Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Not quite, those who like/can use dynamic, but actually want to use both, have a plate full of things they like, those that can’t it might be more like a plate of food they can handle but don’t like the taste of. n other words, both have to clean their plate, but the first does not have to be told to, the second fights it as much as possible and might have to be told repeatedly. It all depends on what you consider “desert” in this case, and what is the meal you choose.

This fool ignored me cause I tossed his BS back in is face and he cold not deal with that, it is up to you if you ignore me, but as long as you keep yourself civil I am open to discussing things with you.

They told you why strait from Blizzard Dev’s mouths at Blizcon or post Blizcon interviews, you all just fail to accept what Blizzard Dev’s had to say as the reason.

We have watched you go from a slight medical issues to becoming almost a bed ridden disabled person who can barely play the game. Yet you say you have a number of toons across a few realms that you mainly farm nodes on and dislike using Skyriding as the form to do that on just to more that likely to toss it on the AH and play AH gold maker. That no one cares how you make your gold in WoW, its the principle you do have a motive to all this.

Now you also call people out for just being lazy, just because they don’t want to do something your way. Which is really rich when it comes down to it because here you are saying you do not want to do something based on your own feelings about it. So if what is good for the goose is good for the gander, well that goes for you too Mr.


She forgot one of the first rules of trying to discredit others: those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Well, she exposed her glass house and had stones thrown back at her.

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on another angle, I started a new alt and found out that Skyriding starts at level 10.

normal flying at level 20.

going thru a starting zone with skyriding is like riding a meteor. 720 % flight absolutely changes leveling. it’s amazing and I recommend you try it.

Why on earth do they need to be such …umm…about flying? This game gets less fair every day.

Never in my life have I ever felt so disrespected by a company as I do with Blizzard. It’s disgusting the way they’re treating people.


I would like that link as well, because it doesn’t make much sense. Seems to me that they just followed their old playbook for steady flying release.

I really view whatever they did in dragonflight as them learning. They never had to deal with twitch based travel needs for people and likely didn’t see it coming, or didn’t see how it would fully cause issues. They figured, faster more interesting better for all, not better for some and got blindsided.

Is that dumb? Yeah I think it is but I definitely don’t see it as nefarious. I think it is just something Blizzards design ethos often creates. They don’t offer enough options with the same results. They offer options that all boil down to one efficient way of doing it and a bunch of subpar ways…that sucks for anyone with a disability but again not nefarious.

That said I will try to find that compromise comment…wow whole way back to WoD? Hmm not even sure anyone is still around from then.

Edit: yeah looks like you are right on them planning on no flying then backing off in WoD. Well that to me just shows with enough pressure they do cave. Keep pushing for SF off the bat, but the new easy pathfinder for the speed boost.

I think that is a decent way to go especially because now it doesn’t change the design at all. You can skip everything just find with DF if you can use it, so their stance is actually far less logical now.


got me…but skyriding at level 10 around Dolonaar is a hoot.

Is it? Evidence?

The lack of pathfinder posts literally refutes your point.

The only one misleading here is you. All you do is spam ans spout misinformation.

Ps. Im a wow veteran. What have I not known for a long time?

Its their game. Why do they have to compromise?
Your entitlement is astonishing.

It is.
No timegate. No 11.2. No astronomical requirements.
Literally explore and campaign. That IS the compromise since the precedent prior was a massive meta that took all expac to complete.


I’m good.

I only report on things that matter, to me, anyway.

i hate dragon flying it’s the worst thing to happen to this game.

Simple things like starting out slow and going faster. it should be starting out fast and going slower.

haveing to look up to slow down when what I want to see is down below is bad design.

The whole thing is garbage and should be done over starting from the beginning.

Flying to recharge flying is dumb

Halt is useless because it takes 2 charges to resume flying.

The whole thing is absolute garbage and it’s not fun to play


I have tried to keep from saying this for two weeks. EVERY dramatic post, their health condition seems to worsen. Glad someone else noticed the act too.


Skyriding is not fun for me because it gives me motion sickness. Yes I’ve tried all the motion sickness settings


In another thread, Moused has also come across as hating “lazy players” being catered to, yet she is trying to use her “disability” as a reason she should be catered to? Sorry, not going to fly, especially since some “lazy players” could be fellow disabled.

Moused has proven herself to be queen of the hypocrites, and like all royal brats, she is crying to get her way.


Your camera and directionial movement operate independently of each other so this doesnt make sense to me.

And you move up to slow down, that’s basic gravity and momentum.
If you move in an upward direction without forward force, you slow down. If you move in a downward direction without forward force, you speed up.
That is realism, and I would disagree on bad design.

Birds do not flap their wings 24/7. They flap for speed, then glide. Again, more realism.

I appreciate the cander, but the majority would disagree.
Players loved dragonriding, which is why they expanded it to older mounts.

They can’t please everyone, but they can please the majority.

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You know how they could make an even larger majority of the players happy, not locking TBC flying behind Pathfinder again. OMG, that was so hard to figure out if only Ion and Co could think like that and maybe let go of their disdain for TBC flying.


Might not make as many “happy” as you think, I have a feeling most are satisfied with PF in its current form, especially if it means it could be on its last legs anyway.

Maybe when players let go of their disdain for Ion and co and realize that their choices are NOT ALWAYS meant to get back at players.

Or, crazy thought, drop Pathfinder and show they really want to change, rather than clutching onto it like they currently are. As for having disdain for Ion, he has kind of earned it with they way he has been through BfA and SL and doubling down on things players don’t like.


True, but it’s not my game and the % that hate dynamic is pretty small.
If there were a bunch of players that despised pathfinder, they would make themselves known.

The fact we only have 1 pathfinder thread with a handful of people is pretty telling. When something pops up and players don’t like it. The forums get spammed with posts and commentors.

If they truly hated tbc flight, why did the remove the majority of pathfinder achievements and the timegate?

They also said in an interview why they did made this decision :dracthyr_shrug:

They did via the pathfinder changes lol.

You are letting hate blind you. Because its not the change YOU want, they aren’t making any concessions. In reality, they are meeting players half way.

How is this for crazy thought-
TWW: Pathfinder is required for TBC flgiht
Midnight: it is a redo of Quel’thalas, so could easily go cata route and have flying unlocked for all at once
The last Titan: Pathfinder uncoupled from earning flight and made more a cosmetic or bonus reward

Pathfinder is likely on the way out at least as a way to earn flight, might be just a question of if it is now, like you and others want, or if Blizzard has a plan for sun setting it over the course of the next few expansions.