I don’t want to do this actually…so that is just flat out wrong. I think people who hate DF (not me) or just can’t use it should have the option of SF and see no real reason to not include it. That’s it. An option for people who want it as long as there is no downside to others or the overall game. No other point to be made really.
I also never said it wasn’t an improvement…I actually mentioned that it is an improvement multiple times to people claiming Blizzard is being cruel…so no clue why you are still bringing that up.
No idea how many times it will take for you to actually read this but…I DON’T WANT THIS FOR MYSELF.
I have been trying to talk about this the whole time but you keep throwing weird things out there trying to side track it. How does allowing this hurt the game? How is it better to not have SF in the game from the start than to just allow it? Tell me how it is a better design if you believe it is. You keep saying it is, and that it is more engaging but you ignore the fact that having the option stops no one from using PF.
Let me put it do you a different way. Does having easy, medium, and hard modes in a game make the hard mode worse? Does it stop people who like a challenge from going there? That is the crux of this because you keep saying DF is better, but have not once shown that having the option for SF hurts anyone who prefers DF.
How does having the option hurt the game? If we both agree that in general
Then you need to have a reason that adding this option would be bad to counter it…right? If options are almost always good, then the only time it makes design sense to not have them…is when it is actually bad. So how is it bad to have that option?
Right now Blizzards argument is that DF is more fun/engaging, and that until mastered SF can do things like land on mobs and make questing cheesable…ie you can skip a ton more. That is what they said…not me. That is valid for a DF vs SF…but not for having the option to do either.
Unless they saw everyone stop using DF) and en masse swap back over to SF and cheese everything in dragonflight…in which case that would be an argument to not have SF at all…not just behind one pass through the campaign.
So what is your argument for the OPTION to use it from the start being bad. Not being something you don’t like, or won’t use, or don’t enjoy…because you will still have the option to DF. How is it bad for the game design to allow people who hate DF to use SF?
(edited typos of PF to DF, no idea how I did that.