Llane Alliance Reconnections

Yes I remember you!

I just messaged Jinkuya on Facebook to see if he was going to play Classic.

Great, I moved over to Herod too yesterday because apparently everyone wants to play on a PvP server this time around. Just Angellic because someone already grabbed Aurellia. :confused:

Supeerrr long time! Thought I’d come back to try out classic since that was when I truly had fun playing this game lol. Hoping to run into some old friends as well. :slight_smile:

I played a gnome rogue, Sneedly! Good times.

BRIGGS! I REMEMBER YOU! Remember Hotkarl, the Gnome Mage? He was the GL of Naked Ambition. I used to be in Ventrilo with you at times. Holy hell…

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This was a twink :pleading_face:


Bloodraines Human Paladin
Spirits in the Night
Used to pvp a lot on Llane in Vanilla and going to Thalnos Horde side this time

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Original Llaner, Nelf rogue named Brittany, trolled a lot, was in a few guilds I can’t remember half of, 2 kids does that to ya.

Shas, I haven’t seen any of our old crew in years, wonder if any of them still play

Heya everyone, figured I’d post my stuff / backstory up here:

  • Character: Zuriatsu, Gnome Mage
  • Guilds: GM of Remorseless, then went to Overwhelming Injustice for Raiding, then Judgement towards the end of Vanilla as a PvPer/F&F Member
  • PvP’d a decent amount back then- only got to Lieutenant Commander (Rank 10) since I was still in high school and had a PT job back then, but rolled with some of the old crews in BGs whenever they had a spot for me (FTL, WoWkaholics, Judgement).
  • I was mainly a part of The Divine Rite BGs crew with Gradorn, Crien, Skinfaxi, and Dragonmex (haven’t heard from any of them in years though), and also played with (and still am in contact with) Predator, Witt, Comadore, and Dominicim. If anyone remembers him, Crimsonshadw is IRL friend of mine, but there’s no way he’s coming back to Classic XD

Shoutout to Aurellia/Angellic! :smiley: I remember those fun times doing BWL, AQ40, and Naxx with you, Amysmage, and Megane (I forget if there were other mages lol)

Hoping to re-connect with any old-school OI/Judgement/DR people, or any of the PvPers from back then- prob gonna roll a mage again, or a priest, or a rogue (I haven’t played this rogue since the clearing the first raid tier of this xpac). I’m open to whatever realm/faction, but if and or all of the Witt/Comadore/Pred/Dom group do come back and pick something I’m prob gonna roll with them. :slight_smile:

-Zuri (aka Zurix now)

Anybody remember Bigpudd? :rofl:

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Divine!!! Hey!!!

Hello my friend! You are the reason I made my now main Warrior! <3

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http smg dot photobucket dot com/ user/ Nitebabe/ media/ wow/ Onydown dot jpg dot html


MALI!!! HI!!! What’s up!

tip hat
Nostalgia to strong…I will be drinking the Classic Kool-Aid :slight_smile:

I played a Human Rogue (usually dancing on the mail box lol) and a NE Hunter named Dallygirl I didn’t have really any guilds until right before BC hit I was later in several guilds including The Holy Knights of Ramune I was often in battle grounds. Just before BC hit I was hanging out with a Human rogue named Aenubis who later changed his name to Syphir, a druid named Landaris, a druid named Dezerai, and another player named Kirkan. I had and still have a faithful bear named Spankydoodle lol

Holy crap. Thanks for the memory :smiley:

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Night Elf Warrior
Guild: For The Lose