Llane Alliance Reconnections

Hey Del!!! How’s things man. It’s good to see y ou’re still around

Is this the same Lumi that used to roll with Smight, Hollyhammer, and Wyatt?

Nightbabe! find me at Sarcasmo#1752
playing classic over on Old Blanchy


It’s amazing seeing all the names!

I spent my time back then on:
Wyatt - Paladin
Twinkletoes - Rogue
Supplies - AH junkie

When I started I played with Kings Praetorian Guard.
Moved over to Waste of Time
Played gap-filler healer on some post MC raids into BWL with other guilds
Late vanilla (the final 3 or 4 months?) I was all PvP
at that point a small group of us were under BackAlleyJustice

Seeing Lumi, Repo, and Nightbabe here already broke my brain.

Still like to find Papasmurf, Hollyhammer, and in general just know where every one ended up landing for Classic (outside of Herod).

I’m over on Old Blanchy - PVE West Coast Alliance
Find me with Sarcasmo#1752

I stream over on FB under Nokken dot live and you can find the discord info in the about section there. Jump in some time and have a reminisce.

Catchya in Classic 0/


Where’s all my Fahrenheit people at?

Defrocked/CD, Night Elf Priest

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Pagle! Get on! Join the channel Llane.

Maddie said to call you a hussy by the way.

That sounds like something she’d say that damn hussy.

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Add me by the way. Bacchanalian #11277

Popa worked at EB games in penguin, tasmania. Time for a road trip to track him down

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Were you in Bling before or after Timmer fade into the abyss

If any of your Fellowship of the Bling are out there we are on Mankrik

that’s all I could have hoped for! <3


Hello former Llane-ites! This has been my main since Vanilla. I was in a few guilds, but most notably Knights of the Storm. I’m on Atiesh, same class, race and name.

Say hello if you see me online.


NYTEBLADE!!! I remember competing with you both on Recount, and for gear. KotS, right? I saw Sendera on live some months back. Has anyone heard from Lorne?

Windsbreath, NE priest - Yyewen, NE hunter

Sadly I don’t really remember my guild names xD too long ago!

LONAWOLFE! Holy names I remember. Boo Atiesh. All us crazy Fahrenheiters are on Pagle, you should come say hi at some point.

Hi! I played as Geia the Gnome rogue on Llane. I feel like I remember so many of you! How exciting!

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So where did everyone end up? I still havent started on classic yet. But i may later today…

Edit: This is Mortimer/fantastical/etc from Irate Pirates/Iron Circle

Fahrenheit (including ex IP priest Madness) wound up on Pagle. Feel free to drop in and say hi!