Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid


Very scary because if BlizZard puts DR behind a PF it is GG.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


No its not. The majority would accept it lol.

The majority will except it this way also. So that is a none point to either argument. The vast majority of players are going to just play the game the way its released come the release day and really not put that much thought into it at this point when it comes to pathfinder.

Those who are bothered by Skyriding will put thought into it, but those who are not will very likely not put much thought into it.

I will also day within a week or two after the launch this whole drama over pathfinder will cease to exist until the next time its required if its even required in the next xpac after TWW.

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Thatā€™s the funniest part. Also canā€™t wait for launch so this nonsense just goes away lol.

It would be one thing if it was actual feedback or productive debates. But with how this has BEEN going, a mod should have locked this nonsense long ago lol.


I am hoping that topics like ā€œpathfinderā€ or ā€œsteady flyerā€ club, for those that earn Pathfinder/steady flight to post in once they do so, will get through some thick heads.

So, again, why canā€™t we have both systems like we had during the entire DF??
Also, why does it switch back to dragonflying when I get out of a dungeon?


A video explained it, basically, Blizzard does not want people to hover in place, waiting for quest mobs to appear/pass by and plop down right on top of them the first time through.

Not our fault, nor Blizzardā€™s if you canā€™t accept that. Personally, myself, and others, think Blizzard is in testing mode while they figure out how to do both DR and steady unlocks or how to uncouple steady from any form of unlock (I.E. not just pathfinder but possibly a gold cost instead) without breaking anything due to the spaghetti code.

In short, what you are asking for may indeed be in the near future, but these things take time and Blizzard is likely wanting the transition to be as smooth for the game as possible.

If you are referring to the timer/just switching mounts between DR and steady, they might need time to program the ideal system, in addition to they might want people to dedicate themselves to one, for whatever reason, like in my case, Iā€™d be using DR to get to quest zones, swap to steady for ease of questing, swap back to DR to head to the next area.

That is likely due to it being the default or a bug of some kind, Iā€™d report it just to be safe.

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They changed it right around the same time the huge lawsuit against Blizzard happened, so again, they only made the change when they needed the good PR. Otherwise I am sure they would have kept it as it was. Ion and Co are stubborn and only make changes when things are going to crap, and they need to generate good PR.


It is weird how much the community does this thing where they fight about what Blizzard wants on a forum instead of just stating what you think would be best for the game. What Blizzards stance is doesnā€™t matter when you are stating your feedback or ideas.

People with disabilities think it would be a better game to just allow it. I think putting the flight speed boost at the end makes the most sense instead of locking flying.

Stop debating this like a bunch of lawyers and just state what you think is best and leave it there. All the rest of it is just internet bs to try and dunk on each other and we all need to knock it off.

The loss to the game for unlocking SF right off the bat is minimal to nothing. The argument that it really messes up the game makes very little sense when people also argue it is so easy to get unlocked anyway. If it is ok to do within the first few weeks, and we can already fly, the design change is minimal for most peopleā€¦but giving it to someone who is disabled is major.

I donā€™t see any way to look at that and come away with anything but the idea it should be unlocked from the get go.


Yeah, it is not cool with me to cry out disability and use it as a cudgel. That crap makes me cringe. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve thrown a tantrum. I hope Iā€™ve been reasonable enough. I have settled in accepting I will have to do PF. I still donā€™t think itā€™s fair, but not much is.


I think where the majority might lose it a bit, is if DR was behind PF and not steady flight.


You definitely arenā€™t one of the ones contributing to the nonsese.

Yea and that would be because the majority enjoys dr. Two instances where people wouldnā€™t really care. 1, both locked. 2, static locked.

But if players really wanted the change, blizz would listen. But it would have to be more than the nonsense above.
No one listens to the victim nonsense or finger pointing. Its not productive, constructive and honestly just makes me roll my eyes lol.


Fact is, the true majority either does not care in the long run or, if it is something major enough to cause them to quit, it is not the forums they tell. They can just put their reasoning on the cancil subscription page.

Also, when it comes to why Blizzard, or more accurately, Ion and co do things, it is extremely bias to say ā€œthe only reason is xā€. This goes both ways, and it is always likely to be for multiple reasons, like they need good PR but also they were planning to do it anyway. On the other hand, the announcement can be done for PR reasons but they could just be announcing things they were doing anyway.

The simple fact is, by saying for accessibility reasons in that video, they are acknowledging their cool new dynamic flying has accessibility issues, and rather than do the logical thing, and say until we can solve those issues 100%, both forms of flying will be there for you to use from the very start, they choose to stubbornly dig in their heels, and try to make people use it in the hopes that players either accept it, or quit.

As for the PR part of my post, letā€™s look at what happened after the lawsuit, they relented on Covenant restrictions, they made the community council thing, which they now are ignoring quite a bit from what Iā€™ve seen, they donā€™t need the good PR atm so they are back to their old ways of ignoring players and doing what they want and if you hate it leave.

I honestly hope we see another repeat of SL with mass exodus of players, and they have to swallow their pride again. Maybe this time around Ion will get put back to lead encounter designer as well.


Time will tell but BlizZard is known for their rug pulls.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Sadly I donā€™t think Ion and Co will ever lock dynamic flying behind Pathfinder, itā€™s their creation unlike TBC flying. Just look at the patch notes, they removed dynamic flying from Pathfinder for BfA and SL, yet left that requirement for TBC flying. Itā€™s clear they have a disdain for TBC flying.

Actions speak louder than words and they are making it very clear they donā€™t want TBC flying to exist anymore, but know they canā€™t outright remove it, so they are going to put as many obstacles to getting it as possible.


Why do they want that?

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What you quoted contradicts your point.
If they wanted to delete tbc flight, why would they continue to remove its restrictions?
They also removed DF pathfinder to. So i donā€™t understand why you quoted a blue saying they removed pathfinder from older xpacsā€¦ then say they are trying to get rid of tbc flight.

?? The first half of Dragonflight we only had Dragonriding.

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More than half. A full year of just dragonriding lol.

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