Group of about 50ish ex-Rapture, Judgement, Irate Pirates, BDD, IVM, and Vengeance people are on Herod Alliance. Still checking to see if anyone else is interested. Falc#1131
Different Lumi
Hahah! Heya! Everyone’s favorite crazy cat lady (didn’t you have that title at one point?)! Hope you’re doing well!
Still with Irate Pirates on Llane as Duncan after all these years. have a level 12 Warrior Duncana on Atiesh or Azuresong. I think IP went over to Mankrik. I msure ill make a toon on there as well.
WhiteKitten WSGers FTW
I sure did, and I still have Petra if you remember her! It’s been a crazy old life, but I’m doing pretty good.
Holy Hell, Brittany??? Wow, long time. Not sure if you remember me from WOTLK, but I definitely remember your trade chat trolling.
Characters I played: Heruscourge(DK), Herudruadict(Druid)
Guilds I was in: Red Hammer
Most of the old members I’m still friends with, but I pugged a lot so i wonder if anyone else remembers me.
A lot of the guilds on here I remember seeing and seeing people from them is crazy. Blast from the past.
I ended up on Mankrik alliance but if I found someone I used to run with I probably wouldn’t be opposed to flipping servers.
Yeah I think that Fellowship of the Bling was the first guild I was in. Amazing that you guys are still around!
Alliance player on Llane back in the day
Greatlink - Night elf warrior
Guilds: Thunderstruck and The Guildless
Would love to catch up and reconnect with anyone other there from the old days xD
Oh snap, i was in that guild with my brother back in vanilla. I played a rogue named Chinanigans. i think he played a lock named Lutherr and i think a rogue named Ajaxx.
is that the server you are on?
omg GEIA! hi
I remember chasing Cadienne down as Kryphta (rogue) in WSG quite a bit.
Scarmatta - Dwarf Priest.
Was in quite a few different guilds throughout the ages on Llane: Judgement, Rapture, Golden Nuggets, Spirit of the Yeti, etc. Quite a few Ascension, golden nuggets, and Rapture formed a guild on the server Herod: Vintage. Come join us!
Chicken yo
Character: Aviar (Hunter), Lockbane (Mage)
Guilds: Vengeance, Redeemed
Mort… Ya crazy bastard. Been way to long since i heard you piercing laugh in Molten Core haha.
and oof was on the wrong character…
Duncan here back with IP on classic come on down.