Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

They tell you to come here so you will stop bothering them with your nonsensical tickets.
Then here you are told this is a place for discussions, not demands.

In fact, it is clear here:

D I S C U S S.

Discussion. Not petition.


HOLY GOD IN HEAVENā€¦i just thought Id pop back in to see this train derail and get a few gigglesā€¦But I actually think I lost 27 IQ points just reading this garbageā€¦ lmao

patently and proven false. So much so that they relented and added flying in to get subs back.

Is this joke serious?
His claim is flight being removed had NOTHING to do with the subs dropping???
Talk about CLUELESS lmao.
Because last I checked Ion was REMOVING flight in WoD and then a month later backtracked over FLIGHT and said it WASNT being removedā€¦lmao.
CLEARLY FLIGHT being taken out of the gameā€¦the threat of itā€¦ABSOLUTELY WAS a huge reason for people threatening to quit.
One would have to be bottom of their class to have not been able to connect those dots lmao

False. I use regular flying to cross the DF areas every day. I dont CARE about speed gogogo.

lmaoā€¦how do you even respond to this one? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Is he actually saying you CANNOT fly across the DF zones without Dragonriding? :rofl: :rofl:
I hope not because Ive done it on druid lmao

Good for you. You donā€™t represent the overall playerbase though, so what you said here is irrelevant.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
you HAVE to love it when the person has NOTHING to actually argue and the strawman fallacies begin.
NO ONE SAID they DID represent th overall playerbase.
HOLY JESUSā€¦no wonder no one wants to talk to you all :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Pathfinder is a good feature for wow.
It blocks multiboxxers for building up their army and harvesting everything.

LMAOā€¦THIS one deserves some kind of Award lol.
Pathfinder has NOTHING to do with Multiboxers at this point.
I guess someone didnt get the memo that automation has been BANNEDā€¦so boxers pretty much CANT travel around in packs of 10 harvesting every node like they used toā€¦that would be BOTTERS youre frettin about here and now today lol.
I havent seen boxers on a node since the automation rules were changed, lmao

The problem is they feel entitled to it because you can get it week 1 and the requirements are almost nonexistent.

lmaoā€¦THIS coming from somone who feels ENTITLED to have skyriding day one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And the icing on this hoax of a cake isā€¦

How did you survive WoD-Shadowlands when flying wasnā€™t available day one?

You mean way back when EVERYONE had to do the SAME work for flight?
Back when the flight option available WASNT hard for lesser abled players?

Jesus christ manā€¦i really do think reading these posts in here has damaged my own processing power.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It is because they lost the narrative again on the other thread and are like ā€œlets get a new alt to make a new threadā€

And yet you canā€™t keep it in one topic.


Yeah, in a good way. Because they can get steady flight day one for free and account wide.

WoW GMs are very nice as they helped me with a connectivity issue I had . I helped participate in a test and they thanked me.

But that is why they tell me to come to forums as that is the proper place to discuss.

The discussion is about TBC flying being locked behind PF which hurts players that like to use both or TBC flying exclusively.

That is a very important point to bring up because it impacts thousands of customers. All of this could be avoided.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Tell me you didnā€™t go to blizzcon or watch the blizzcon video without telling me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That was almost word for word from Ion.

WATCH. THE. VIDEO. - https://youtu.be/xPqZ7LSGjSU?t=2081 I even freaking timestamped it.

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I never started either thread. I am merely a participant but thank you for asking why it is important to discuss the future of TBC normal flying and how it brings positivity to the game to play how you want with a zen like feeling and not feeling rushed.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


No, it doesnā€™t. Because pathfinder is the equivalent of hitting max level once. This is in every way in upgrade for those folks. They do not need to pay for it, it is not per character, and they donā€™t need to wait.

It would have made sense to bundle both Flying and Skyriding to the Pathfinder, to be honest. Although Iā€™m guessing many players would spontaneously combust, or, at least, have a monumental sulk if they did that.


Big impact for players that use TBC flying half the time or all the time. That is my view as it is a big impact which will be apparent to all those that try to use TBC flying and realize it is gated while DR is not gated.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


You are insufferable. TBC style flight was unavailable longer and with more obstacles every expansion except cataclysm. Stop whining, you get it day one and for free.


The easier solution is to not have any PF. But this is a big loss that BlizZard is walking into unfortunately.

An easy win turned into an obvious lossā€¦


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Iā€™ve worked customer service before.

No they arenā€™t.


Really? Weird? All I hear is cheering. - https://youtu.be/xPqZ7LSGjSU?t=2197
(spoilers, itā€™s timestamped at the pathfinder segment)

Someone didnā€™t watch Ion talking on stage and it shows :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Itā€™s sad you refuse to accept the man himself on stage saying Dynamic flying is the way flight is going to be going forward lol.


I appreciate them calling other people entitled though. The irony is so thick I can taste it.


Yes they are.

I have customer service as well. Better to service properly the first time than to pay for it later.

Fix an issue before you are asked to fix an issue from corporate. That is my two cents!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Even worse, they insult us when all they have are their feelings for ammo.
Like how many times do I need to link a timestamped video of Ion refuting what they are saying? :joy:


Sadly it what Ion seems to do really well.
Every expansion ive been here for the beginning of, heā€™s managed to take something that many were in good spirits about in here, and absolutely burn it down so the thread topics in here went from very positive to very negative.
and then of course we have the attentiontrolls who just flock directly to ANY thread like this were someone has a legitmate gripe about something in the game because they LOVE the attention they get by saying edgy crap to irritate the OP and others with his views.

Too bad for them that this forum is for BLIZZARDS GAME, it doesnt belong to themā€¦and BLIZZARD tells us to come HERE with our views, positive or negativeā€¦and THEY all will just have to learn to COPEā€¦


Covenant never needed to reach that point when people were discussing this in beta. Same with azerite armor.

And frankly locking TBC normal flying behind PF is a bad look as it comes on the heels of all those hard stances they took

Bad PR.

They lost the narrative every since WoD.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: