Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

looks at wall of text of you talking down to everyone you disagree with


A random person post about flying while steady flight debate is still going on. I have a feeling that one of you 3 are keeping this topic alive.

I feel like you beat it to death. Blizzard already made their decision and still moving forward with pathfinder.

Also customers aren’t always right, its just a slogan to keep them happy even tho they’re dead wrong.

if the company wants to make money they figure out how to make the customer as right as human possible.
Ion DIDNT take flight out as he clearly WANTED to back in 2015.
CLEARLY the players sentiment about flight changed that for him.
CLEARLY the customer was RIGHT. He knew what he wanted in the product he was paying for.
yes, Ion blew it again in bringing pathfinder about, but he at least figured out that more than acceptable numbers might quit if he kept going down the path he was on with flight.

You clearly weren’t on the forums

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Nope. You don’t get to break policy because a customer is mad.

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I think there is a name for this, besides trolling.

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I didn’t start the thread and I am allowed to post on the forums on any topic I want. So thanks for your feedback but I will keep posting!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s why I’m not bothered they keep going. Every once in awhile, they slip up and say something that’s FINALLY reportable.

It’s annoying mods allow them to skate by and ride the line.


Customers are always right and you will be asked to fix the issue. It happens all the time and if it escalate to corporate they will kick it back down and tell you to fix the issue.

That is the reality of customer service.

This is what happened with WoD but that is my hypothesis on why the quick reversal of no flying forever to flying is back in the game within a week IMVHO.

It was escalated up the chain and was kicked back down and were asked to fix the issue. Pretty straight forward.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I think ‘fair’ would have either had no PF…or as you say, make both have the same work. you do PF, you open up both flights.
And I absolutely agree…we’d see this forum light up with whining threads about having to do PF this time for Dragonriding.


Common sense says you let players choose.

But that’s my take.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Absolutely not. As a store manager myself, I am not going to lose my job because some potato wants to throw a fit.
They can go ahead and call corporate and once they review the register cam of their melt down. They get nothing. Nothing happens to me or my staff. And we have one less headache trying to steal and get away with their shenanigans.


LMAO…he said, while posting and keeping the thread alive.
Ironically hes inadvertently admitting hes trying to get it shut down lol

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I have to assume this is a teenager at this point if they are in disagreement. Or the prime Karen


It’s hard to tell. But it’s clearly someone that doesn’t exist in reality.
Working a single day in customer service, you’d know how wrong the line “the customer is always right” is.


That isn’t true.

Customer is always right even if the feedback provided is not ideal. Quickly dismissing such feedback like locking TBC normal flying is no really professional IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I love pathfinder.
Maybe we should have pathfinder part 1 and pathfinder part 2 again for TBC flying, like in BFA.

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Another thread, huh?

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I think this thread is headed to highway 404

Nothing positive has come from it.

But some people are happy to see other suffers which saddens my heart.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: