Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

I know this wasn’t a conversation with me but…I don’t feel like this is helpful.

First this comment is just not accurate.

I mean…you are being pedantic here and technically wrong.

definition of available:
able to be used or obtained; at someone’s disposal.

It is obtainable on day 1, and the point is it not added later in the game…ie you MUST wait a year then you can get it. Arguing the details on that rather than just saying…yeah it’s better but still not where it should be is just not good for the discussion.

Going to this whole people want to do it for a push for a caste system, or because they look down on people with disabilities or motion sickness just gets everyones guard up. It’s a rude thing to jump to, and an emotional reaction. I can see how you get that reaction, but putting it into the argument doesn’t help, it just ends the debate because then the whole thing is ratcheted up to this very bad place.

Debate the topic, don’t attack people or assume they support something evil unless it is blatant. I feel like most people here are just defending Blizzard and reacting to what they see as “whiners”. I personally feel like they took a step in the right direction, but the reasoning for locking SF is tortured and odd, same with defending the swap timer.

I just don’t think it helps anyone to go from “this is a bad design with little gain for the lock and a big hurt for some people” to “you are a horrible person who wants to put people with handicaps into a second class caste”.

It feels inflammatory for no gain just like locking SF till end of game feels pretty pointless now.


Blue interaction on the General forum is very small


To be fair, pretty small…is pretty generous in this case.

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How so?
Can you link the generous threads? I’d like to read them

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They only really seem to keep appealing to authority with zero backing to their appeals so this tracks.

Haha don’t think you caught that. I was saying their interaction level is even less than pretty small. Was saying you were being generous calling it “pretty small”. edit: hmm did you change it from pretty to very? Anyway was just jokingly agreeing.


Thanks😀 thought I was missing something there.


This is wishful thinking, and not how this works at all.

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No, no, no… don’t tell them.
It’d be really funny to see the headline of “Angry forum poster attempts to sue Blizzard, only to realize that they were wrong and now massively in debt.”

I’m being facetious of course but… the things folks have said in this, and oh so many other threads like it, would be utterly hilarious to read in a news article.

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So you just decided to pull a quote out of the air, make a big deal of it, but had no clue wtf I was referring to? That’s richly amusing, and I don’t play your games.



Lock skyriding behind pathfinder if it doesn’t matter.


But they do interact when it is important.

The fact this topic was addressed in an interview AND on stage and people still want to debate the semantics…

Thats why Im saying they won’t care about this because its mostly nonproductive arguing.
There is no real feedback for them to use.


I’m getting old, see the white hair? Anyway, I’m getting really good at ignoring people who start things up for no reason today.
All I know is I need to head to the beach, do some surfing & be here less for the more trolly types of people.

((No offense to Zandalari or Dark Spear))

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What? You don’t understand what an NDA is, you think what Ion said at Blizzcon is legally binding, and you think somehow there is a violation of the ADA in play here.

Again, your comment was nonsensical, and wishful thinking at best.


or at least when they think it is important

I said it once, I’ll say it again, semantics are the last bastion of those that can’t take a loss or have to be right.

Might be some gems, like decoupling flight from pathfinder and making it only for something cosmetic, or locking both behind pathfinder, but for the most part, you are right here.

By this logic… eh, why not ban you from the forums? You are but one person, you don’t matter, so why not ban you completely arbitrarily?

Here’s the thing that ya’ll fail to realize:
Even if Skyriding was locked, it still wouldn’t make your argument better. And considering we have a direct quote on this exact topic that Solonà posted … and it is an interview from Blizzcon …
They have already considered these things. And found your arguments wanting. Because there is a legitimate reason to, at the very least, limit TBC flying whereas there’s no real argument to do that with Skyriding … then why not start limiting or even outright banning people arbitrarily?

Blizzard could, at that point, just follow suite with the “**** YOU IN PARTICULAR” subreddit. Which is a subreddit that has a monthly competition, where one random winner gets banned for a day or a week. Just because… screw you in particular.
Sounds like a really good way for a multi-billion company to behave like, right?

Seriously, this thread and oh so many before it, were pointless even before the Q&A interview was rediscovered and posted. Agree or disagree, there is a clearly explained reason as to why they have chosen to do it this way, and it is a reason that has nearly 17 years of history behind it. So it is hardly unwarranted for them to make that decision.

Everyone knows that point that everyone plays differently. We also know that there are things in the game that one if they choose that they want something they are expected to accomplish in order to get it. Its always been that way too. Players been saying its impossible to accomplish this task I said within a 12 hour game playing time span. Which I speak of time actually spent playing the game, and I say it can be done, because I clearly did it. No I didn’t like slave grind doing it, I just simply sat down and followed the quest line and before I knew it, it was done.

But yes, if a person side track enough and goes off to do other things in the game the amount of time they spend in order to complete the same task, would widely alter. But that is their choice, it doesn’t mean it can not be done, it means they choose to do other things that causes it to drag out and take much more time in the long run. Not the game designers fault.

Either way it can be complete like many others said within the window and not be a sweaty carrot project. That is all I was saying and pointing out from 1st hand experience.

Even so, it gets lost in the mess. I know when I used to read feedback and relay it to devs, the second I saw bullying, name calling, the whole victim thing… I’d move on.
It tells me its not necessarily important if it triggers bullying and emotional knee-jerk replies.

This thread is going places based on what I know in the coming weeks. But yes enjoy some time off.

Not really and it is very rare. In fact communications from DF beta to TWW beta is down by 50% easy.

This is why this thread exists because the feedback about TBC normal flying being gated by PF doesn’t make sense.

That is why consistent feedback always wins in my book. And the way PF is oriented for TWW it does not really respect player time either.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


In all fairness, would hit max level and pay a gold fee respect player time any better then PF does? I is still a lock on flight that people will have to put up with, again/