzard to caved. I don’t think that this pathfinder is going cause a mass exodus like WoD and WoD had ton of problems that caused folks to leave.

BlizZard has removed things during expansions or right before so that isn’t necessary. I will only make and start a thread on that topic if the status quo stays the same 2 years from now.

But until then enjoy countless flying topics 24/7.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


And pathfinder wasn’t one of them.
And this one is so trivial, I can’t see them EVER removing it like they did with the rest.
God speed I guess.

See this just shows your true intent. You don’t care about trying to make change, otherwise you’d post PRODUCTIVE topics that people would want to get behind.

Spamming just gets you a few goons who follow you around liking your posts. Nothing beyond that.

If it is trivial then it is easier to flip the switch.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Then enjoy getting reported for spam.

Really at this point, some of us are likely feeling “if there was a way to keep or free steady flight for the majority but lock it behind pathfinder for certain people, we would take that option”.

If they already made it trivial, they might not see the need to flip the switch.

It is all in Blizzards hands, and they likely have the figures and everything they need to determine where to go. The only way to get through to them if you want PF removed might be to cancel subs and put something like “pathfinder still in game” as a reason for the cancelation, but as long as the numbers that do that are small, don’t hold your breath for its removal.


In fact flipping the switch to have TBC normal flying enabled is easier than covenant switching.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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And all of this is irrelevant because of this:

Skyriding isn’t even part of the conversation because of why the limits exist for TBC flying. So what you are saying here is completely irrelevant.

One is actively bad for the game and have made the game worse for 17 years. The other exists as a compromise towards fixing something which has fundamentally broken and warped the game in ways no other system in the game single-handedly has.

To put it as bluntly as this:
If one brings into Skyriding into the conversation it is only to ask this question of whether it should replace completely remove TBC flying, or if it should just merely effectively eliminate and instead replace flying as the default (this is the better option and what we are getting - note: effectively eliminating simply means providing a better option, not the complete outright removal of other types of flying).
Those are your two options. Nothing else. And since you are saying that you acknowledge people can still fly, there’s no debate. You are literally agreeing with me, because those are the only two core options that exist now’a’days because of:

Do note that this has nothing to do with whether ones like one system or the other. It has to do with which one is actively a net positive or a net negative for the game. I have my preference just like everyone else does, and that’s why we are getting a system in which we are supposed to choose one of 'em as our default mode of transport.

The reality is that because of how people use TBC flying as a way to afk and ignore the game, they have to put limits on it. Since flying now has been reshaped and how they create quests, world quests, activities, and more have changed they can mitigate the worst parts by simply instituting a very small limit onto players. One that is completely irrelevant for everyone except a negligible few. That’s the reality of it, and that’s why they put these limits on it for TWW.

True, but still you did not conter

It might be easy, it might be cheap to do, but as long as they don’t see a need to do it, they likely will not do it.

Then why are they only making it for one play through. See the problem with your whole argument is that they made it easier to get old flying this round. Many are not acknowledging that issue but they did. So saying they are making dynamic the default and acting like that means they believe old flying is so much worse than it is just illogical when it unlocks after an EASIER method. If they thought it was that bad they would be going the other direction.

Also, the difference in cheesing of content with dynamic vs static is very low once you have mastered dynamic flying. We have had it for about 2 years so people who CAN use it are pretty good at it. I very rarely need old flying for anything, but I often enjoy it more. I can still skip just about anything with dynamic…just faster.

In short, dynamic flying lets you skip just about any of the content that static flying did. The only difference is you need to master it first. Once that is done the differences are negligible … if you can in fact use it in the first place.


I have stated this over, and over, and over again. Your inability to read it ain’t my problem.

See, the problem here is that you don’t get it. You haven’t gotten it in the month that you have spent arguing with people about it. Not for even half a second have you read, listened, engaged with in good faith, or done anything except post irrelevant argumentative nonsense.

None of these “complaints” you raise matter. Because it ain’t the damn flying that’s the problem, no matter however many times you pretend that it is. It is entirely because of how people have used it since TBC to ignore the game, other players, trivialize content, and refuse to participate in group activities - amongst more issues.

Do anything other than mindlessly spam posts on a forum and refuse to read what folks actually say.

It doesn’t. After the skill tree change, your vigor regen is pretty bad.
So currently dynamic is long distance flying and tbc would be turing on cheat mode and bouncing from point to point.

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