Local costco cleaned out today,

The ones who tried to kidnap and murder the governor? Those terrorists?

Fearful when polls show Biden is ahead of trump in FLA :thinking:?

Hmm would you say they are getting…woke?

The ones who defended their homes from rioters and lawbreakers. I must be thinking about Wisconsin.

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Did you care when Seattle burned? Did you care when Portland had an innocent shot because of those who tried to make it a sovereign state?

If not, put a fresh clean sock in it.

Maybe Trump Jr will run. From what I have seen of him he seems alright and I think he is a good speaker.


Classic whataboutism. The law for thee but not for me.

Fearful when polls show Biden is ahead of trump in FLA :thinking:

Didn’t they say the same thing in 2016?

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That is not whataboutism.

That literally happened.

I’m not wasting my time with you. You’re ignored.

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Also doesn’t know what whataboutism is lol the hits keep on coming.

I posted a video on this thread proving that those polls are nothing to take as truth.

Remember, polls do not tell you who the individuals are voting for. They just tell you who is showing up at the polling booths.


Pretty sure they said Hillary was going to win by a landslide. Double digit leads in many battleground states. Oops.

No, Hillary was within the margin of error.

So is Biden. He is in a far worse situation than Hillary…much worse…

Oh for the love of god can’t we just wait a week and see who wins and not talk about who’s not going to win

Your elections are now so blurry someone could get 75% of the popular vote and still lose some how

Biden is not.

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Well American elections never were decided by popular vote.

If you remove CA, Donald Trump won the popular vote by 1.4 million.

People like to gloss over that in terms of “muh popular vote”

I posted a video clearly analyzing why he is, but keep thinking the media is telling you the truth.

I learned that was stupid to do in 2016.

Electoral college. Prevents the cities from deciding our president. God blessed the brains of our elders.


What media? You can look up poll numbers yourself lol.