Local costco cleaned out today,

I can relate to this so much. Still, I wear them too. I don’t linger though.

In and out, BAM! I’m done.

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All this talk about masks and shut downs makes me glad our police department put out a statement refusing to enforce any the ridiculous demands for all this.


They can’t, it’s unconstitutional.

They can try, but it takes one very determined individual in America to shut it all down.


Hmm… whose alt are you? :face_with_monocle:

That would be mine. I like her look now so I’m using her.

Man feels good living in the United States is No Covid, aka Australia

GL with that election stuff tho

lol, do it although I’ve seen funnier some are pretty good.

There are a lot of Latino’s in south Florida who do not like anything resembling communism or socialism which could explain why certain counties down there would turn red.

I love how the democrat “strategist” near the end of the video whines that labelling and fear mongering has worked as if the democrats never do such a thing like calling every Trump voter a “white supremacist”. You can see it from a couple posters in this thread already that truly believe Trump = fascism lmao or that he’s “literally Hitler”.

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Stamped out that riot pretty quick. I salute them.

I have had a strong gut feeling about who would win every election that I’ve paid attention to, and I have been wrong every single time. I hope to God I’m wrong about this one too

They are smart. Just look at Venezuela if you want to see the blue future.


I ran out of likes +1

  • Also, +1 for Majinboom above me.

They can try to say latinos and cubans hate Trump, but the truth is, there’s much much more on his side than in 2016, by around a 28 ~ 31% difference.

There’s a reason we’re seeing articles from the left about florida you know. If Miami is getting won by the GOP, they have every reason to be terrified.

Also, there was a massive boat rally down there called “Latinos for Trump” that was popular enough to warrant media attention.

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Yup, the people who have lived through and escape it it are fervently against it. I like this guy’s channel who lived through communist Russia and will pick the minds of young people who support communism in the USA and then eventually reveals to them he’s lived in the USSR.



I knew /pol/ browsed this board :thinking: you can tell by how they project and practice denial

Huh? I’m literally going off by what I’m seeing. That is not dictated by the big corporation media outlets who have quotas and agendas to follow.

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Personally what I think would be best for the USA currently would be to vote; then after have a nationwide strike and demand voting reform and a system of political accountability and transparency and a cut off age for politicians

Then burn Fox News and CNN to the ground and get reforms on journalist integrity


Here’s another thing, in the past 50 or so years, not one president who has won Florida has lost. That’s another reason why the Democrats are fearful.

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It makes me glad that people are waking up from the blue plantation. I am saddened though, after this president runs his course, we will be back to handpicked GOP mediocre globalist trash again.


I would say the same if I were aware of such a statement, but all I have to go on is police not accosting me on my recent evening runs despite my lacking a mask. Whether such is the case because of firm morals, laziness or my disheveled and homeless-seeming appearance is beyond my capacity to discern with any certitude.

I hope these restrictions et al end soon so I may strive again for a job. I dearly loved the dunces I worked and talked with daily, but this hysteria has stripped me of that simple pleasure and condemned me to rot in this ruin of a house.