Lock Fear Chaos Bolt Cut damage under fear

Destro and fire mage are the most op casters in the game right now they need the opposite of buffs


Speaking of shadow rip them more nerfs next patch lol

You realize that Destro has by FAR the most high end Arena representation, right?

2v2 Destro = 41.69% of all specs rated 2400+. The next highest spec is Balance and Fire, both at 12.42%. There are more destro locks at 2400 + than the next 4 specs combined.

3v3 Destro = 31.2%, again the highest represented spec 2400+.

How can the most represented spec in top end pvp possibly need buffed?

If you said MM Hunter, or Enh shaman need buffed, you’d get some support. Saying Destro needs buffed is truly absurd.

edit: should probably have clarified “ caster rankings 2400+”.


I wish Enhancement could have Lasso!

Let’s turn this into the Oprah show…YOU GET A BUFF!!!, YOU GET A BUFF!!!, YOU GET A BUFF!!!, EVERYONE GETS A BUFF!!!


Don’t know about elemental because I only have a level 37 shaman. I understand that it’s pretty bad though, so probably in the same vicinity as destro locks in Warcraft logs, down near the bottom.

I just don’t understand how people can be carrying on about how chaos bolt is so OP. That’s all we got. One spell that barely registers with the first hit due to mitigation and shields. Can’t move while casting it, and it has a long cast time that, if interrupted, locks all schools of magic leaving us helpless. What are we supposed to use against a demon Hunter, or paladin who repeatedly heal themselves to full? Should we be using incinerate against that rogue who basically has you in a permanent stun/interrupt lock? Should I just melee with my staff?

I’m actually talking about WPVP and random BGs. Arena is a whole different ball of wax. Last I heard of destro in arena was that it is alright, possibly even good in the right combos.

It’s not that great now … it’s nerfed pretty bad compared to the old percent based spell. :sob:

OK, now we can have some fun here. Assuming you could choose 1 “reasonable” buff for your class, what would it be?

Ret: un-nerf Word of Glory

Enhancement: un-nerf healing and mana regen (back to 8.0).

Unholy: small mobility buff

Windwalker: increased healing for vivify

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Alright? It’s literally the best performing spec.


Dude, Destro is more than fine. You might be literally the only person who doesn’t think so.


I think you consider all range bad . Your issue is with melee . Fighting melee 1-1 in most cases is a struggle for me . Always has been so not sure what advice I can give you . Maybe play a melee yourself?

May have to step back into the arena then, and see just how OP I really am. Would be a nice change to actually feel as powerful as everyone seems to think I am.

I understand that Ele used to have a root totem . I would like that back .

Not all range, not at all. Mages have blink, druids can root, hunters have traps, shamans do shaman stuff, and destro has a predictable gate every two minutes if we can pull it off. Unless you’re specced into the other portal thing, then you have a few more escape options.

And Destro has Demon Armor and a spammable fear .


And there we have it folks. The most insightful post ever made in this forum.

I tip my hat to you, good sir.

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Spamming fear quickly runs straight into a little issue called DR. It’d be nice if it also could affect more than one at a time.

Lol well I at least provide some entertainment along with not pretending o know what end game shamans do. Something with totems and the elements plus other shamany stuff and junk.

You can get 3 of them off and blast CB’s in between before immunity kicks in.

I would love to have the tankiness that Destro have . Stand and destroy everyone . Trust me you guys have it good . No shaman stuff is any better or even equal . Much better than the rest of us peasants .


Fire - Buff fireball damage so we’re not so dependent on GPY
Frost - Buff frostbolt base damage - it’s a wet noodle when not frozen or nova’ed
Arcane - Don’t play it enough to recommend a reasonable buff

Disc -Reduce mana cost for Shadow mend
Disc -Buff Power word shield damage absorb since they added a debuff
Holy - Buff Heal and flash heal

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