Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Could that be from your camera settings?

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Not everything is a loaded question. What I was referring to was your style of asking “of these two choices which is most likely to cause x”. Where of course the two choices are designed to conform to your opinion.

Can we move on from that?

They literally describe the gameplay style where you hover in the air to assess the area then sound effect plop right on the exact spot you want to be at. Did they use the word “easier”? No, but it’s fair to say that the ability to hover in the air above your target, or above your objective, is like hitting pause on the game for a moment, where you are immune to any danger in the world, and have time to plan exactly when and where you want to land.

Thats a lot “easier” than the alternative. It’s also amusing that you said SF isn’t easier than DF once mastered. There is no mastering SF. SF is objectively easier to operate than DF.

Earlier you said something to the effect “oh but dynamic flight lets you fly over stuff too”. Yes it does, but you cannot hover in place, and staying aloft requires constant inputs from the player, which is gameplay.
Steady flight lets you take your hands off your mouse and keyboard and you will indefinitely hover, safely above the game world.

At the bare minimum dynamic flight requires you to keep your momentum to stay aloft, and that would involve avoiding hitting mountains and cliffs and trees and castle walls, so on some level you are engaging with the world while circling an area. Steady flight has none of this. Press space bar to fly up a bit then let go and now you’re immune from anything and everything below you.

Clearly Blizzard wanted a grounded experience during the Pathfinder period. And many many players disliked playing on the ground. Well Blizzard caved to pressure and designed a modern flying mode that is actually engaging. I find it fun. They also caved and are no longer making people wait nearly a year to steady fly.

I don’t get the hyper negative reaction to this “improved” situation for fans of flying.


I don’t think they want us to experience the content “grounded”. If they really did, Skyriding would be locked behind pathfinder too.


There was no skyriding from WoD to shadowlands. I said “during the pathfinder period”.

Their intention during that time, before they decided to change direction and develop dynamic flight, was for a grounded experience during current content.


That was true in the past, but no longer with TWW.


Yes. Thanks. I know.


It was pushed because someone on the dev team was affected. It was a pointless addition. But blizz has to protect their weak employees.

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Its a safe assumption.
Look. Its simple. If it was that important to the community, you would see more noise.

The player base is not shy about letting problems be known, especially if its important to them.

Ill give you 2 examples.

1 we saw twice this past week, the prepatch event.
The event was too short, didnt give enough currency, etc. Players made an absolute ruckus. Blizz pushed a hotfix within 2 days.
Players were pretty happy with the changes and it was quiet for a few days. But a lot noticed scaling was really bad. Thus begun the ruckus again.
Yesterday blizz did another hotfix for the event, fixing the scaling and nerfing the mobs hp.

Twice in a week.

My next example.
Daily world quest/twice a weeklies.
When DF dropped and more and more began unlocking world quests. The player base became more and more upset that they were twice a weeklies instead of the normal daily world quest.
Thus began the ruckus. Blizz made the change shortly after making them dailies again.
However even MORE players were unhappy with the change and began an even bigger ruckus. Literally the day after they were made dailies, they were reverted to twice a weeklies again.

So the fact of the matter is the lack of attention and just general ‘ruckusness’, how quiet the forums are on pathfinder. The majority doesn’t care.
Its literally just this post with a handful of us debating back and forth. There aren’t tons of posts or posters.

Its just quiet when it comes to pathfinder.

Accept it or don’t but its a VERY safe assumption the majority just doesn’t care (or they’d make it be known).

Do I need to link this last one where they cheered when Ion mentioned it?
You literally aren’t trying at all. Like this stuff is all recorded on blizzards channel.
If you are going to lie, at least make it harder to refute… not something Ive literally linked a video on several times WITH the time stamp…

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To be honest it was not a singular person as the ringleader with the ground and pound strategy of WoD. Rather it was a committee decision from what I could discern. But beyond Legion yes it is a singular person because the rest of that committee either retired, were fired, or moved on.

So PF has its origins from a dark past which is why it is no longer suitable for the modern game. The genesis of PF was supposedly from a compromise which no player asked for really. Not even players that play on PVP servers. In fact many PVP players asked for no fly PVP servers and to leave PVE servers alone regarding flight.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I think this middle ground would be the perfect solution. It also has the added benefit of highlighting the increased steady flight speed coming with the expansion in a prominent way. There is still a carrot for the stick, but the fact that it exists wouldn’t be the major pain point the current situation has blown up into.

I used to work in the accessibility dept at a local university and that experience has me wincing at the approach the devs have taken. They addressed how they want traversal to contribute to the way the game is experienced, yes (and it was fair reasoning), but they didn’t really address the accessibility element directly. With all the anger and even hate that’s come out of this, I think they need to at this point.

While the envisioned experience shouldn’t be curbed to the point that it’s not even an experience any longer, an answer to a genuine need shouldn’t necessarily be locked behind a checkpoint, as minor and relatively simple to reach as they’ve made it. At best, it’s an annoyance for those who feel the need for an accessible alternative to skyflying. At worst, it just represents another barrier, but this time it’s a manufactured one.

In all honesty, a player who cares about the story and experiencing the effort the devs have put into the expansion will do so. For those who don’t care, you could force them to play on foot and they would still ignore everything but the exclamation point on the minimap. You can’t force someone to appreciate something, and what mount they’re on doesn’t ultimately signify much of anything. So, I think your solution is the best answer.


They broke dragon flying to run bots as Dragon Flight went live…it didn’t stop the bots one bit…try again for another excuse…


BS if I am steady flying as you say I can run into walls and it stops me dead in my tracks…same goes for bldg or a huge tree or a mountain …that is just another made up lie …besides if Dragon flying is sooo freaking engaging and why did you run into the damn Mountain or bldg in the first place if that type of flying keeps you on your keys and engaging…LMAO…even I when I use Dragon flying knows not too run into a bldg or mountain now…


The easy solution is usually the best solution. There are easy wins for BlizZard to go with instead of taking a obvious lose because they are digging in their heels.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I have to ask this, if steady flight were unlocked from the start, no pathfinder, or any other lock, who would choose to gimp themselves by choosing to level up via ground routs?

Human nature more or less says that, given options/choices, people will ALWAYS take the path of least resistance. Keep in mind, one of the common arguments against pathfinder in the past was to let people choose how they leveled up, flying was always going to be faster then ground, so again, who would choose the slower method if there were no potential downsides to the faster?

I am choosing to go by ground, as under the current set up I expect it to be the better option for questing, steady flight has my vote for best questing option over all but it is locked behind pathfinder (hint hint on what I’d be doing when I run alts through).

I did suggest that they keep the pathfinder requirement for those of us with early access, possibly as a way to better find bugs or whatever, but once world wide release happens, steady flight is unlocked for all as those of us with early access could very easily have it by then. That fact alone could mean that those without early access are dealing with alts of those that had it for quest mobs and everything else.

I’d also be open to options that unlock steady flight, or a very reasonable facsimile, for disabled players but those without disabilities still have to deal with the requirements.


I think it comes down to what a player is playing to experience. I’ll be doing my first run-through on the ground because that’s just how I enjoy that first feeling of discovering the new part of the world. I may hop on a flyer for certain things as needed, but otherwise it’s going to be just my dreamstag and me. I’m not in a guild and I don’t feel the need to gear as quickly as possible, so there’s no go-go-go impulse to push me. I’ll get to the end when I get there. :slight_smile:

As for the thought of giving those players with disabilities access to steady flight before others? It comes from a good place, but I think that’s dangerous ground, honestly. It raises the red flag of treating some players differently than others, and no one really wants that. The devs also don’t have a reasonable way to verify which players “qualify” nor would they be able to easily define what the baseline for that would be. No one should ever need to give that kind of information about themselves, especially not for a video game. Besides, accessibility isn’t just for those with disabilities, even if they are generally the individuals it is intended to help. Ageing eyes or hands, an injury, eye strain, headaches, and even just weariness after a long day at work could be reasons a player might choose steady flight, and they’re valid. If a feature is helpful to someone, regardless of their personal reason, then that feature is a great asset to the game, and one that should be used well. It’s just like a button for an automatic door at the store. Yes, it means the feature is open to abuse, but should that take away from the fact that it serves a genuinely positive and possibly game-changing purpose for members of the community? I don’t think so, personally.

(Not pushing against you, here. I know you’re throwing ideas around and I just wanted to try to contribute. :slight_smile: )

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It did come from a good place, partially, but it also came out of frustration of being called out as being against disabled people just because I point out that they can go by ground. To me it was like telling them to use what was available and getting chewed out for it because it was not what they wanted.

I have early access and have seen the general release for when content is available, so I don’t feel the crunch that much myself. But this is why arguments like “it will take me over a week” fall a bit flat with me, like “and who says you have to be leveled up and geared in that time?” My argument on the “who would gimp themselves” comes more from the idea that those who are flying are faster in more ways then just travel speed.

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I get you. This situation has gotten too antagonistic and I’m sorry the frustration is kicking in. Really, though? Good on you for continuing to speak up. This all might not go anywhere and people will stay angry, but it matters that people try.


I agree with you 100% that ALL players should be able to fly in the new zones on day one without the needs to do anything more then have an active subscription - fair is fair. Pathfinder needs to be retired forever! Also, just an FYI, anyone can contact the Department of Justice to file an ADA report. You can do it online, or print the form and mail it to them. Its simple.


Take care, and I will think of this post the next time someone says people are not unsubbing over this.

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What is really frustrating, for ones like me, is we are disabled, in other ways, yet no one, or few, seem to take that into account. The main difference? we don’t let our disability rule our emotions and views.

You do, and I’ll call you out on taking things out of context. Here is what they said abotu their sub

Does not sound like she is unsubbing due to this, but that her sub is just running out and she is, at least for a time, unable to keep it going.