Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

From my point of view, the fact they are still clutching onto it so dearly shows they still have disdain for TBC flying. If they wanted to prove they didn’t, they would drop it, and give players the freedom of choice right from the off.


Keep telling yourself that, this is Ion and Co, they will keep holding onto it, how do I know this, it’s Ion and Co, the same group of Developers that doubled down on Covenants and restrictions like that throughout majority of SL.


So its all or nothing with you then?

Not very fair lol.
They made big changes and it’s still not good enough.
Tbh I don’t care one way or another about pathfinder because its not my game. But the entitlement makes me wish they’d drop the hammer and just revert pathfinder to its old glory.
Then y’all would REALLY have something to complain about.

…but I’m not that petty.

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So another fool that thinks what people do in the past will be the same they do in the future.

Oh, if only there could be a way to target the entitled dingbats so they could give the rest of us a pathfinder free flight earning but anyone like him still has to deal with it.

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What is sad about the whole thing is they think its their way or the highway.
There is no middle ground. Period.

Completely ignore everything blizzard done to make them happy as well as keep what blizzard wants as well.

Its just sad.


And there is the resorting to name calling, good job showing your true colors :grinning:


I mean the fact you refuse to accept any kind of middle ground shows yours :dracthyr_shrug:

I wish a mod would lock this post already. This is so unproductive.


What’s even sadder is they are blind to the idea that , if that is the way they want to go, Blizzard can easily go;

  1. TBC is locked behind pathfinder, and flight required to level up
  2. Pathfinder has the same requirements that it had in WoD/Legion
  3. oh, you also don’t get TBC flight till a later patch

Maybe I would not have done that if you had not implied I was a naive idiot for thinking that Blizzard can easily have a plan to sun set pathfinder as a way to earn flight.

I am no fan of Ion, and his crew, but I am at least not blinded by hate that I refuse to see adjustments they have made, like unlocking covenants (which by the way, we have no clue if they intended to do so anyway as a way to progress the story) and could make more such choices in the future, especially if the issue they don’t do some of these things as to deal with the code, I.E. they don’t want to risk ruining all flight in trying to uncouple TBC flight from pathfinder.

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Would you be so cavalier if dragon flying had similar restrictions?


Just put skyriding on pathfinder, that have been stupid easy to do.


Why are you so upset? I’m sure if it was the other way around you’d be the one complaining.


Most of us are happy to have flight period on launch. Since literally every other xpac, other than df, you were stuck grounded. 100% no choice.
And tbh I wouldn’t care one way or another. Im just glad flight exists day 1 and pathfinder is effortless :dracthyr_shrug:

Pointing out the lack of compromise isn’t a bad thing either.

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And, from WoD through SL, it was either an achievement, or item, that was put in a later patch, so we were grounded for up to a year before getting flight.

It would be whatever. I’ve played every expansion. I’ve gone through the dark times of only having ground mounts for basically the whole duration in ones like WoD and BfA.

Man… bfa was easily the worst terrain for ground mounts to date.
The day pathfinder unlocked… that was life changing for bfa content.

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There is a video of Blizz folks mentioning tbc flight helps some people with disabilities. It’s been posted to this thread a number of times. I have not watched it myself.


Ok, so you folks who love TBC style have two choices.

  1. Suck it up and do quest to unlock pathfinder as best as you can. you feel better once you get it done and by Sunday Aug 25th, mostly everyone who bought epic edition will have steady fight unlocked.

  2. You can just quit the game and never look back. You can continue the fight all you want, but blizzard had already had made up their since last year, and they pretty happy with Pathfinder being gated like this.

Those are you two choices take it or leave it.

It’s a slippery slope there to lable someone as acting entitled, when there is no PF on your preferred form of travel :grinning:


The only mention I’ve seen is ion stating some use it for accessibility. But in the same breath he also said some use it to afk in the air.

Preferred maybe, but I still wouldn’t throw a tantrum, use my disability to call people out or belittle. Even if dynamic was locked, I’d still be okay with it.

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Not to mention, some of us might prefer steady for quest areas, sky riding for distance. I am not doing the sky riding for the first time through, as my “preferred” flight for that is steady, which is locked, so who says there is no lock on my “preferred” form of travel?

But in case it has not sunk in, the reason we call them entitled is not cause they want the lock removed on their form of travel, it is cause we have told them things and they start in on us, acting like we, as well as Blizzard, need to bow to their desires.