I’m looking for an old Warrior buddy named Muklior. I just remembered his name the other day.
Yooo what up!!
Still on live Llane now with this toon!
Also played as a human pally Elayna.
Amyliz was in Operation plan B
Holy blade of Llane
Ties that Bind
And a couple of other ones.
Miss a lot of you guys!
Made toons on Pagle. I’m excited!
Original Alliance main was a night elf hunter named Loganx. Also had a dwarf paladin but I don’t recall the name as I’ve changed it a couple times.
I played Alyse - Human Rogue. I guild hopped a bunch in my younger years, and a lot of these guilds look familiar. I think most of my time was spent dueling outside Ironforge. I remember Dackster and Pumps being unbeatable. I spent most of BC playing in Fatal Tactics
I had completely forgotten about Sons of Ironforge!
Chickendodo here NE Druid -
I forget, so many guilds.
I don’t remember any names, and the ones I do I’ve got on bnet but hit me up if you remember me and maybe it’ll come back to me
Oh man, I remember I quit Knights of the Storm (?) to join Pure Sin because of my buddy Stumply!
I see you Balz.
Played Alliance on Llane
Characters: thewingman (hunter)
Guild: Knight of the Nocturnal
left at the start of lich king
Attikusfinch here, I have Khalid on Steam Nightbabe, also have Favour’s details and plans for Classic.
Also look on the Dath’Remar Boards for them, we moved there as a guild (Novus Orsa) at the start of BC.
I would love Quis’s details if you get htem
Those memories! Quis not hitting rebirth for about 30seconds as he didnt want to bollocks it after our first Vael kill!
Rav being naked for our first Nef kill as he didnt want repairs as we were trying the Battleshout spam method and he didnt like it, then getting his judgement chest…
Cruin was the nicest and one of the most competent raid leaders I have ever had.
Holy sh*t Edge and Lily, I remember you guys! I played as Korribard, human Mage
was your first toon a warlock named ltbriggs?
pretty sure twilight’s dawn was one of the first guilds i was in. was the MT a warrior named Ben?
Hi guys - god what a long time ago. I am Yourmate (Warlock), and Twyll (Priest). I also sometimes played Jin (a rogue)
I am more a pvp realm kinda guy now.
I think I remeber you from BDD… Yourmate (aussie warlock!). Who was our raid leader? I remember him being a pretty cool lad.
No wayyyy. Fenril! I remember you from FOREVER ago. I think we used to duel all the time outside IF…
Damnnn Hipzop ! Yourmate here (aussie warlock). Are you playing on the PvP server for classic?
Always wondered what happen after the split up, I ended up rerolling on barthalis around that time.
Cant believe how many names I forgot! Lolipup, donvito, frdrittz, alyssa
Look up the guild on warcraftrealms