Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

More and more people are noticing.

Nope. You cannot break policy because a fully grown karen stomps up and down and demands their shiny.

Heck I turned a lady away yesterday. She found something in her closet she wanted to return from a REALLY long time ago. Threw a fit about not getting CASH back on a credit card sale to begin with. Also couldn’t accept the fact that we couldn’t do the return because after so long, the transaction clears the system, receipt or not.

I can’t just give you cash back when you didn’t even pay cash… just because you demand it lol.
And I’m not losing my job to appease an irresponsible, selfish person.

Policies > all.


I can understand the content gating itself…of course they have to gate it otherwise the 22 hour a day gaming sort would burn thru the content in 3 days.
But we’re WAY past the need for pathfinder…and Ion KNOWS this very obviously or he’d never have allowed EITHER version of flight to be released without doing it.

Im happy he’s made it shorter this time around so lesser abled players dont have to lose so much time on the ground …(and contrary to a jokers comment above, saying “lesser abled” is just fine…‘disabled’ means DISABLED…someone with mere motion sickness ISNT DISABLED, but are still affected by skyriding’s effects…but leave to the desperado attention seekers in here to find something else to whine about, lol)


Watching other people suffer because they can not use DR doesn’t make sense to me.

It is not logical.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


this topic is treated as a spam and I know blizzard is not taken you guys seriously. Enjoy doing Pathfinder.

they can’t let it go.


And it’s the same 2 people in all of them :joy:


lack of empathy is a trait of sociopathy.


don’t be like that.

3 people.


I, for one, am dreading having to use Skyriding in a dungeon, yet again.


You are responding to the topic so you must think it is important too.

I agree it is an important topic for that is why we will continue the discussion. I feel that TBC normal flying precision makes the game play flow of gathering and questing more better in terms of unwinding and it is not stressful.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


There are some people here that just enjoy the fight, they like feeling like they are on Blizzard’s side, almost like they are here protecting Blizzard from the angry and ungrateful masses :joy:

Of course, when they personally feel strongly about an issue, it’s very important and their feedback needs to be taken seriously. I really do find it entertaining to watch them white knighting one day, then sticking the boots in the next day when something they care about isn’t going their way.


Forum PVP is more interesting to me than DF PVP because of many reasons.

But yeah some people want to see other suffer which is strange as we are trying to promote a positive community and not a communtiy that is toxic.

Let me take a time out and state that you are a valued member of the WoW community.

Thank you!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


laughable part is blizzard isnt gonna give them any brownie points for effort…just makes it funnier. lol.

just watch them around the forum here. They THRIVE on the attention.
Tell them youre ignoring them and watch what happens.
A normal mind would just ignore right back.
Not them…it enrages them. lmao. Theyve literally stalked me around from thread to thread trying to get my attention the last two years.
Its hysterical to watch.

They DONT care about this topic either way.
Day one of TWW they’ll all be on their skyriding mounts not even noticing a few players on the ground trying to do PF for steady flight…wont even be a blip on the radar to any of them.
Theyre here for attention…saying edgy crap to get it…like they do in every thread theyre in.


I mean… if we don’t, you’ll just reply to random people that weren’t even talking to you just to spam the thread anyway.

Speaking of attention seeking… :joy:


:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:


If they are in the same thread we are allowed to discuss with each other.

I mean if you don’t agree then don’t post in the thread anymore. That simple. Why do you feel it is necessary to follow me around anyways?

I just am talking about TBC normal flying and PF gating. Simple as that.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Virus… what have you done :sob:

You can’t ego boost these 2.


guaranteed if so much hate wasnt being tossed about thru DF about PF for old flight Ion would have just done the same exact thing…made lesser abled players wait nearly a year again.

Making a stink about it is the way things get changed…just like when the man was trying to remove flight entirely and that backfired and he relented.


That is the only way.

I mean a good example is classes with small communities are not receiving enough changes in the TWW beta because they do not have enough of a foot print for their feedback to be noticeable.

I discuss this with the Rogue community all the time but that is the current state of things.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


You two alway pound them