I think this is ridiculous fear mongering.
It’s easier to manipulate people when they become irrationally afraid. This goes both ways.
I think this is ridiculous fear mongering.
It’s easier to manipulate people when they become irrationally afraid. This goes both ways.
Seeing as our country (the one north of the USA) became a threat and had tariffs placed on it justified by homeland security, I really fear for you all after that word that rhymes with direction happens.
Keep waiting for a invasion up here. Other than that, stores in this part of Canada have not gone insane yet.
Best of luck in finding bathroom tissue.
If you say so…
Masks don’t work and they’re filthy but I wear one when going to the store only because I think it comforts other people.
That’s the only reason I do it and the only place. When I go to the pub, no one wears masks.
I genuinely think they do work, but I’m happy to hear that at the very least, you are respecting the comfort levels of those around you.
I know so, historically, this is not the first time America was irrationally terrified and nothing happened.
There was a nuclear war scare, a mass computer shut down, a massive asteroid, and now, a civil war.
Don’t let yourself become a slave to fear.
I’ll also add in the 70’s there was fear mongering of another Ice age.
no masks - <— —>
one mask - <— (
two masks - ) (
Who’s afraid? I’m merely speculating… Historically the US is very much like Ancient Rome. They had the purge…
True I wear them to be able to function in society, but even then i feel like i’m betraying myself.
Im not about to become a martyr.
When you DO see videos on social media of people being ostracized for not wearing the mask, notice the people screaming are for 1)screaming 2) not wearing masks correctly anyways 3) not social distancing while doing 1&2.
We are still superstitious scared peasants that fear outsiders, and mob up on “threats”
Trump countered that Ancient Rome similarity.
Those that might repeat that are the UK, France and Germany.
And as a sane individual who has learned never to give in to fear. That makes me really wonder if this mask business is really worth it if I slip up one day and I’m suddenly that leader of Germany of the late 1930’s
History is one of my specialties… If given the right circumstances any great nation can collapse…
Just thankful I wasn’t born in China, don’t think I would have lasted very long
There was a big scare in the 70s/late 60s. I was young and didn’t understand what it was all about but I do remember a lot of cussing because all the stores were out of toilet paper. lol
I also remember at the age of 8 years being told that it was personally my fault that we were all going to die because of the coming ice age.
There’s really nothing new under the sun, same stuff keeps coming around again and again.
I figure pretty soon the good stuff is going to come rolling back around and when it does, we’ll all forget about this nonsense.
I hope so anyway. Life’s too short to be worried and fearful.
With every point of chaos and strife in history, there is always a point of peace and calmness that comes with it
And a lot of that chaos. Was irrational fear.
I recently purchased a bidet off amazon and i gotta tell you, it is AMAZING, definitely worth the $50.
But yes, politics is all about division and now a days we have props to allegedly declare what side we’re on.
It’s getting bad out there.
That’s why you should always try to be kind…
and please rewind!
age check.
I’m old too!
I’m extremely opinionated, it’s just my personality trait. However I am usually always friendly in public and I can care less about your political ideals, race, or whatever.
Don’t come to me acting like a jerk, you won’t get that response in return