You are the one who is “patently false” - as She said “Lots of people”. She did not say ALL players, as you inferred. If you like it or not, there truly are “lots of people” who like and NEED to use Steady Flight. It doesn’t mean those people are indifferent to Dragon Riding.
11.1 or 11.2 might just be done so those that come in to the expansion late get it off the bat. 12.0 could easily take the Cata route as it will add at least Quel’thalas to the the main world map/zone.
Says who…you…I don’t think so …and many players that have medical issues with using Dragon Flight more then likely wilr l not get it all done in 1 day as so many of you claim will happen…esp if we are stuck only using ground mount speed…add in our disabilities don’t always let us play or 8 or 10 or 16 hours a day either…
Your assuming a heck of lot now that those that can’t use Dragon Flying are going to be able to level all way too 80 …do all 4 campaigns and explore the zones in 1 day a 24 hr period…that is not going to happen for those with Disabilities now…I am lucky if I can play 2 whole hrs a day now …don’t assume anything cause your dead wrong now.
Everyone will play at their own pace, but I will say many will more than likely just like any xpac have finished leveling their 1st toon in 24 hours after launch of the xpac. With that and the requirements of pathfinder being what they are, will have unlocked it too.
NONE of us have claimed that, at most we have clamed that the lunatics that rush will do so. I expect it to be day 3 or 4 at least by the time I get it, why in the world would I expect those that CAN’T play like I do to get it done faster?
What you are also forgetting, is you are painting all disabled people with the same brush, there will be those that can do it faster then you, those that will do it SLOWER then you, and those that will do it in a similar time frame. But most will likely NOT complain about it like you have been and just buckle down to get it done or chip away at it as they can.
You are assuming the lack of flight will make THAT big of a difference in leveling time.
I’d be surprised if you saved more than an hour total from beginning to end of the entire thing.
Most of your time is going to be spent in combat or gathering things for quests. Not travel.
Come on now. It’s obvious “you can get it day 1” = it’s available day 1, not that you’ll get it day 1 in a single session (even though some will).
I project 2-3 days for myself, and that’s after coming home from working 10 hours each day.
So why does it matter if you can fly or not when 95% of your play time will be spent gathering or in combat?
You’ve already spent more time complaining about not being able to fly on the forums than it’s going to take you to level and actually unlock flight lol.
You should be more concerned with flight AFTER you hit max when you have to do end game things. Like farming, dailies, etc.
Who is assuming what again? And speaking for others?
At this point, I think the only “disabled” people that will have issues with Pathfinder are Moused and the others in this thread that are complaining about it.
I am for sure going to make a thread for “pathfinders” or “steady flight” club now/
Yeah, sure. TWW pathfinder still the same requirement as it is on the release candidate 11.0.2.
explore the four zones
complete the four leveling campaign
oh and it’s releasing next week. August 13. And the week after is Early Access they aren’t changing the requirement.
All of these drama queens thinking that somehow it will change in these coming days or weeks must be delusional. Wait and see on your own terms then because the requirement will remain the same.
I am more curious what these “many times” are. They maybe remove an achiev or two before it finalizes in .2, but… pathfinder never dropped ON launch lol.
So in terms of “many times”, this is a first on launch release.
Why are you so worried that people who tend to do what ever they need to do to speed level are going to do so and reach max level and unlock pathfinder sooner than you? When you have stated how you play the game is not for end game anyways, you just like to putt putt around slowly and just farm nodes and I guessing by that play the AH selling mats or crafted items.
To me, if that is your game, then the person who is rushing to get max level so they can start farming dungeons for the best gear they can get to be ready for season one. Really shouldn’t bother you. If you are worried that other possible crafters or node farmers are going to out level you and possible by doing so become able to edge you out in the AH by being quicker to farm mats, thus you coming in later on at a time period where the market is more flooded with people shoving mats up for sale at much lower prices. Well, the early bird get the worm, or better saying in WoW is exploit early, exploit often, another is time is money.
But this goes back to the original launch of WoW. People who show up 1st get the most out of making gold, those who are late to the party only get left over scraps and the knowledge they missed out.
But I have never once believed that Blizzard ever should force those speed demons to wait for those who play slower just to be fair for the slower players.
Its not releasing on the 13th …Early access is the 23th with TWW going fully live the 26th…we still have another week of the TWW pre event going on …and I can keep up posting about the unfair system of putting Steady Flight behind Pathfinder till the cows come home as long as I keep it civil…