There is backlash no matter what they do. Which is why they focus on the majority.
You can’t please everyone, but you can please the majority.
Then become a dev. Put in the time and work to be considered for the position of game design
The fact of the matter is they have all the statistics on their side. Sometimes they test things on live and notice they don’t do it next time.
Some xpacs, the feature only lasts for a patch or 2.
If it works, they figure out a way to implement further or evolve it.
The majority weren’t a fans of garrisons because of the seclusion. Which lead to order halls.
How many iterations did we see of mission tables?
The ap system?
Either cutting borrowed power or implementing it into talents or builds.
The majority enjoyed dragonriding. They expanded it to most other mounts → dynamic riding.
The majority didn’t care about pathfinder, but they didn’t like the lengths to unlock it… → cut most of the requirements and timegating.
Thats not how corporations work.
At least the blues are pretty transparent on here when they are working on hotfixes.