Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

If its so freaking easy as you and other say then put Dragon Flying behind Pathfinder too…What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander…its only right that every one has to do Pathfinder not just those that are disabled and can’t handle Dragon flying…or do you not care how the Disabled are being told they are Second Citizens of Azeroth now…


They have told you why in interviews, so stop your whining at this point and deal with it or choose not to and just use ground mounts to get pathfinder, it happening in 12 days at 3pm West Coast USA time or when realms come up (for those with early release).

I mean sheesh, I have all 40 of my toons to level 70 and everyone of them to 480 Ilvl or better waiting for TWW to launch at this point in early release.

Based on beta it is not easy and you can not complete all the quests on beta because BlizZard holds it back till the release.

So there is a chance that there will be bugs in those spoilery quests.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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So now you just strait up lie about how easy it is to explore the whole map in every zone and just simply complete the main story line for every zone, which I have done in Beta on more than one toon. Its a face roll, and its super easy, and that is all that is needed to unlock pathfinder this time around. Stop your stupid lying about things to make people think its difficult.


Either it is a bug or an undocumented change.

Report as a bug but if a bug goes unfixed for a long period time I would mark it down as an undocumented change.

Not all changes make it to the official patch notes.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

So that person found a bug in Beta, gee the whole reason for Beta actually, and did they report it, and then at that point its just a wait game until a patch comes out with it fixed, doesn’t mean what ever went wrong will be seen in that case, if its a trigger bug. IE they completed a quest and it didn’t trigger the achievement completion, it may not show up on that toon.

How ever it doesn’t make it a difficult task to complete pathfinder. Just means that Beta is working as intended you find bugs, you report them. At some point the Dev team will fix them. You may or may not notice the fix on that toon or even that Beta patch.

It depends upon what tools you have to work with to be honest.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Technically, if you’re using steady mounts you can explore the new zones to your hearts desire, you just cant FLY them.

If it’s so “stupid easy to do” then WHY even have Pathfinder? Also, if it’s so “easy” and important to the developers, then BOTH flight forms should require Pathfinder.

I personally believe it’s past time to do away with Pathfinder. It was a stupid requirement back in the day, and it’s even more stupid and pointless now.


Sadly Ion and Co can’t accept that maybe their precious dynamic flying might not be used by everyone by choice, so they have to lock TBC flying, and try to force everyone to use dynamic flying, so they can brag about how popular it is because everyone is using it, so they must like it.

Honestly I get a feeling they will use this to try and justify trying to remove TBC flying again, when it doesn’t work they will have a tantrum again and bring back half expansion long Pathfinder for not praising their awesome new flying and accepting it.

Sorry but I’ve seen enough of Ion and Co to know that when they want something to be accepted by the players, regardless of how bad it is, they will double down on it and ignore feedback until the game starts to suffer.


How is it “forced” when the zones in TWW are ground Mount friendly versus dragon isles where the terrain are more on the unfriendly side of the scale. This dichotomy between the two flight forms (even though the skyriding is a flight form but it really isn’t) is stupid. Because one flight form gives you erroneous amount of benefits versus the other where you need to interact with and think before you make a landing where gameplay comes in.

Way to ignore the fact I said “try and force” but I get it, that doesn’t fit your argument so you have to misquote me to try and start a false argument.


Their stupid inconsiderate rules is number one on my top-ten reasons for cancelling my subscription.


One can use ground mounts instead, so don’t pull the “only choice” BS unless you are trying to argue that “yeah, we can use ground mounts, but that would inhibit me from getting ready as fast as I can”.

This is rich coming from you, if you come down on Blizzard for catering to “lazy players” The ONLY reason you want steady flight without pathfinder is so you can get what you want with ZERO work. You are just as lazy as those you speak against catering to. If you don’t want “lazy” players to get credit/rewarded for “AKFing”, when, for all we know, they could be that way due to a disability, you should not get steady flight without at least some work put in. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander after all.

Save your crocodile tears, if you really cared about “disabled people:” you would give those you consider lazy the benefit of a doubt. You also benefit for the things that allows players to AFK, for ANY reason, including the affects of disabilities.

You, Moused, are nothing but a hypocritical RAT who treats those who could be like you, or worse off, like second class citizens but makes those who you feel like are doing the same to you hell. Your cries of fairness and everything are as empty as your heart.

I do feel that PF is on the way out, but if threads like this have people like Moused supporting them, when it does happen there can easily be cries of Blizzard catering to “lazy players” again.

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Ok, let me rephrase it, making it the only flying choice available initially. Point is, they are trying to pigeonhole players into dynamic flying to make it look like everyone likes it regardless, give players the choice right from the start and stop trying to control how players play the game.


If you have beta and been through the questing it doesn’t force you to use skyriding to get to places.

Again, ignoring I said “try and force” please just give up, it’s making you look like you are obsessed with arguing when you try to misquote people to make an argument.


The current method is giving player free reign over how they play, after the first time through, almost like one has to “clean their plate” before getting desert, but once the plate is clean, they can have as much desert as they want.

So the players that can or are fine with dynamic flying can have their desert right away, but those who can’t use dynamic flying or don’t like it have to eat their dinner first, sorry, your logic doesn’t work unless either both forms were locked or neither were locked.


Just put him on ignore. Made my forum experience much less stressful, except for when he gets quoted.:stuck_out_tongue: