That amounts to RPing as a game dev, I don’t accept that nonsense. That’s where Pathfinder came from. The guy sitting next to the Dev explaining their 8mo old philosophy, can elaborate on that one.
Their answer? 'We want Skyriding to be the one you use because it takes time to master, it is cooler when flying around/experiencing the world, and there is more active gameplay with ‘skyriding.’
‘Well, that’s just like your opinion, man.’
Basically the same sort of garbage I can glean from a lot of posts here. Poorly thought out drivel, completely serving some internal design fantasy where the ‘world feels active and alive’ for the 3 days people will be zerging the questing zones.
It’s the same nonsense Pathfinder was born from. Incongruent with game design that could have a meaningful impact on players via: offering a second choice to quest with.
So what if you think it’s less active, takes players out of the world, and trivializes content. That’s a hot take from someone being inconsiderate of players who might not be able to engage in the activity you want them to play in.
Reminder: it’s not only people who have a disability who can get motion sick. If I am choosing between questing through the 70-80 zone with a motion sick mount, or logging off to go do an activity that doesn’t make me motion sick, including playing another MMO that has Steady Flight inbuilt, with no forced direction for Blizzard’s garbage participation metrics:
Probably going to go pick a better use of my time. Their entire argument for having it this way ignores the side effect of how dragonriding was designed. In your quest to add something realistic to the game, you never stopped to consider the side effects players may feel.
Because if you had… there is an easy option within grasp to help give those players a way to experience the content in an impactful way to them rather than trying to live out the impact you desire for them. There’s a difference. This is why I don’t buy the RP BS. It’s BS. You’re a game designer. If you’re going to sit here and spend the sheer number of resources you factually do to remake your game every 2 years, resetting everyone, invalidating old content, ultimately creating largely disposable content, I am going to call you out on that sort of rhetoric when it doesn’t even remain consistent with your ongoing development actions.
Actions always speak loudest.