Lock Fear Chaos Bolt Cut damage under fear

Probably right on chain stuns, I play a Survival Hunter an maybe it is the way I play against a warlock that puts me at a disadvantage.

That being said, unless I can stay behind you and keep some damage going I really find it hard to beat the warlock.

Warlock has some kind of stun too but it is very short it seems by comparison to some others classes.

Then they do have a fear, so if times right by the warlock they seem to have an advantage over me.

I try using a pet bird that is supposed to keep you from healing and he casts some spell like every 6 seconds and it makes a neat sound screeching but it has no effect that I can tell.

I got a real dinky stun as far as I am concerned, I can try an run away but it last so short that like with a druid it clears an he runs and spam some spell like moon-fire I think it is.

That is like a dot too so I cant cant or use bandage…

Where you getting these numbers?

They are 4th spec in 3s
And 3rd in 2s.

Yes they are stupidly strong I am not arguing that.

Yeah well that’s kind of what it takes to succeed bub. Even with those things it doesn’t guarantee success.

Yeah, except most WPvP players aren’t skilled at PvP. Ive been raiding Stormwind solo the past week amd winning large fights now over and over.

You do realize that not everyone aspires to be Glad or 2400+ in arena right? Nor do some have the time.
Does that mean they’re not good at wPVP? Nope furthest from the truth. Of course I suspect you already knew that since you seem to be trolling.

Oh I’m sure those 50s and 60s have been taught a lesson.


Then don’t. Success still comes from putting forth effort and doing what needs to be done.

No need for further comment


I liked it when he was silenced


You are not disagreeing with Tank…:man_shrugging:t4:

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The Loot District.


Losing TL3 from lack of forum time sucks BTW…

edit: should probably have clarified “caster rankings 2400+”.

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Your data is skewed by ONLY ranged dps specs being broken down as a ‘role’ and you have worded it in a way that seems to imply ALL specs. Either you:

1.) Don’t understand your data and have worded it poorly
2.) You do understand your data and are intentionally wording it to imply something it doesn’t actually represent.

Posted edit for clarification.

Data is still wrong though either way you slice it. There are more fire mages at 2400 than there are destro locks.

Where are you seeing this? TLD shows 188 Destro and 56 Fire 2400+



1 Warlock Warlock Destruction Warlock 41.69% (188)
2 Druid Druid Balance Druid 12.42% (56)
3 Mage Mage Fire Mage 12.42% (56)

edit: 3v3 is closer, but destro still has more.



1 Warlock Warlock Destruction Warlock 31.20% (73)
2 Mage Mage Fire Mage 28.63% (67)

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Sorry 3v3. My stats also don’t include Asia-Pacific servers. Only NA/EU

Ahh, got it. Well, can we agree that Destro and Fire are both in a good place, generally speaking?

Do you agree with Duskwalker and feel that CB should do more damage, and have reduced cast time? You play arena at high end, what do you think?

I think destro is fine where it is. It doesn’t create a healthy meta, but when it comes to top end gameplay where players aren’t making mistakes left and right it is a lot more balanced than the forums make it out to be. There are things that could be done that increase destro’s skill cap and leave it in a strong place that make playing against it feel better for everyone else.

Some classes are just easier to get away with not being punished. For instance, if a mage manages to land a single sheep vs my comp, double destro rdruid, on our rdruid and they’re RMP we lose the game. Like, that’s literally all that needs to happen. If our pet’s get ringed with the druid it’s over. If he jukes on RoF during a priest fear and gets it off it can be over. It doesn’t mean the comp is unbeatable for us, it just means it is highly unforgiving.

Without massive changes destro isn’t going to be ‘fixed’ for people to be happy with it. As far as I am concerned, nobody is ever happy with any spec any time it is “OP”. I think the biggest problem with the meta right now is RM teams and I think that’s a lot of why everyone finds destro so punishing.

I had an old friend who competed in Pokemon VGC at the World Tournament or whatever they call it. I used to ask him, what do you think of my team? And he would just say, well it doesn’t really counter the meta. I thought they were cool teams and had good ideas, but I didn’t understand the meta so if it wouldn’t perform well then I didn’t know why. Right now we see a lot of melee cleaves with tank trinkets because the meta is RMX and those teams, despite losing to RMX usually, still play decently into it. Those melee cleaves usually come with Rdruids or Hpals. Rarely do you see a monk or shaman at high rating. Then you have lock teams, and those don’t do great into RM comes because locks get roasted alive by RM but they do decent into melee cleaves and they can easily survive long enough to OOM an Rdruid, plus they have a pet that can keep that druid from getting easy restealth drinks.

Well, if RM wasn’t in the place it is right now I’d reckon that Mistweaver would be the strongest healer in the game. It is incredibly mana efficient, has huge single target healing, and has decent CC. The problem with MW though is that it gets absolutely obliterated by RM, thus you don’t see it much. When we queue D/D/R into a melee cleave with a MW we have to win with a cheeky massive chaos bolt running Memory of Lucid Dreams and pray that they’re sleeping.

The meta is the way it is right now because of RM being arguably one of the best ladder comps in the game. It is incredibly forgiving to play, even more so than any destro comp. Disabling Mechagon bracers for mage would be a step in the right direction for arena, and I think a small change like that would lead to meta changes, then we could address outliers.

I appreciate the well thought out and detailed response.

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I just ran across a guy named Treif playing a warlock he casted two chaos bolts at the same time I mean like the animations for both were in the air same time boom boom

wow.gif 10