Llane Alliance Reconnections

Hello my vanilla friends :slight_smile: , see ya on Pagle if you’re around.

Character: Madness (Priest)
Guild: Irate Pirates, Fahrenheit

Some fun memories! 1337sauce fo sho :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello all good to see some familiar names:

Character: Repo
Guild: Gamers At War

Hope to see you all in game soon. Theres a few old GAW members that still chat. We haven’t decided on a server yet but feel free to reach out to reminisce!


I just stumbled on this thread. What a trip. Such a delight to see so many familiar names, some I haven’t thought of in years that awoke many memories.

Lily…Fenril…thanks for the mention, hope you’re both doing well.

I’ve heard Susannah mentioned who came with me to Aegwynn, along with Lily, Edge, and others, after we left Llane to try something new on a PVP server. I’ve not heard from Susannah since those days.

I do have plans to return with Classic on a PVP east server. I’ll be playing with some serious killers but it’s not a very big group so far. If anyone is interested in joining us please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Anyone here from:

Veni Vidi Viscera
Robots in Disguise

I used to run VVV and pugged into some content with the other two back in the day when I wasn’t in trade chat. Hope you all are doing well!

yes Sir, LtBriggs. blizz made me change it once they started the pvp ranks then the lock became iamLtBriggs

Shambalance when they gave alliance the totem love :slight_smile:

What’s your user ID (yourmate here)

OMG! Demonterror! How the hell are you?! You coming back on Pagle with us?

I have fond memories of running MC with gamers at war with “All heals on Repo” being shouted on vent. (I played Alyse Human Rogue)

Alyse!!! Of course i remember you! Some of us still hang we will be getting together for classic. I really hope to catch a few of the old members hanging around. Join us on our discord even if you dont play on our server. I miss a lot of you people! Send me a message and ill get you the info… which goes for anyone else as well!

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<3 you right back! I thought you were abducted by aliens.

Canada is considered a freshwater-rich country. Only the best for you!

this time we finish naxx :slight_smile:

Hey man, you gonna buy me another epic mount this go around?

Duffguy here, Night Elf Warrior
Guilds - Black Dragon Dynasty, In Cold Blood

Lots of familiar player/guild names here, glad too see so many still around. I used to pug dungeons a lot, grind BGs, and troll trade chat back in the day. I played off and on through the years, mainly on my Warrior tanking. I mained Hunter in Legion/BFA, inspiring me to go Hunter this time around Classic to clear raid content. I’ll prob roll Pagle but still not sure yet. Also check out Vanillafriends its another tool for people to sign/lookup people still around from classic who plan on playing again.

Thanks for the Memories all, Can’t wait till Classic drops.


lol, not bonfire, haven’t seen him in a long time, this is darkenfire, i put a human rogue named darkenfire on pagle, look me up when it gets going :smile:

lol did i last time? I think i may of did that a few time haha consider it done in 8 months when i have a 100g hahaha

Awesome good to hear from you! We were in the same guild at the time you were still ltbriggs.
You might remember My main toon human mage named Volken. We were in a guild called evolution. The guild leader at the time was a human warrior named Thefuture.
Any plans on playing classic?

Yeah, I’d love to join you all. I don’t have a group playing or a server picked yet. I don’t think I can PM you on here. I’m playing a new alt Haldas this weekend on Llane. Send me a message.

Speigal- Nelf Hunter
Koyuki- Human Paladin

Guilds - High Dragon Council/Red Nightmare- vanilla through BC
PVP Patrol - Wotlk

Playing on Myzrael in Classic.

Oh god, not Rafa.
