Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Yeah… because pressing spacebar and then putting on num lock takes a lot of flying. Just because you can afk into a mountain or a tree doesn’t mean that it takes effort or engages the player on any level to be flying in a straight line when afking.

Because people screw up…?
Are you really so far up your own ego that you fail to realize that people are people…?

At what point did they say exactly that they were unsubbing for this…?

Did you read anything of what they posted…?

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oh? because we call out your BS when you take things out of context?

Also, good job on being insulting to those that are DISABLED in non-physical areas.

A fe of us have, and know those people exist, but we don’t want to see the words of one that is not among them twisted to make it sound like they are. Nothing more, nothing less.

So if you are going to call us out for spreading hate, and insult us cause we don’t agree, take your own advice and bugger off.


That’s pretty rich from the guy who throughout this thread thinks being autistic gives him every right to speak for those with PHYSICAL disabilities or other mental/emotional disabilities.

Just going to make this clear: having one disability does not make you the arbiter of any other.

Your whole shtick in this thread has been “I’m autistic and I do just fine, so nothing needs to be changed.” You’re the equivanet of someone who is missing a toe proclaiming “I can chop onions just fine, this knife needs no adjustments.”


I didn’t say this. Blizzard did in the video. That is why I quoted them directly.

Nobody would force you to play that way. You are literally arguing that without forcing someone to play this way the game is harmed for people who do choose to play that way. You are arguing that there should be no options for people on flying because you view one as better than the other.

I view options to be better than no options.


Oh really? did it not occur to you that I was just using the fact I am autistic as a way to try and get people to look at what I say through a different lens, and maybe reign in some of the vitoril? Or that it was in counter to people crying “Disabled people this, disabled people that”? and trying to make it out to be all disabled people need or want the same things?

And I’ll make this clear: being disabled yourself gives you no right to speak for all other disabled people nor discount any disabilities others have.

I never MEANT to come across as you accuse, but autism is a disability that affects how those with it interact with others. The message you are sending is my disability does not need to be taken into account by anyone not should I be treated with the fact of such in mind.

Save the pity party, friend. Anyone can see how you’ve been through this whole thread, see what I said ( not what you edited ), and see that I am right.

And quite frankly, no your disability does not need to be taken into account when those affected do not suffer from YOUR particular disability. You’ve made it clear YOUR disability does not stop you, therefore you have removed yourself from the equation. Others with OTHER disabilities ARE being affected.

Oh, and I’m not the one trying to speak for all other disabled people in this thread, that has been YOU.

I’m done.


So I can be attacked, insulting, dehumanized, and made to feel like a second class citizen, like those who are dealing with physical dishabilles feel? thanks

Wrong again, it was Moused that started it and kept doing it. I NEVER claimed to be speaking for more then myself. How you read things is not on me, but on YOU.


99,99% of the players enjoy Skyriding, so no need to worry about pathfinder.


Which is not what I said and your continued disingenuousness has worn on me.

Welcome to /ignore.


Oh no? what yo said

My disability affects how I interact with people, “not taking it into account” means that when talking with me, in any form, means they can go right on the offensive instead of providing measured responses like:

“ok, yeah, this is a bit rough or harsh sounding, maybe try to ease up a little”
“I under stand where you are coming from, but your choice of words/tone don’t sound quite right”

In short, those with physical disabilities want them to be taken into account for things in game. I want mine to be taken into account here on the forums. We both want them taken into account for the things they show up in,

Why should I take their into account, especially if they are using it to beat others other over the head, if they don’t take mine into account?

Ya’ll have this weird idea that anyone but you care whether you ignore someone or not. Most folks probably prefer if you actually did ignore things, because then you’d eventually have ignored everyone, got bored, and walked away. So please, do genuinely ignore folks … and just go away.

Don’t bother I’d say. These people have made it their identity to be offensive, crass, and want to be known as forum Karens. The only thing one can do is to report their offensive crap and move on.

Eventually they’ll go away or say stuff that is offensive enough to receive harsher and harsher penalties. Eventually leading up to permanent account closures.

Give it enough time and this always happens. Because by ignoring and just reporting 'em they’ll eventually just turn worse and worse until they cannot be allowed to stay. Or they stay within their parameters and become this obnoxious background noise that one occasionally have to report their more offensive takes.

The moment someone starts moving goalposts to call folks ablists and the like, that’s when they are not worthwhile to have a conversation with. At least that’s what I’d do.


Not to mention, putting such in a post just opens the door for those with alts to post on to alt hop to engage with them.

I tend to keep to Antiman, but I have so many other alts I can jump to, telling me you are ignoring me in a post just means that if I want to share something with you, I have to jump to an alt instead of the silient ignore which means I have to take the chance you are not ignoring me.

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When you strip this down to “options are better than no options” how can there be an opposing viewpoint?

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They are just trolls. Nothing more, nothing less. All they are doing is saying stuff to rile people up and to try to incite comments that they in turn can report and try to use as evidence and goad folks to report and all manner of stuff like that. Which is why the best thing to do is that the moment they say something offensive, call 'em out for it and report 'em.

Don’t engage with “unless you agree with me I put you on ignore” because it is just like… oh-kay? Why should one care about what a bad faith troll has to say?

The option people have is to… play through the game’s campaign once and you have it unlocked. Or… don’t.

So the idea that there is no flying at all is just flat-out wrong by 'em as well. Making their entire spiel about options just another irrelevant strawman out of the hundreds if not thousands that they have used in this thread.

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Oh, I engage cause I know they are trolls and want to get them to expose themselves as such. I also don’t really care if I go down with them.

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That whole back and forth started when I challenged that people were actually going to quit over this.

I really, really doubt that after all these years of long periods of no-flying, when that is finally reduced to day 1 steady flight availability, that people are now suddenly going to quit.

That argument makes no sense to me.

This is all about the FOMO where DF is available from the jump and SF has a campaign unlock, and I acknowledge that argument as valid.

Had Blizzard gated both types of flight behind the campaign, I feel people would be celebrating a huge win over “Ion and the spiteful Blizzard devs” and finally winning the war against “Patchfinder”.

To me, saying people will quit over this is another attempt at employing a rhetorical strategy try to twist Blizzards arm to get their way. Same thing as some are doing with the “ADA” violation claims etc.

I just wish people would be honest and say “it will feel bad to see others using dragon riding when I can’t or prefer not to”. I can understand that viewpoint entirely. That’s why I would be fine with gating DF behind the campaign as well.


You don’t know that.

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You don’t seem to take other’s disabilities into account to me.


I might try to, but with mine, won’t always succeed, But a lot can come down to the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated, combined with the nature of the forums: we don’t hear tone nor see forms of non-verbal communication.

I think it tends to be the lack of recognizing the second that leads to 75% minimum of all forum fights/arguments, etc.

But in reference to the first, I am only human, as are all of us (I hope :stuck_out_tongue: ) which means I am still subject to everything anyone else is, disability or not.