Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Then why did you use hummingbird as an example if you werent insinuating it as part of your argument?
Or are you that desperate to prove me wrong that you had to pull a bird that we know can fly for a very long time. (Still not 24/7 as they need to rest too)

You mean this point?
The one you didn’t even bother replying to?

Because its not going to happen this xpac, get over it and move on.

All this pathfinder is going to do is make Disabled players to rush though and not give a damn to all the work the artists have done with the zones…that use to be a argument Ion use to back having Pathfinder …that is fine I’ll hoof it with my Magic Rooster Egg mount most of the way though slam myself to getting to 80 super fast which I never use to do but will now cause Ion and many fellow players forcing Pathfinder on those of us that have physical issues with Dragon Flying or whatever flavor of name it is this week…you haven’t won …I just don’t need the stress from all the negative talk downs to fellow players that rather use Steady flight.


I don’t have a victim complex, or that I’m pretending customers aren’t allowed to. Not everyone has the same abilities in game as you. For many Skyriding is the best, others find Steady flight the best.

It’s not about refusing to trying Skyriding, it’s about Skyriding doesn’t work for everyone.


Whose fault is that other than your own?
Its YOUR choice if you choose to speed run the content for flying.

Its also sad that you claim to only do world content and just want to rush through it for flying.
Y’all act like you were able to fly for every single other xpac. 9/10 current, you couldn’t period.

Just play the game or don’t. Just stop with this forced crap because you are doing it to yourself.

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Here is my reply, just as I’ve given many times before. I will do the pathfinder achievement to gain Steady Flight. What I’m against is the endless push to have Steady Flight removed.

BlizZard has a big ego and they think players care about their story.

So they are forcing people that prefer TBC normal flying to care about the story.

But people with DR are allowed to skip most of the story elements of TWW?

Like I said BlizZard painted themselves in the corner on this one.

Get out the pitchforks but things will heat up.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


You created your own stress.

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Who is pushing for that other than like 1 person in this entire thread? Lol

The majority are pointing out how trivial the pathfinder requirements are OR making guesses at what blizzard might do in the future.

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Stress is imagined when you project onto what others prefer.

It’s none of your business what others want if it does not impact you. Liberate TBC normal flying!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Because it was a false claim.

Then BlizZard needs to finish the job and end PF shenanigans.

What are they afraid of? Player might have fun and like BlizZard?

:thinking: :sweat_smile:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It wasn’t. They still can’t fly 24/7.

“Hummingbirds can fly for up to 20 hours a day during migration”

Like why are we arguing about hummingbirds and why do you so desperately need to grasp for straws to win an argument against me?

Stress is what a person creates by their own theatrics and then wants to claim otherwise.

The stress that most of you are having is due less to PF and more to the fact that your manipulative antics have failed to garner the results you wanted.

There was NEVER any question that we are ALL doing PF and there is no other playable choice.

The Pathfinder requirements are much less that past expansions, that’s great. Ion seems to hate Steady Flight since it gives one the ability to AFK in the air, personally I like this feature. Before TBC flight in Dragon Flight, when the phone rang, I would quickly find a place to land to go afk. I think TBC flight made going AFK easier. It’s a game, I play it for fun.


You started the argument with bringing in real life mechanics. So that is a fair counter point.

At this point TBC normal flying fits more into the fantasy theme of WoW which is why sky swimming is pretty common dream people have when they sleep.

Fantasy always over rides reality in game worlds like WoW.

Theatrics is only something you perceive others are doing when you disagree. Truthfully what is necessary to convey feedback in a format that is palatable for the masses.

There is no stress on my end as I am only going 50% full throttle at the moment.

I went into semi retirement regarding flying topics in Dragonflight expansion. But I am out of retirement and well rested for the holy flying wars.

If you want to see a preview of my resume check out what proportion of my posts on MMO champion are dedicated to flying topics, posts and threads. :slight_smile:

Have a nice day and eat your wheaties for you are nor ready.



:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I’m not grasping a straws for a win. You said this:

Hummingbirds do not glide. You go to extremes in your arguements against Steady Flight. Give it a break.


Thats cool, but just think you won’t have to wait a full year to do so now.
That is the middle ground Ive been talking about.
If they hated tbc flight so much, why did they lessen pathfinder to begin with?

It is not about winning or losing the holy flying wars.

What matters is we end PF shenanigans and physically disabled players can enjoy the launch of TWW.

Easy win/win/win for all involved.

Lets do it!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


If one person gets to do pathfinder in 20% faster time because they have dynamic flying and the other doesn’t because they can’t use dynamic flying, they are abusing one customers time. The fact that I had to point this out hurts my brain.