Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

But it’s a game and everyone has the same options available regardless of condition.

Then you popping in to be dismissive as well. So what was the point?

You have it backwards. The others began the attack on our disabilities. And tbh continue to do so, or be dismissive.
Also the example was in English. It’s legible.

Quote me trolling.
Most of my posts have provided info and refuted disinformation. The fact you want to bandwagon is wild to me.

It’s been derailed numerous times. Heck most of the posts in here are either misinformation or derailing.

Again, when have I said this? I’ve been very neutral the entire thread. I’ve even agreed on a number of points.
Perhaps are you projecting?

Again, where?
And dismissing “complaints”? LOL. What complaints?
The ones I’ve been replying to either try to catch me in a gotcha or I’m correcting misinformation with quotes and VIDEO.

But then again, why am I trying to defend myself to someone who replied just to be toxic rofl.

This shows your lack of participation right here.

You aren’t worth replying to. Try to gaslight someone else.


I have to add, the ones doing this to ones like Quiver and me are doing to us what Moused and Co are accusing us of doing to them. If you don’t want it done to you, don’t do it to others, is that so hard to understand?

We come in here, state the fact we are disabled, likely not MEANING to be dismissive, but get read the riot act because people would rather play the victim or belittle those who are not agreeing with them over simple, civil (not kind, or possibly even respectful, just civil) discussion.

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Simple …they took away the ability to use gliders in Dungeons and Raids…but allowed priests and mages to still use theirs…see if you say its Fun …blizzard will ban it…

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Dungeons and raids =/= out in the world, and please, stop arguing based on history, not saying you are wrong here, but what happened in the past is not always a sign of what will happen in the future. More so if it is in a different area of the game.


They ever gonna fix flight form to be equal to all other steady flight mounts?

Haha cool! Make no sense, blame blame blame, admit nothing. It’s politician time all over.

Oh well, I think my points made sense and I think the idea of putting the speed boost behind the campaign, but not SF is a good in between that would ensure fairness, that we don’t mess with the fun of anyone who can’t or simply won’t use DF and it doesn’t harm anyone at all.

I hope they go that route.

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The thing that is unfair is how low of a cooldown the flight form switch ability is. At a minimum it should be 4 hours between flight switches or people will keep abusing it.

Fair to who?

All legitimate players not botters.

That makes no sense but ok. How would a swap timer hurt botters more than people? Bots can actually use both DF and SF now so I don’t think they switch much at all…they are either made to use one or the other. So likely they swap to SF and just stay there.

A swap timer hurts botters the least.


The mere fact no players wanted to keep steady/old flight for one. Also bots are clearly quick swapping the two for exploits and cheats.

4 hours minimum cooldown between flight switches is the least they can do to help real players.

This feels like whacky trolling…and of course it is an alt account with almost no posts. Ugh I hate hidden account just extra steps to block no fun. More examples of why we need easier ways to block and account wide blocks for the forums. Crazy that has never been solved.


Sometimes, they need to give me a lot more hearts for those who really speak with intelligence and wisdom.

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Which would count out 90% minimum of the anti-pathfinder crowd

I feel like another solution that would exponentially help the forums, along with account wide blocks…would be custom reports.
The flags are too generic and more often than not do not fit the need or situation.


This is why battlenet tags should be listed with every post.

Clearly a post with intelligence and heart.


Who’s abusing it and how?


Lots of people still want to use steady flight. What are you even talking about?


Gating how players play just causes more issues down the road as people will find out when the quests become bugged for example and other difficulties.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


dragonflying is absolute garbage worst thing ever