Llane Alliance Reconnections

Haha, what’s up dodo!

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You definitely paid for mine originally.

Hey there!

Davidka - human warlock
Guilds: Loreseekers of Azeroth, Black Rook Hold

Great memories running MC with BRH with a raid organized by Nanoc and Nilsa! Great times in LSoA with Farty and Tush


I remember doing groups with you in Vanilla and BC several times.

Lots of old Rapture/Judgement/Ozz/Nuggets are doing a guild on Herod Alliance if anyone’s interested and wants to sit in voice during our 5 hour queue.


Hello fellow Llane born characters!

Josiliz reporting in!

I still play this game yep, and I still have my warrior! On retail SHE lives on Moon Guard now as Light Forged Draenei under the name Josilette! I main a dranei shaman now by the name of Debrakette also on Moon Guard. I have one other char at 120, my druid Terrabella, on Moon Guard as well.

WHO am i looking for…gosh…i knew so many people! Guilds I was in. Lords of Light, Horizon, Overwheling Injustice, Rapture, and my own guild Polymorph.

Oh those days. Characters that I distinctly remember. Falco, JInkuya, Firstknight, Titarus, Lifeless, Funsize, Frostpumpkin, Raxxar, Ji, Navakiller, Divastarr, Zenithstorm, Sax, Ises, Regicide, Sleek…

I have ran into some of you when i was on realms connected before. Send me a message if you want to link up again.

whats up Titarus! Josiliz here…i posted but i scanned back through the threads…good to see you still playing! ha

I saw some other names mentioned, Susannah was one that caught my eye. I remember she was in the same guild and I crafted her two of those Blazing Rapiers for her and she was tearing it up in STV arena…haha…


how could you not put down the guild you started on Llane, HORIZON!

I miss those days…it has a been a while…

other names that come to mind…

Justicehero, Kuroitatsu, Syndaar, Sinion…

i have some vivid memories from Llane back then…dueling outside IF with my priest friend Raxxar…dueling in the main trade area of IF, i dont remember who it was, but i dueled some mage i distinctly remember beating them with a spell reflect when i ran over the bridge to other other side towards the AH, lol.

Who remember who the Grand Marshall RET paladin was back then. I forget his name. Always had fun dueling him.

I remember when i was a lowbie in Lords of Light and dueling some hunter that was SKULL to me. LOL. LVL 60s back then were so scary…

another char I remember now. DUCKMAN and THORSEN, the two players that took me under their wing when i was just a newb. Paladins. Remember running ULDAMAN so many times…and Thorsen got that slow weapon speed mace from the last boss and was so stoked…lol

Farming herbs for raids, mining ore…Felwood herbing. Farming arcanite crystals from Dire Maul thorium nodes to for the arcanite bar transmutes. I knew so many alchemists…LOL

I would love to talk to Jinkuya again. It was while I was in OI that I was able to craft my TF back then and he was the GM that allowed me to do so. I remember that vividly as well, that day, and them playing pranks on me that day, lol.

It is truly crazy how this game has tied so many people together. I would totally buy dinner for a lot of the people I knew then if we all came to blizzcon one of these years and gathered.

I see some have posted battletags…mine is


I originally posted under one of my alts Jezzlyn, sorry for the confusion.

I wanted to add, does anyone remember the pickup group MC organized team from back then? I was a part of that before i joined a raiding guild back then. It was so cool that we were able to do that. All I remember was the main organizers name was a hunter that started with A, that is all.

oh who remembers the dwarf female priest named Hug…lol just remembered her…

Paped? There are a few Grand Marshall pallys but he is the one I remember best.

Played on Llane starting late vanilla.
Character name: Alenos (Human Prot pally)

I was in Panda Brigade before it turn into rapture. I cant remember the Leaders name tho, just that it was a female and a druid.

WARS!!! DUUUUUUUUDE!!! You going to be playing classic man and if so what server? Im on Atiesh under the original name bud. Add me up on Bnet, Dlugo#1283. And you’re friends with Sin too, damn havent heard from yall in…oh sh*t about a decade or longer. Glad to see yall still playing. Lemme know where yall playing at. Definitely will keep an eye out for Nikou as well.

eh :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably stab some pigs and die to hogger

CLONA was the guild leaders name.

LINN here from White Fang and eventually joined rapture as we were running MC and Onyxia.

Thatguy - Saux was our leet warrior

I’ll be on Atiesh with my druid that looked just like Linn but this time i’ll be called Marsela. My mage alt will still be Arianita like in the old days.

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Wow cant believe going through this thread i actually found some one I remember,
But do you remember me (Lightfather) human pally

Played Alliance on Llane
Character: Pumps (Priest) and Granna (Warlock)
Guilds: Panda Brigade and Rapture

I’m gonna join the folks on Herod…cya there

Any players from Early Dragon? Morning Guild ran from Vanilla to Wrath.

Char: Shannanan- Pally

Elfwong was the GM

Llane Alliance Skullguise (Hunter) Ties that Bind, malevolent strike. I remember you!