I’m not complaining, but if we gonna make popularity arguments… lol.
You can send me $100. I’ll stop contributing.
I’m not complaining, but if we gonna make popularity arguments… lol.
You can send me $100. I’ll stop contributing.
You know I was gonna keep going but you are not really engaging. It’s crazy how the internet has made people into politicians incapable of admitting anything other than their own ideas could be good.
See I started out with the idea that Blizzard should just give us a good reason for it, and if there is a good one it’s fine. They brought the barrier further down from what it was. Then they gave their idea, and I shifted my stance based on it.
Their idea is that DF is not as easy to cheese objectives …UNTIL! you master it. They said it plainly. It is also that DF is more fun, and interactive in and of itself. They never said SF is easier to do anything vs DF once mastered. We have had DF for over a year and a half. Most of us that can actually use it have mastered it. So their reasoning doesn’t make sense…or at the very least is slicing it so close…that I think people saying it should be opened up makes sense.
Now, I also think having an end of campaign bonus is cool…just feels good. So the increased flight speed seems to make sense to fill that spot.
I came to the middle. You seem to be aiming for no flying at all Shadowlands style stuff. I think that sucks.
So have fun liking that, but I think you are massively in the minority. Far fewer people want no DF and SF from the start than want at least DF, and I would say most are not opposed to both being open.
However since you keep saying everything is a loaded question because it pins you in, I guess we will just never know what we should do…haha.
This is kind of the problem with this whole thing. People thinking that because others want something different from you…you can’t just ignore it and do what you want. Nothing here effects you at all unless you engage with it.
It’s the same thing with allowing SF. It does nothing to anyone to allow it. Hell the arguments that you can get it right away even push that further…you can get it right away then who cares? It’s just weird.
I can see game design arguments, but arguing that people shouldn’t have their say when it doesn’t effect you at all is odd to me.
I think you were at the end of that conversation the moment they wouldn’t answer a question about which one is more likely to upset a player first.
The answer to that alone, would counter most arguments here.
Can’t you do that by forming a group or guild?
That is what I thought guilds was mainly too, basically people that you seen as like minded players whom either was made up of friends, family or generally other who played together in harmony for the most part. lol.
But maybe that person has a different idea about it.
I agree about the doubt. I learned long ago not to fully trust wow game development, and as time goes on they only prove my distrust is warranted.
Case in point - just now after a small download their “steady flight” no longer feels “steady”. I’m finding it difficult to control my mount to fly in a straight line, graphics are jerky and unpredictable. Its kind of like driving a car with only 3 wheels. It’s really starting to make me dizzy and sick, which is NOT the sort of feeling anyone wants from a “game”. I give up.
Me neither, my mother has Fibromyalgia. I have chronic pain in my right foot since birth.
Harmony in that you can play at the same pacing. Ride along feature exists but to an extent.
That is why the segregation of players takes place as some will be able to use DR and others may have to use the ride along feature. But then others that are unable to use ride along and DR then they are left out.
Thus it creates disharmony and how people feel left out of playing the game by locking TBC normal flying with PF.
Why should those of us that are disabled be forced to hoof on the ground now? While others can fly with Dragon Flying…give me one good reason why you want force Disabled Players to the ground and make it take longer for them to get though the zones and move though zones…so you want to treat the Disabled as Second Class Citizens of Azeroth …much like they use to get treated in real life…maybe we need to form a ADA of Azeroth now…
There are opportunities to play with new people out in the world, invite people to guilds, etc.
When you are disconnected because one is zooming around on DR and the other is hoofing it on the ground to complete patchfinder then it does not create those interactive moments.
So the only opportunity for interactive moments is when on the ground doing content, but those become far less likely.
That is why segregating players and taking away choice hurts many aspects and has a trickle down effect making the world feel less alive and the players interacting a lot less.
People keep citing as hover as the main culprit for TBC normal flying being an issue. But I have seen people have conversations mid air with one another. If players are able to communicate or even role play in mid air that is cool and fun as this is after all a MMORPG.
I know this may come to a shock to people but there exists role play in this game as well as role play servers. So people should really respect diverse play styles. Which is why gating TBC normal flying never made sense even in previous expansions. And it really does not make sense now.
Yeah the point of WoW is a fantasy game to escape the real world dynamics. To inject real world dynamics of segregation into the game really isn’t a good path to go down IMO.
There already exists stratification of player skill with IO and rating scores, gearing, and also how much gold one has which mirrors real world dynamics. Those aspect is unavoidable as it is human nature.
But one aspect that BlizZard can keep at bay is the toxicity of putting down others that can not do what others are able to do. That is why TBC normal flying not being locked in is an easy win for them. Taking a loss on this very easy issue to solve just makes them look bad.
I will agree, it’s not ideal, especially as a Druid, it feels a little cheese at times.
However, I’ve simply bit the bullet and started to just use skyriding. It’s got great travel utility and yes… YES. Fine… I find myself moving around pandaland specifically searching for the gold orbs without realizing I’ve started do it.
Tells me I’m enjoying it more than I think.
That is great but taking away choices is not how it should be in a MMORPG. Which is why the toggle switch and gating TBC normal flying is a huge downgrade with the quality of the full game experience.
The full game experience requires a game play flow that is not interrupted by pointless gates, mechanisms or rigid design decisions.
Locking either is stupid.
Always has been, always will.
I agree. I do. I griped too.
All I am saying is I found a way to feel less frustrated. Advice to be taken or left.
To me just seems to not be in line with any design vision whether we are talking about the rental system era or the new era that supposedly started with DF expansion and now heading into TWW.
That works for you which is cool but not for many other people. So that is why feedback will continue to come in.
You don’t know that.
I don’t thinks so. We’ve been told again and again that we will finish pathfinder in one day. That won’t make a dent in bot activity.
True but what we do know is that PF has never been popular at BlizZcons when mentioned.