Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Indeed which is why we must continue on because treating disabled players second rate regarding the gating of TBC normal flying is abnormal and not normal within the limits of positive and uplifting game design.

They can wish one outcome but the actual outcome is a repeat of what happened in WoD.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I can’t wait till people find out just how ground mount friendly TWW really is and complaining about the need to skyride is overblown.

TWW on beta isn’t ground mount friendly so how will it be different on live?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


How do you know? “Ground mount friendly” could just mean you can reach everything via ground or through things, like ferries/flght paths that Blizzard included. The only section I have heard any issue on, as far as ground mount friendly, is the Coreway.

I am leveling via ground, if I HAVE to switch to skyriding at any point, I’ll concede they at least need work on it and post such, but if I never have to, if I can go 70-80, all exploring and all campaigns on the ground, guess what I’ll be posting instead.

Can you clarify about this please. Is the core way just a giant hole in the ground, with no elevator / teleporter / ramp?

Even if people hate Dynamic flight, all one needs to do is glide down, correct? No ability usage required?

Not on beta, but that is what I am gathering from what I have heard.

Roger. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone citing this specifically as a Problem™️ yet. Just wanted to understand in case that becomes an “issue”.

PF has always been an issue if we are to be honest. Just made more obvious to a larger segment of the playerbase now that DR exists and the new continent is designed with three dimensions in mind.

Which is why telling players to tough it out on the ground using ground mounts doesn’t seem reasonable to me.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I want to thank. you Mafic, and all the others, for fighting the good fight against Pathfinder. I hope they will listen and remove this barrier to Static Flight.


It may happen now, a bit later or one year later.

But the end of patchfinder is near.

I can hear the chariots coming and the trumpets blazing with sound.

The end of the darkest era of WoW is upon us. So, so close and we can turn the page from the darkest era to ever over shadow the greatness of WoW and its player base and community.

Have a blessed day!


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I hope you’re right my friend but I will be long gone.

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I know many migrated to FF and other games years ago and many more will migrate. PF is designed to weaken the TBC normal flying community for their opportune time to try again.

We know their game plan but we are patient.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Yet PF has been weakened in what it takes for quite a while, this is why your “no pathfinder at all” stance seems so unreasonable to some like me.

Even Quiver and I are of the opinion Pathfinder is on the way out, at least as a requirement for flight. Our main issue was people acting like it should be removed now or else, as well as those trying to use disabled people as a reason for it to be removed instead of more options opened for them. In a way, our “tough it out:” arguments could easily mean to say “don’t give up, , you are so close to getting what you want, but we need those that are willing to put up with it, to drive the point home that no matter what they do, people will put up with it or do it just to prove they can’t stop those that want something”.

Like I have said in other posts I see PF being gone, as a requirement for flight (still possibly in for cosmetic things) by the end of the World Soul Saga. Only time will till if it happens.

That’s how I use it. If I have to go far, I use it because its faster, or at least seems faster. From Valdrakken to the Emerald dream portal area.

I have to say, I really enjoyed getting the dragon glyphs and doing the path finder quests. It just seems like they might be taking out fun parts. Is there even a need for the old lands. The gear doesn’t stack up with what you get in Kul Tiras and the Dragon Isles. Who spends time in the Outland , Northrend or the Shadow Lands? I just leveled 6 toons to 70 and none of them had to go to the Outland, Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdom or Shadow Lands for anything. There was one quest that portaled you very briefly to Northrend to fight some stuff. Its like the old areas have no purpose now. They could fix that by making Kul Tiras type quest lines starting in the old areas and progressing from through all the areas. And update the gear given in the old areas. At level 30 in Kul Tiras, you are getting lvl 100+ gear for quests. In Kharanos, for a quest t, I got a level 36 piece of gear with no green stats. The experience scaled, the mobs scaled, but the gear did not. Why go there?

This is why this thread is for feedback to have patchfinder removed as a requirement for TBC normal flying.

Because by delinking PF and TBC normal flying we will have a true gauge of how popular TBC normal flying is in new content.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I have been doing alt leveling via Legion just to try to get the class mounts myself. Well until the ridiculous power leveling of the prepatch event.

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Just be aware that popularity might be a 2-edged sword, like it is very popular, but if it is popular because many use it to make leveling content trivial (via the plop right on top of mobs method), it might face more changes to deal with such.

I see PF coming to an end as a requirement for steady flight, but at the same time am a bit worried that too much in favor of either the players or the devs is not that good for the game in the long run.

Like in Smash Bros Ultimate we have 3 endings, Light prevails, Dark prevails and neither prevails (both final bosses die pretty much at the same time)
Lets shed some light by equating the 3 possibilities in regards to Blizzard, Players and compromise:
Blizzard (light): the game continues, with Blizzard having ultimate control, but players will try to break free so quit to get that freedom
Players (dark): Blizzard becomes beholden to the players, only doing things the players want in the way they want, no creative freedom for Blizzard
Compromise/neither: the game survives, players come and players go, Blizzard has enough freedom to continue their vision and the players that are around have a degree of freedom in how they play

Maybe it started with that as the intent… but you have done more than just derail it from that lol.

They didn’t need to delink it. The fact they expanded the new flying mechanic to most other mounts tells you everything you need to know.

But I guess you need to be smacked in the face with stats and graphs to understand popularity trends.
Again, every pathfinder thread DIES. Pathfinder is not a hot topic :joy:

Doesn’t matter to him/the anti pathfinder goons. It’s not gone NOW so the sky is falling.

If only Blizz would fix the Summon Favorite Mount bug… Only summons ground mounts. Been like this since pre-patch launched and not been fixed. Thread on bug forum hasn’t even been acknowledged…