Llane Alliance Reconnections

Character name: Syntax (Human Warlock)
Guild: We Chose The Blue Pill

Anyone know if the old gold farmer Linglong will be back? Loved trolling them.


Linglong was a great contributor to the community… they did all my enchants!


YARR! You coming back for classic Lore?

BattleTag is Silentdreams#1828 for you, and anyone else interested in reconnecting!

Omg Dark! Woah! Long time no see! I’ll look you up tomorrow :slight_smile: I am Lexxy on Pagel! See you soon!

Hey Skully, I remember you too. I was even on your horde guild when you swapped.

OMG Lumi?! It’s ultimately your fauly I started playing wow haha.

(It’s Amethyst btw!)

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Hello! I played and still play as Bùmblebee, Night Elf Druid. I was am still am the guild leader of The Night Watchers! I love you guys! Miss you all!

Hello! I played and still play as Bùmblebee, Night Elf Druid. I was am still am the guild leader of The Night Watchers! I love you guys! Miss you all!

Apparently it was posting as an alt I don’t pay anymore XD

Huh was my favorite hordie. He had a little alliance warlock too, right?

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I miss your dumb face and our ridiculous drunken shenanigans. There’s at least one MC night that I can only remember the stupid nonsense we got up to and the rest is blacked out.


Is this the Mali I think it is?!


I should mention that I am still with Tyrashi (Gnome Warlock - Insomniacs) or Stormraged (NE Druid) He may or may not pop in here. Anyone remember Belcher!? Hahahahaha Loved the trolling amongst all the hate XD

My BNET is Bumblebee#1409 and Discord is Tiatake#3768

Friggin Chickendodo. You were such a goober, always made me laugh though.


Character: Worth (Holy Priest)
Guilds: Gamers At War, Black Dragon Dynasty (and a few others I am forgetting)

Still playing on Llane but casually over the last two expansions. Should out to Repo, Ciagrim, Troy, Lily a few who I noticed on this posting that I played with. I’m currently playing on Myzrael but would love to reconnect with old friends from original WoW.


Character: Leophi (Rogue) / Zarp (Druid)
Guilds: Black Rook Hold, Irate Pirates

Not sure on server yet with new servers poppin up and que times… going to get back in… can’t miss out on the nostalgia grab…

Lots of familiar names out there!

Have a channel up for those of you Alliance folks playing on Pagle. Just called Llane.

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DEATHRINGER <3 <3 What’s up?

Worth!!! hit me up on battlenet! Nice to see you again brotha. Bunch of us oldies are all chilling together on classic. We’d love to have you man even to just come join our discord! Me del kiandaru dyno grab cirril and a bunch others! Repo#1745