Llane Alliance Reconnections

Group of about 50ish ex-Rapture, Judgement, Irate Pirates, BDD, IVM, and Vengeance people are on Herod Alliance. Still checking to see if anyone else is interested. Falc#1131

Different Lumi :slight_smile:

Hahah! Heya! Everyone’s favorite crazy cat lady (didn’t you have that title at one point?)! Hope you’re doing well! :heart_eyes_cat:

Still with Irate Pirates on Llane as Duncan after all these years. have a level 12 Warrior Duncana on Atiesh or Azuresong. I think IP went over to Mankrik. I msure ill make a toon on there as well.


WhiteKitten WSGers FTW

I sure did, and I still have Petra if you remember her! It’s been a crazy old life, but I’m doing pretty good.

Holy Hell, Brittany??? Wow, long time. Not sure if you remember me from WOTLK, but I definitely remember your trade chat trolling.

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Characters I played: Heruscourge(DK), Herudruadict(Druid)

Guilds I was in: Red Hammer

Most of the old members I’m still friends with, but I pugged a lot so i wonder if anyone else remembers me.

A lot of the guilds on here I remember seeing and seeing people from them is crazy. Blast from the past.

I ended up on Mankrik alliance but if I found someone I used to run with I probably wouldn’t be opposed to flipping servers.

Yeah I think that Fellowship of the Bling was the first guild I was in. Amazing that you guys are still around!

Alliance player on Llane back in the day

Greatlink - Night elf warrior

Guilds: Thunderstruck and The Guildless

Would love to catch up and reconnect with anyone other there from the old days xD

Oh snap, i was in that guild with my brother back in vanilla. I played a rogue named Chinanigans. i think he played a lock named Lutherr and i think a rogue named Ajaxx.

is that the server you are on?

omg GEIA! :slight_smile: hi :slight_smile:

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I remember chasing Cadienne down as Kryphta (rogue) in WSG quite a bit.

Scarmatta - Dwarf Priest.

Was in quite a few different guilds throughout the ages on Llane: Judgement, Rapture, Golden Nuggets, Spirit of the Yeti, etc. Quite a few Ascension, golden nuggets, and Rapture formed a guild on the server Herod: Vintage. Come join us!

Chicken yo

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Character: Aviar (Hunter), Lockbane (Mage)
Guilds: Vengeance, Redeemed

Mort… Ya crazy bastard. Been way to long since i heard you piercing laugh in Molten Core haha.


and oof was on the wrong character…

Duncan here back with IP on classic come on down.

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