Local costco cleaned out today,

The best thing about getting that 9th judge in is now it cant be a tie if it goes to the Supreme Court, I don’t think there was a precedent or plan if it was a tie at 4-4.

Whether you’ll like the outcome or not is a different story.

Does all this count as “entertainment”?
Maybe Blizz could bless us with a Cry Room though.

Idk, I clicked on the thread and went straight to the last post.

its going effect middle class and he did say he going raise your taxes.

for a Practicing Catholic, he sure doesn’t like talking about God and back abortion that would excommunicate from the church.

I’ve not seen a lick of this, and I won’t comment on Trump’s arms dealings.

Iran hates us no matter what we do for them “Death to America” is their favorite chant. Why do business with them who end up hating us?

and yet Brazil, China and India are still polluting the planet everyone is ignoring that…Waste of time and waste of money to chase “the Sun Monster”

“Who built the cages Joe?”

and they can’t fix the homeless crisis in CA but its more important to focus on illegal immigrants…

that pretty much defund the police and Joe doesn’t haven’t any law enforcer to endorse him but Trump.

He wants to Fracking that going cost millions of jobs.

Killing babies not very catholic is he?

the Left doesn’t like when right has free speech or have weapon to defend. They do hate the 2nd amendment and our founding fathers

Electoral college works just is fine. you got get better candidate and I don’t want big state like NY or CA to tell me who our leader is going to be.

Biden loves money after all, he enrich himself by using his son and his brother while he VP.

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I have several Wow type face masks and a few others with neat designs. i’d wear them too.

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Most people want the same things, the division comes when they’re given 2 opposing avenues on how to obtain those things.

We’re going to be divided for awhile yet but I figure sometime in January, maybe a bit later than that so maybe March/April, it’ll calm down as we find a common goal to work toward.

I think that if they don’t stop politicizing diseases then we’ll eventually be turning on each other for a time.
Then whoever’s left will turn on them.


Also remember, the polls don’t tell you who those democrats are really voting for, just because they show up to the polls as democrats, doesn’t mean they are voting democrat.

Beware the swords the have a blue hilt, but a crimson red blade. Hillary learned that the hard way.


Sticking to ops theme and avoiding political…covids rising again across the globe not just us. But specifically in the us we are starting to see stores prepping for winter (the ones not already looted). So somethings may be limited idk. Far as next week goes i just hope people are smart and stay home if you can.

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Things are still limited here, it never stopped.

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This this this. I’m tired of human issues becoming political ones. The virus doesn’t care what your party is.

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that and the amount of people that think masks grant immunity. They see it as some rune of protection instead of makeshift barrier that may reduce the odds of transmission by a few percentage points.

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Sometimes I read through these threads and wonder what shape the tin foil hats are? Are they beanies? Or like a conical-shape? Or do they get all fancy with it and do some fedora magic?


Wait… masks aren’t a pally bubble? :scream::heart:


Oh there is and when threads go there, they :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull: :skull: :wilted_flower: :wilted_flower: forever.

Eh, I hate wearing them.

However even if the number is somewhat insignificant. It’s better to comply and avoid confrontation by those who believes it’s instant protection.


The biggest question, besides who will win the election, is:

Why isn’t this thread dead yet?

Likely because most replies (at least since I joined) have been civil.


The deluxe model.



Lol, that’s amazing. Thank you

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Just be nice to people and be kind in general. When or IF this whole thing becomes the purge then be afraid. When that day happens even the nicest of us will be looking for those who are deserving…