Live Developer Q&A Thursday, January 24 – Submit Your Questions

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Will warriors be allowed to transmog 2handers into 1 handed weapons in 8.2? Many of us still strongly identify with single minded fury.


When will guild permissions and the “IsOfficer” box be addressed? We’ve been waiting for information since the pre-patch.


Arcane mage is probably the most underwhelming spec in the game right now. Can we look forward to some changes to make the gameplay more engaging?

I strongly agree with this poster on single minded fury. I stopped playing warrior after WoD gutted my favorite spec, fury. Single minded fury is a warrior identity and needs to make a comeback.


Can we please have more challenging solo content with cosmetic awards such as the mage tower, green fire, and the brawler’s guild rather than mindless zerg content like warfronts?


After all the Horde characters you’ve killed off over the years, to the point where two of the races don’t even have racial leaders anymore, why weren’t the Horde allowed to score a kill on either of the two Alliance heroes in the raid?

Both Jaina and the Gnome make it out safe and sound. Jaina in particular is perhaps the character that the Horde has a beef with the most out of the entire Alliance (Plus she’s ridiculously overpowered, no Horde leader can really compare power-wise), yet we were still denied the kill.



It’s really annoying to be required to stand next to a table to queue for Island Expeditions when I could be out doing other things. Can we get the option to queue from the LFG menu?


Can we also add a repair vendor by the table or make the doubloon vendor a repair vendor as well? also can we add the areas around the Island Expedition tables and the warfront tables a rested area?

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Mythic Plus has just wrapped up it’s first season, and I would like to think there is near universal consensus that Rogues and Demon Hunters are far and away the best classes for this content. While other specs and classes who bring similar benefits can lag behind.

Is there any plans to address the current class imbalance in Mythic+?



Our Guilds are STILL broken!


We need to know if we’re wasting our time (and money) waiting on a fix for our guilds.

You said you’d get back to us once we “provided more feedback”

We have done so for well over SEVEN MONTHS!

Ignoring us with the silent treatment since then is not a solution.

(2050+ posts over 7 months say so)

See: The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes - #2663 by Druunah-ravencrest

Thank you.


Does the WoW team have any ideas on ways to make the entire world (all zones), not just the current expansion area, relevant to ongoing content for players at max level to experience?

For example, giving a daily/weekly quest from your faction leader/bulletin board to go hunt a spy from the opposite faction (that isn’t just marked on the map… we need to find them!), or in the spirit of the current expansion, the opposite faction is attacking outpost X while our attention is on something else… go help!


Can the Vicious War Riverbeast PLEASE get a /mountspecial animation? I’m really bummed it went the entire PVP season without one.

The Horde season one mount has one. >.>;

Why can’t some racials be off the GCD? Racial skills like the Nightborne Arcane Pulse being on the GCD means that it ACTIVELY hurts your dps to use in most scenarios and is therefore almost never used, as opposed to being a cool skill you press every 2 minutes or so off the GCD.

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When is the Alliance going to get a questline like the Horde’s How to Ptrain Your Pterrordax? We’re still down by a mount.


Do you plan on adding another way for us to use our War Resources? Perhaps something similar to the Order Resources vendor in Legion?


What compelled the team to move into a seasonal format? And how do you feel this is any different from where raids were released when patches came out?


Professions have no real significance, are we going to get more than just those profession items mentioned at blizzcon?


Are you happy with the way the Prestige system works in PVP right now? I enjoyed it (capped) in Legion but now new rewards are like thousands of honor levels away. Why should I bother?


Just want to add I am tired of everything being marked on our map. Would be nice to actually need to find something again or feel the need to look it up.

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Any plans to increase the maximum number of characters across all realms? While you increase the realm maximum with each allied race, the total cross-server cap has stayed the same since Vanilla. Forcing some of us to delete high level toons in order to make an allied race


Blizzard is there any chance of making the gear progression meaningful again?